ROH on Honor Club Results – 6/20/2024

No cold open, as we go right into the title sequence, and a rundown of tonight’s card, featuring TWO title matches, as well as hearing from our ROH World Women’s Champion and Women’s TV Champion. SO MANY CHAMPIONS HERE TONIGHT. And it looks like we’re starting with someone who could be knocking on the door of an IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title shot soon.

MATCH 1 – Aaron Solo vs. Titan

This is actually not Titan’s ROH debut, as he appeared in the War of the Worlds 2017 tour (also involving Rev Pro, NJPW, CMLL). He was in a featured match on one date, losing a ROH World TV Title match to KUSHIDA. He also appeared at Final Battle 2017, teaming with Dragon Lee and Flip Gordon to challenge for the ROH World Six Man Titles, as well as teaming with Dragon Lee in a three-way tag against the Young Bucks and Best Friends. He also lost to Cody on ROH TV in 2018. He’s coming off a solid run in the recent Best of Super Juniors touranment, as Ian helpfully points out. He picked up a win over eventual tournament winner (and current IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion El Desperado. He, Kevin Knight, and TJP were the only ones to pick up wins over Despy. So, I feel pretty good about Titan picking up his first ROH win here, and sure enough, after a decent back and forth match, that’s what happens.

Titan pins Aaron Solo following a top rope double stomp in 6:18.

MATCH 2 – Cole Karter, Griff Garrison & Anthony Henry vs. The Infantry & Serpentico

Once again, The Workhorsemen are split up, as Henry returned from his broken jaw just in time for JD Drake to sustain an injury of his own. The Spanish Announce Project/Baby Boys feud continues.

Karter, Garrison & Henry def. The Infantry & Serpentico (Anthony Henry pins Serpentico) following a facebuster variant in 10:00.

On the stage, Lexy Nair informs us that an emergency minion empowerment meeting has been called, and introduces Billie Starkz and Athena. Athena on crutches. Athena says she tore a couple of ligaments, and will be out 4-6 months. This is not how she thought her title reign would end. She says it is best for the division, for ROH, and for MIT, if she KEEPS THE ROH WOMEN’S WORLD TITLE AROUND HER WAIST. She says she will remain champion forever, and Queen Aminata interrupts, with Red Velvet. Aminata asks if Athena is really hurt. Velvet accuses Athena of faking, just like Billie did to win the TV Title. Billie piefaces Velvet, and Velvet shoves her back into Athena, who crumples to the stage. Ian and Caprice discuss not being able to know what’s true in this situation, and Ian promises we’ll get updates as we get closer to Death Before Dishonor.

MATCH 3 – Jacoby Watts vs. Brandon Cutler
Watts is out first (with Nick Comoroto in tow), and proselytizes in the ring, until Cutler interrupts. As I wonder about the logic of Cutler being a face in ROH and heel in AEW, he buries and misidentifies the town they’re in. So we’re doing a heel vs. heel lower card match. Weird choice. Either way, Watts picks up the win after a Stunner on Cutler (complete with a Scott Hall-style sell).

Jacoby Watts pins Brandon Cutler with a Stunner in 2:18.

MATCH 4 – Marina Shafir vs. Maggie Minerva
Maggie is also known as Maggie Lee on the midwest indies. She works DREAMWAVE, Black Label Pro, Glory Pro, to name a few. That said, this is every bit the squash you’d expect.

Marina Shafir wins by ref stoppage with Mother’s Milk (front sleeper) in 2:06.

The Kingdom are backstage, and say they’ve won titles all over, they’ve been teaming since 2014, and they’re never mentioned among the best tag teams and it pisses them off. I appreciate The Kingdom calling Menard and Parker “2point0” because they haven’t been called that much.

