WWE Main Event Results & Review (June 20th)

WWE aired the 612th episode of Main Event from Corpus Christi Texas at the American Bank Center & we got 2 matches on tap.

Zoey Stark vs. Ivy Nile

Match starts off with a lock up and Ivy Nile plans Zoey Stark on her face.

Nile controls with some mat wrestling and hooks a side headlock before a roll up from Nile gets a two.

She catches Stark in mid air and walks around the ring with her before doing some squats before hitting a SOS Slam.

Nile heads up top but Shayna Baszler jumps on the apron to distract and that lets Stark trip her off the top rope.

Stark with a clothesline and then she hooks a cravat. She gets a couple two counts with the hold but Nile fights to her feet and breaks with a snap German suplex.

Head kick from Ivy followed by a headscissors then a running kick followed by a suplex for two.

Nile runs into am elbow in the corner but blocks a German suplex and sends Stark head first into the turnbuckle.

Stark gets to the apron and lands a head kick to break then comes back with with a springboard dropkick for two.

They trade pin attempts and Nile lands some kicks but goes for the headscissors one time too many and it gets countered into Z360 for the win.

Winner: Zoey Stark

Julius Creed vs. Tyler Bate

Julius Creed with a shoot in and he takes Tyler Bate to the mat. He gets a one count and starts rolling Bate around the mat. He gets wrist control but Bate is on his feet and can escape.

Bate uses the ropes to escape but makes the mistake of playing to the crowd and gets dropped on his feet. Bate lands an uppercut in the corner and counters a gorilla press with a headscissors.

Creed to the floor but Bate follows with a flip suicide dive as we go to a break.

After the break Bate ducking a clothesline but gets caught trying a crossbody.

Julius switches to a vertical suplex and fights off his knee to complete the move as Bate was kneeing him in the head. That gets a two count.

Creed was sitting on his ass while holding the suplex and got back to his feet to finish.

Bate blocks another attempt with a DDT. Springboard uppercut gets a two count as Creed is out easily.

Fireman’s carry but Creed elbows out and hits a clothesline. Bate back with a rebound clothesline for two.

Bate with a sunset flip for two then a backslide for a two count then a Magistral cradle for two.

Bate gets caught and Creed gets belly 2 back suplex that flips Bate on his face. That gets two.

Julius heads up top and tries a moonsault but Bate rolls out so Julius lands on his feet.

Strike from Bate and airplane spin before Creed with a backdrop but Bate lands on his feet.

Creed back with another suplex then a clothesline gets the win.

Winner: Julius Creed
