Owen Hart Once Filled Vince McMahon’s Office With Hogs

Owen Hart has been gone for a long time at this point, but his legacy continues to live on through the Hart family.

While Owen was never truly memorialised in WWE due to the accident that took Owen’s life, AEW have two tournaments named after the great. We broke the news earlier this week that Owen will feature in AEW: Fight Forever.

On this weeks edition of “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy“, Matt spoke about Owen and what he thinks of the tournament:

“I’m so happy that AEW is going to be celebrating the life and career of Owen Hart through this Owen Hart tournament and also through producing different Owen Hart merchandise as well. I’m so happy that Martha and Owen’s memory and their kids are going to be honored somewhere in the pro wrestling venue.”

Matt Hardy on The Extreme Life Of Matt Hardy

Matt also told a hilarious story of a rib involving Vince McMahon and a room full of hogs:

“They had the hog pen match between Triple H and Henry O Godwinn where they were wrestling in the mud at the In Your House PPV. We were there as extras. I remember someone pulled up and came by us. I was out there with some other guys. He said, ‘Excuse me. Do you know where we need to go? We are here delivering the hogs.’ I remember Owen came roaring out of the hallway and he said, ‘Hey, you’re the guys with the hogs? I’ll show you where to put them. Come with me. Come with me. Come with me.’ We kind of followed this because he seemed very suspect when he was doing this. He was up to something.”

“There’s always a huge sign on Vince’s office and he removes the sign. He said, ‘This is where they go. They all go right in here. We’re going to store them here until showtime.’”

“They put several hogs in Vince’s office. We’re like, ‘Oh my god. This fu*king crazy son of a bitch, like is he trying to get fired’, and he’s dying laughing about it all. I remember we sat around and we watched the situation. Vince comes walking back. He grabs the door. opens it, and a hog comes running out. He looks in and he sees all those hogs. He turns and yells, ‘Owen!’ He knew immediately as soon as the hog ran that it was Owen.”

Matt Hardy on The Extreme Life Of Matt Hardy

H/T To Wrestling News Co for Transcription

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