Beth Phoenix Reveals Molly Holly Paid For Her Training At Ohio Valley Wrestling

Molly Holly has had an impact on several women in the world of professional wrestling, but none may have a story with more impact than Beth Phoenix.

Beth’s journey to becoming a professional wrestler found her meeting Molly at WrestleMania 18 in 2002, revealing their encounter changed her life for the good and gave her a lift in the pursuit of her dream.

Recently, Phoenix revealed that she at that meeting she gave Molly a VHS tape of one of her matches and a photo and Molly Holly wound up taking the tape immediately to Dr. Tom Prichard and the two wound up studying it nearly immediately.

Despite not getting hired after a tryout months later, Phoenix found herself traveling to Ohio Valley Wrestling where not only did she get advice from the WWE Hall of Famer, but Molly eventually helped her pay her way through training with the then developmental territory for the WWE.

“Molly introduced me to Nick Dinsmore, who said, ‘You know what, if you really want to take this seriously, you’ve got to move to OVW. You’ve got to move to Kentucky. I’d like to get you a tryout with Danny Davis.’ Danny invited me to come to OVW. I was not getting signed, let’s be clear. He was offering me an opportunity to come train at OVW, so there was tuition involved. I had no money, and I had school loans, but I was like, “I’m going to figure it out.” I dropped everything and moved to Kentucky.”

“I went to give Danny my first payment, and Danny handed me out a receipt back for a much larger amount. I said, ‘You made a mistake here, Danny.’ He said, ‘No I didn’t. A little birdie believes in you and wants to help pay your way.” Molly had paid for my tuition.”

Molly Holly has a list of stories about her kindness and generosity throughout her career, and in the case of this one, it seems like her generosity set up the success of a woman who she now joins in the WWE Hall of Fame.

thanks to Fightful for the quote

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