The Actual Reason For Daniel Bryan Vs The Miz at WWE Super Show-Down Being So Short

Many rumors were floating around as to the reason for the match between The Miz and Daniel Bryan as short as it was. It turns out that the real reason was how Triple H wanted to use the time.

Brad Shepard discussed this on Barnburner’s No Holds Barred podcast about what happened at Melbourne and he revealed something that he was told during the event. This is what he had to say:

“Triple H was in charge of the Super Show-Down and put himself in the main event and gave himself nearly 30 minutes with The Undertaker and after talking to a source in WWE about this, this was their feedback and I’m going to quote them: ‘What more do you need to say there? This is not subjective on what planet do these two need 30 minutes?’” 

It’s unfortunate that the match was cut short simply because Triple H wanted more time in his own match. But, that’s just how it is.

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h/t to Ringside News for the transcription.
