Mick Foley Reveals Three WWE Stars Excluded From Dress Code

Dress code in the work place is always important, except for these three individuals.

As most companies do, WWE tries to show off a professional image. You may see superstars wearing suits and ties or button ups and dress pants on the day of the shows or on companies business. But, apparently that depends on your company status. While on his Foley Is Pod show, Mick Foley revealed three names, which included himself, that didn’t have to abide by the dress code rules like everyone else.

But at that time I knew the company you know, I had that grace period where I was allowed to wear everything I wanted, anything I wanted. They thought it felt like the character’s dress code era. So it was like there was three guys that didn’t have to adhere to the dress code – Undertaker, Cena, and me.Then when I get talked to about now I have to adhere to it. Now it feels like a big part of me has been taken away you know? I feel like the guy whose wife is using his body.

– Mick Foley via Foley is Pod

Three huge names in the business not having to listen to dress code rules makes sense. Plus, we couldn’t imagine Foley wearing a suit every week and not the classic plaid shirt!

H/T ITRWrestling

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