Forbidden Door
The show Forbidden Door produced by AEW and NJPW can be considered a success for all parties involved. Despite the success it was, there has to be some improvements if we ever get another show like this.
One of the first things that needs to improve is for NJPW to collaborate more with AEW. NJPW barely was involved in the build of the show and we only saw the big NJPW stars in the final weeks og the build. If we saw more of wrestlers like Okada and Tanahashi in the AEW programming, the build of the show would’ve improved.
Injuries were a problem too. You can’t blame promotion on that regard, it’s just sometimes a matter of bad luck. If we get another Forbidden Door show, one thing that will change is injuries. Not having wrestlers like Danielson, Punk or Omega on the show was disappointing due to injuries. Next yeat these guys are most likely to be available for this show and the card will be interesting considering this .
One thing AEW and NJPW need to improve more is their communication. As mentioned before, NJPW could’ve been involved more. Better communication between both promotions would help a lot.
Will AEW and NJPW produce another Forbidden Door show? The most likely answer is yes. The show was a success and AEW and NJPW need to do another show together, but next time they need to book a stadium for such a big show. It’s a great time to be a wrestling fan.