TNA Thursday Night Impact Results & Review (June 20th)

TNA aired Impact from Cicero Illinois at Cicero Stadium & we got 5 matches on tap.

Kicking off this week’s Impact with Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha Edwards gets the mic and asks the crowd if they want to know something and everyone boos her. She says they should be grateful for witnessing history. She says they’re looking at the most dominant force in professional wrestling.

TNA World Tag Team Champion Eddie Edwards gets on the mic and says his bride is trying to the people that they are looking at the one and only true super team in the world of professional wrestling.

TNA World Tag Team Champion Brian Myers asks when are the idiots are going to get it and how many of their heroes does The System have to beat up. He says The System is the greatest faction in professional wrestling history.

He introduces the man who had their backs Johnny Dango Curtis. Curtis asks what they do when they sit for three months not booked and underappreciated.

He says they start to question themselves if they can do what they’ve been doing their whole life which is professional wrestling. He says he is the best professional wrestler in the world in the ring and on the mic. He asks what else they have in life. He says Eddie Edwards and him started together in Boston.

He says he has known Alisha since she was 15 years old. He says he considers Brian Myers his brother and they started in developmental together.

He says he knows TNA World Champion Moose is trepidatious about him but he trusts in the System and that Moose can trust him.

Moose says he’s not part of the System yet. Moose says The System is unbeatable and he is unbeatable.

He says he hasn’t lost in 2 years and there isn’t a soul that can beat him. He says they’re bringing outsiders to beat The System but the outcome has remained the same. Santino Marella comes out and says he’ll give credit where it’s due and he’s in the middle of a great run.

He says the TNA roster is stacked so he came up with something called The Road To Slammiversary. They’re going to have matches to qualify for a Fatal 6 Way Elimination match for the TNA World Title. He says Johnny Curtis has a match against Ryan Nemeth tonight. He books Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young in the main event.

We see highlights from Against All Odds.

Backstage promo by ABC and Bey says people saw a monumental victory by ABC but it’s time ABC get those TNA World Tag Team Titles.

We see footage of Kazarian backstage at NXT & says Joe Hendry tried to steal his thunder. He says he could’ve become NXT Champion.

Tag Team Match
Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle)

Allysin Kay whips Marti Belle into Jody Threat in the corner and Belle pins her for two.

Tag to Kay who hits a splash followed by a punt kick by Belle for two.

Belle gets the tag and she locks in a sleeper but Threat fights out of it and goes for the tag but Kay pulls down Luna.

Luna gets back and gets the tag & Luna hits a suicide dive on Belle on the outside.

Allysin Kay hits a back body drop on Luna for two.

Threat hits a senton on The Hex and Spitfire hit a combination move on Marti Belle for the win.

Winners: Spitfire

We see highlights from Matt Hardy at Against All Odds.

Backstage promo by Matt Hardy & he is livid for laying hands on Reby Hardy. He says Reby will get her chance and says he is not alone anymore. He says his wife and his brother are here and they are going to create bedlam and chaos and take over.

Kushida is backstage and Alan Angels comes up to him for the Sound Check. Angels says there is no one he would rather be asking questions to right now.

We see highlights of Kushida’s story with Jonathan Gresham.

Kushida says Gresham is making everyone sick and he is looking for the cure. He says his mom is a doctor.

Angels says Kushida is looking for something to monetize and says nobody believes him.

Kushida walks off. Angels says this is his show and asks if he’s trying to start a fight. Kushida says they will fight next week.

Chicago Street Fight
Frankie Kazarian vs. Ace Steel

Ace Steel hits a running dropkick on Kazarian in the corner followed by a neckbreaker on a steel chair for two.

Frankie Kazarian looks for a Crossface Chicken Wing but Steel fights out of it then Kazarian hits a slingshot DDT for a two count.

Kazarian locks a Crossface Chicken Wing with a kendo stick but Steel kicks him in the groin.

Steel grabs a steel chair but Kazarian slingshots him into the corner and hits a Fade To Black onto steel chairs for the win.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

After the match Kazarian attacks Steel but Joe Hendry runs out and hits Standing Ovation on Kazarian.

X Division Champion Mustafa Ali is backstage with Campaign Singh and says somehow some video appeared with some distorted audio. He says he wants Singh to put together a team of the best. He says next week he will have a Mustafa Ali will have a State Of The Union.

We see PCO walking backstage as people clap for him and he attacks one of them and everyone runs away.

Steph De Lander & PCO come out to the ring for their date. She says it’s good to finally have a date with a normal person. She asks what PCO likes to do for fun outside of wrestling and he screams. She asks the waiter for the wine and PCO pours wine into De Lander’s glass until it pours out. He opens the lid and there’s spaghetti. He says it’s called the Stephanie Special. PCO eats it with his hands and Stephanie suggests he use a fork and feeds him with it. First Class comes out and says the problem with cheap wine is that the next morning it’s like they got kicked in the head. Digital Media Champion AJ Francis throws the wine in PCO’s face and hits a fireman’s carry slam on PCO. Swann ties PCO onto the ropes De Lander slaps Francis so Francis chokeslams her into the dinner table.

Ash By Elegance vs. Heather Reckless

Heather Reckless hits an uppercut in the corner on Ash By Elegance and runs towards her but gets a boot in the face.

Ash goes to the top rope and goes for a Spanish Fly but George Iceman hangs onto Ash’s leg and Ash hits Rarefied Air for the win.

Winner: Ash By Elegance

After the match Ash does the Jordynne Grace pose and goes for a Juggernaut Driver but Grace comes out and goes for a Juggernaut Driver but instead goes after Iceman but Ash pulls her by her hair from behind and hits her in the face with the Knockouts Title.

Jordynne Grace is backstage and says Ash ruined a very special moment for her and she will talk to Santino Marella and handle it once and for all.

JDC vs. Ryan Nemeth

Ryan Nemeth hits a DDT followed by a neckbreaker but JDC gets out of the ring.

Nemeth throws JDC back into the ring but JDC kicks the rope into his groin as he was entering the ring and hits an elbow drop off the top rope for the win.

Winner: JDC

After the match TNA World Tag Team Champions The System come out and attack Ryan but Nic Nemeth comes out and clears The System out of the ring.

TNA World Title Qualifying Match
Eric Young vs. Josh Alexander

Eric Young locks a Sharpshooter onto Josh Alexander but he gets to the bottom rope.

Young locks in a kravat on Alexander but he gets out of it and hits a flapjack on Young followed by a knee onto Young’s head for a two count.

Alexander hits 2 consecutive German suplexes but Young fights out of the 3rd and hits a Death Valley Driver for two. Alexander hits a running splash onto Young on the apron.

Alexander goes for a moonsault but Young moves out of the way.

Young goes to the top rope but Josh follows him. Young punches him down and hits an elbow drop for two.

Young goes for a piledriver but Alexander flips him over and locks in the Ankle Lock.

Young hits a neckbreaker followed by a piledriver and goes for a pin but Alexander gets his foot on the bottom rope.

Young goes for a piledriver off the top rope but Alexander brings him down and gets a Ankle Lock.

Young fights out of it and hits a discus clothesline. Alexander hits a snap German suplex and hits C4 Spike for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The TNA World Title Match At Slammiversary: Josh Alexander

Next Week’s Impact

TNA World Title Qualifying Match
Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann

TNA World Title Qualifying Match
Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan

Kushida vs. Alan Angels

Impact (July 4th)

TNA World Title Qualifying Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

TNA World Title Qualifying Match
Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry
