Possible Reason For Davey Boy Smith Jr Not Making Return To WWE

Davey Boy Smith Jr. made a name for himself in the independent circuit following his exit from WWE many years ago. He is quite in demand right now, but he has mentioned in the past that he is open to making a WWE return.

However, he has not returned to WWE as of yet. Tyson Kidd spoke to the DropKick Podcast, where he revealed how hard he is trying to convince Davey Both Smith Jr. to return to WWE.

“Man I’ve been trying to convince him to come back for a very long time and I’ve never left. I’m waiting on this guy to come back. He’s funny, he’s interesting. He’s always been this way his whole life and then you know it’s all the credit to him.”

“He kind of always and I mean this in a positive way marches to the beat of his own drum and he kind of does his own thing. He’s not easily swayed, Which I really like about him. It’s not like I just talked to him one day and I’m like ‘hey man come back here,’ and then he goes, ‘okay’ and then just like you know comes back and then a month later he’s unhappy.”

“He weighs everything out and he puts a lot of thought into everything he does and I know obviously how the world has changed these last nine months has affected him, in terms of he just hasn’t been wrestling very often. Not until the last bit he had a couple matches finally but he’s supposed to go to Japan and stuff and those plans got altered.”

“So where he ends up honestly at this moment I don’t know. I recorded a thing for who knows when this will come out but I recorded WWE icons on the WWE Network for Davey Boy. They asked me about Harry and I said hopefully when this comes out he’s back here.”

We will have to see whether he will finally return to WWE next year.
