Backstage Reaction To MJF’s Dynamite Promo

MJF cut a promo on AEW Dynamite this week that began to blend the real with the work and it was well received by fans, with many putting it in a category all on its own. Shoot/Work promos aren’t new, but MJF proved his talent once again. No one knew what to expect and from the moment he opened his mouth, the entire arena was enthralled by what he was saying. It seems so were the talent backstage.

Fightful Select has reported now about the reaction backstage to MJF’s promo:

Tony Khan had indicated to numerous talent over the years and indicated that working talent isn’t something they should expect there. Also, there were talent at MJF’s scheduled meet and greet who ended up having to stay and do extra work in order to make up for the MJF no-show who weren’t clued in of a potential work. 

It was also noted that one talent said that they stayed away from the story because it is tough to gauge MJF’s motivations. However, the idea that “MJF is always working” was repeatedly debunked.

A longtime friend of MJF’s claimed that MJF was adamant to them backstage that the situation wasn’t a work. However, that talent also said that it reeked of desperation on screen to make something happen, and they don’t believe Tony Khan or AEW would allow that on television without a payoff or a plan.

Fightful Select

Of course, we will probably never know the full details of how this situation became a storyline and if it always was one. With Max being just 26 years old and to take on this responsibility shows to the quality he has to captivate an audience. Hopefully this will lead to Tony having the faith in MJF to pay him what he’s worth.

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