RVD Discusses WWE HOF, ECW One Night Stand And More

RVD recently sat down with Danial and Vikram from the Dropkickpodcast to talk all things wrestling. With it being confirmed that RVD has now left Impact wrestling, this interview took place shortly before. RVD had the opportunity to talk about the possibility of being inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame, the ECW One Night Stand, and also discussed working for Impact Wrestling.

Vikram asked RVD about if he should be inducted into the next WWE HOF, and who would be the one who does it.

RVD: “I think like the obvious answer is probably Paul (Paul Heyman) and I think that’s definitely the right person.

Danial: “ Has WWE contacted you for the hall of fame in the future or has there been any talks” 

RVD: “ No sir” 

Danial: “I hope you know that you’ll definitely get in there, I can definitely see it happening” 

RVD:” I can definitely see it happening but knowing how things work um i could also see it not happening or not happening for a long time” 

Daniel then asked RVD about his emotions for ECW’s One Night Stand back in 2006, and what it meant to face John Cena.

RVD: “I was excited you know I’m trying to remember, what it was you know exactly what I was feeling like. I know I was excited.  I was happy. I went when I was in WWE they they put me through a lot of cycles of being excited happy like really motivated and disappointed and then being you know you know tired and burned out and they’re being excited again they happen a lot because think about I came in with ECW right like yeah and then I don’t know. I guess maybe I don’t know, if that fizzled out first or what but then I had the hardcore title I was like yes!. 

Those were my favourite kind of matches I made the hardcore title more than it was ever meant to be. I was main eventing house shows live events as they call them.  it was supposed to be a joke before I had that title you know what I mean so anyway then you know they’d be like every I don’t think there’s an exception to that I think. Everybody in the wrestling business  for sure when they’re in WWE, at some point you get promised some stuff that it isn’t delivered you know that happens everybody because there’s so many people that meet several times a day changing plans you know.

Trying to fight on why we should go in different directions on tonight’s show and we should push this guy instead of that guy and so that happens to everybody and I remember like I felt like I was on top of the world. We’re we’re bringing back ECW as a third brand, are you Fuc*king kidding me?!  I was feeling like man, maybe gonna finish my contract and that would be it but I can go another 10-15 years. My style , ECW style so excited at that point. I also remember like I didn’t allow myself to totally believe that I was going to be leaving champion until it happened.” 

Finally Vikram asks RVD if he has any plans on retiring and when he may want to do so,

“Sure I thought about it, I’m kinda surprised I’m still wrestling because I thought I knew I was winding down a couple years ago and then I thought that I was just gonna keep doing 10-12 matches a year. That’s winding down for me and I was thinking I would even work my way down but then I signed with Impact you know so then all of a sudden I’m doing 3x as many matches still super great schedule maybe like 2 days or 3 days once a month something like that. I don’t know I could do it anytime dude. I can’t see me missing it like all the other guys do. I think it’ll be able to deal with it really. I like the way that it keeps me in shape you know makes work out a stretch so I can keep doing all my s**t and stuff I like. I like that there’s definitely a lot of benefits from it, you know honestly like everybody in the dressing room.

They’re not only hungrier than me but I’m so happy to give them the tv time because they want it you know they want to. They want to go out there and work their balls off and I’m usually you know trying to get my s**t in and be professional but at the same time you know. Less is more, I’m going to be 50 in December. 49 right now, I want to say I am going to retire I probably will do it before I’m 51 maybe won’t retire I don’t maybe I’ll be like Dory Funk JR. Maybe I’ll just keep the boots in the bottom shelf.”

With RVD leaving Impact, it was good to see what he thinks of the business, the WWE HOF, and what the future may hold for Rob Van Dam.

H/T to Danial & Vikram from Dropkickpodcast

You can find the full interview on the Dropkickpodcast which can be found on the YouTube video below.

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