Roman Reigns Talks About How People Relate To His Tribal Chief Persona

There has probably been no bigger turnaround in fan reception in the last year than the one Roman Reigns now has. After often being derided by the fans as the company’s top babyface, Reigns has found new life and a larger fanbase since returning to the WWE at SummerSlam last year and turning heel.

Since then, Reigns has become The Tribal Chief and fans have praised his promos and his in-ring work since his return. Reigns spoke with People Magazine ahead of WrestleMania about his new character and revealed that he feels there’s a lot of who he really is in the persona.

“It feels good. There’s a lot of truth to what we put into the Tribal Chief character, the burden of the crown, of being the face of the company. I think everybody would like to be Superman, but to be able to have some of those Superman qualities, then also display the emotions, the mentality that comes into it, and the way it can affect a man. People connect to that. People understand the struggle, people understand these different battles, these emotional battles that my character kind of displays on a weekly basis. I think it allows for a different connection, and that’s why it’s been received so well.”

A lot has changed for Reigns since his return to the WWE, namely his new alliance with Paul Heyman. Heyman has been instrumental in crafting this new gimmick for Reigns and has really helped him take off with it. The last few WrestleMania matches of his have seen him struggle to get a positive reaction, but with fans not being in arenas for the duration of his time as The Tribal Chief, one can wonder how they’ll react when he makes his entrance Sunday night at WrestleMania.

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