MATCH 5 – The Iron Savages & Jacked Jameson vs. Isaiah Harris, Jay Marston and Eric Eznite
Only one of the three men on the…well…enhancement team has a Cagematch bio. Probably not a good sign for them. Sure enough, The Iron Savages play with their food for a while, but end it with a different move, as Jameson and Bronson launch Boulder in a Rocket Launcher.

Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson def. Harris/Marston/Eznite (Boulder pins Jay Marston) following a Rocket Launcher in 4:27.

MATCH 6 – Lance Archer vs. Deonn Rusman
Archer does his usual attack before the bell, and they helpfully wait for him to pose in the corner before the opening bell. Probably fair to assume Archer isn’t following the Code of Honor. Russman has been mostly working SCW Pro, out of Davenport, Iowa, and also got obliterated by Rush on Dynamite last week. He doesn’t fare much better here. But hey, it’s twice as long as he lasted against Rush. Hooray?

Lance Archer pins Deonn Russman following Blackout in 3:16.

Atlantis Jr. is backstage, and he wants to challenge the winner of Kyle Fletcher/Lee Johnson, at Arena Mexico! He wants to show that the best wrestlers are in CMLL. Interesting.

MATCH 7 – Diamante vs. Leyla Hirsch
Just as I’m about to type this in my notes, Ian correctly points out that Diamante has never beaten Leyla Hirsch in singles action (0-2). It’s not mentioned as much, but this has to have implications jockeying for position for a Women’s World TV Title shot at minimum. Diamante had things going her way, but got reversed into an inside cradle for the surprise pinfall.

Leyla Hirsch pins Diamante with an inside cradle in 6:23.

Post match, Diamante attacks and lays out Hirsch.

MATCH 8 – 2point0 vs. The Undisputed Kingdom(c) – ROH World Tag Team Titles
A helpful video package reminds everyone of Daddy Magic Matt Menard’s win over Mike Bennett four weeks ago to earn this title shot. The beatdown was on afterward, though, becasue Parker was on his honeymoon. After a nice hot tag to Menard, Taven does a front flip off a punch to the gut as he comes off the top rope. It remains one of my favorite bumps because of how nonsensical it is. The crowd pops big for the Boston Crab by Menard on Bennett, a tribute to one of his idols, former AWA World Champion Rick Martel. A tag title belt slides into the ring, and Menard picks it up to waffle Bennett with it, but Rick Knox stops it, and the ensuing tug of war leads to Menard getting rolled up by Bennett for the three.

Undisputed Kingdom def. 2point0 (Mike Bennett pins Matt Menard) with a schoolboy rollup in 10:04.

MATCH 9 – Lee Johnson vs. Kyle Fletcher(c) – ROH World Television Title (2/3 Falls)
Back in April at Supercard of Honor, these two had a 20 minute banger over that title, which Fletcher emerged victorious. A few weeks ago on ROH TV, Johnson challenged Fletcher to a rematch, and here we go, 2/3 falls.
Johnson hits a dive to the floor before the bell, and continues to take chances with a top rope crossbody to the outside less than a minute in. Fletcher hits a brainbuster on the apron, and a golden star powerbomb, and it gets a two. I feel like that should have been a fall. Fletcher gets the first fall in 11:48 following a brainbuster and the kneeling piledriver. We kill time in the break between falls with Doc Sampson checking on Johnson after about a half dozen head drops in the first fall. Johnson counters the lawn dart, driving Fletcher into the corner, and gets a pin with an O’Connor Roll in 15:30. Johnson hits an inside-out sunset bomb to Fletcher to the floor in a jaw dropping spot. Bryce goes to check on Fletcher after a series of moves, and when Johnson goes to challenge him on it, Fletcher almost crushes them both in the corner. With Bryce’s back turned, Fletcher hits a low blow and the BRAINBUSTAAAAA for the pinfall.

Kyle Fletcher def. Lee Johnson 2-1, in 20:39.


Total Episode Time: 1:49:19
Total Match Time: 1:05:31 (59.9%)
Average Match Time: 7:16

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