Eddie Kingston Fights Fan At AAW Show

Independent wrestling is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get. At the most recent AAW show, many things were buzz worthy. Most notably, The Young Bucks showing up to get their receipt on The Lucha Bros. The crowd was raucous and rowdy, and it made for a special moment.

Sometimes crowds bring a certain energy that can’t help but be absorbed. Which is what I’m assuming happened to a certain fan in front row of the AAW show. Earlier in the night the fan got into a heated argument with Mance Warner during his entrance.

Then after dodging a beat down from Good Ol’ Mancer, the fan decided he would berate Eddie Kingston later in the night. Out of all the wrestlers to try and piss off, Eddie Kingston should be one of the last ones on the list. He brings an aura of authenticity that is very hard to come by in wrestling. He backs up his tough guy attitude and doesn’t take any crap from fans. As you can see in the video below.

Surprisingly, MJF was on the card and only had loads of toilet paper thrown at him. A few days earlier he was also in a fan altercation.

It looks like we are getting back to the “good old days” when fans would attack wrestlers. I’m not sure if it’s the safest idea, but the unpredictability that a moment like that brings is hard to beat. Hopefully, fans wise up and realize what will happen. You get beat up or throw out.

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