NJPW New Japan Soul 2024 Night 5 Results & Review (June 23rd)

NJPW aired the 5th night of the New Japan Soul tour & we start the B Block side of the G1 Climax Qualifying Tournament.

Location: Ibaraki Japan
Kamisu Bousai Arena

Tag Team Match
Junior Heavyweight Champion El Desperado & Shoma Kato vs. Just 5 Guys (Yuya Uemura & Douki)

Shoma Kato & Yuya Uemura starts this match with them traded intense mat reversals before El Desperado & Douki tags in and traded more offense.

Desperado hits a spinebuster and locks in Numeros Dos before Douki locks in Douki Chokey but Desperado reached the ropes.

Desperado hit a suplex and they were both down. Uemura & Kato tags back in with Uemura hitting some chops. Kato hit a dropkick for a near fall and they traded roll ups.

Uemura hooked both arms and hits Deadbolt Suplex for the win.

Winners: Just 5 Guys (9:45)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuya Murashima vs. Tomohiro Ishii & Tomoaki Honma

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tomhiro Ishii starts this match and they immediately traded forearm strikes.

Tomoaki Honma & Katsuya Murashima enters before Murashima tried some forearms on Ishii but he completely no sold them then Ishii drops him with just one blow.

Honma locks in a half crab on Murashima before Tanahashi hits a 2nd rope summersault senton on Honma for a near fall. Tanahashi hits Twist & Shout on Ishii. Murashima hit a dropkick on Ishii.

Ishii immediately put Murashima in a Boston Crab and sat down on his lower back for pressure but Tanahashi made the save. Murashima hit another dropkick on Ishii.

Ishii re applied a Boston Crab and this time Murashima taps out. 

Winners By Submission: Tomohiro Ishii & Tomoaki Honma (8:26)
Rate: 6

6 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan, Television Champion Jeff Cobb & Francesco Akira) vs. Just 5 Guys (Taka Michinoku, Sanada & Taichi)

Great O Khan & Sanada kicks this match off with a feeling out process and O Khan hits Mongolian Chops.

Francesco Akira enters and hits a basement dropkick on Sanada.

Jeff Cobb tags in and bodyslams Sanada then hit a standing moonsault for a near fall then Sanada bodyslams Cobb but sold pain in his lower back.

Taichi tags in and hit a Helluva Kick on Cobb then a spin kick to Cobb’s jaw for a near fall then Akira hit a top rope crossbody on Taka Michinoku.

Michinoku hits a superkick on Akira for a near fall. Akira hits Fireball for the win.

Winners: United Empire (9:35)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
United Empire (NEVER Openweight Champion Henare & Callum Newman) vs. House Of Torture (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)

House Of Torture attacks United Empire during the ring introductions.

Callum Newman got whipped into guardrails and House Of Torture worked him over in the ring.

Henare got a hot tag and hit a Berzerker Bomb on Yujiro Takahashi.

He hits a Samoan Drop on Yoshinobu Kanemaru then hits Streets Of Rage to get the win.

Winners: United Empire (9:56)
Rate: 5

Tag Team Match
Bishamon (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi Hashi) vs. Bullet Club (Chase Owens & Gedo)

Bishamon beat up Chase Owens at the bell before Bullet Club rolls to the floor and started to walk to the back but Bishamon ran to catch them. Gedo hits Hirooki Goto with the hammer for the ring bell.

In the ring Goto hits a clothesline on Owens before Yoshi Hashi hits Headhunter.

Gedo tags in but Yoshi Hashi tied him up on the mat as Goto hits a back suplex on Owens before Bishamon hits Shoto for the win. 

Winners: Bishamon (8:01)
Rate: 5

Champion vs. Champion Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax Block B Qualifying Tournament
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Toru Yano vs. NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg

Match starts off with a feeling out process then they went to ringside where Toru Yano hit a chair shot across the back and he tied up Boltin Oleg in the curtain along the edge of the ring.

Oleg struggled to free himself then in the ring Yano kept him grounded.

Oleg finally hit a shoulder tackle and a bodyslam then a running splash to the mat for a near fall.

Oleg hits a gutwrench suplex before Yano hits a belly 2 belly suplex.

Yano hit a slingshot that sent Oleg onto the top turnbuckle.

Oleg hit a shotgun dropkick and a Vader Bomb for a near fall then sets up for the Kamikaze but Yano escaped got a backslide and a near fall.

Yano hits a low blow mule kick and got another roll up for a near fall before Oleg rolls up Yano for the win.

Winner: NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg (9:16) (He will face Hiroshi Tanahashi in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 6

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax Block B Qualifying Tournament
Satoshi Kojima vs. TJP

Match starts off with a a feeling out process before TJP hit a shoulder tackle that drops Satoshi Kojima.

Kojima hits one back before they went to the floor where TJP whips him into the guardrails. In the ring TJP hit some rapid fire chops in the corner. Kojima hit a standing neckbreaker.

TJP snaps Kojima’s left arm backward, and Kojima rolls to the floor and sold the pain in his arm.

TJP hit a summersault slam off the apron onto Kojima on the floor. Kojima hit a DDT onto the ring apron.

TJP crawled back into the ring at the 19 count then Kojima now hits Machine Gun Chops in the corner before TJP hits a facewash kick in the corner.

Kojima hit a mid ring DDT before TJP tied him in a mid ring Octopus but Kojima reached the ropes.

TJP hit a springboard DDT for a near fall. Kojima went for a Stunner but TJP rolls free and TJP hit a running knee to the back of the head for a near fall but he missed a Mamba Splash.

Kojima hits Koji Cutter for a near fall then hits a Lariat for a near fall then a brainbuster for a near fall.

TJP hits a superkick then hooked an arm & got a forward roll to score the victory.

Winner: TJP (12:50) (He will face Taichi in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 7

8 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (Tetsuya Naito, Yota Tsuji, Titan & Bushi) vs. House Of Torture (Ren Narita, Dick Togo, Evil & Sho)

Tetsuya Naito & Evil starts this match before Bushi hit a hurricanrana on Sho.

Titan hit a springboard crossbody on Sho then Dick Togo whips Titan with a belt then he beat Titan up on the floor. Meanwhile Evil whips Naito into a guardrail too.

In the ring Togo untied Titan’s mask then Togo hits a knife edge chop to Titan’s groin for a near fall.

Yota Tsuji enters and hits a backbreaker over his knee then suplexed Evil.

Naito tags in and hits a deep armdrag on Ren Narita then a swinging neckbreaker then Evil hits a fisherman’s suplex on Naito for a near fall.

Titan hit a flip dive to the floor on most of House Of Torture.

It allowed Naito to hit Destino on Togo to get the win for LIJ.

Winners: Los Ingobernables De Japon (11:31)
Rate: 5

Semi Finals (July 3rd)

NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg

Taichi vs. TJP
