Survivor Series 2022: United States Title Triple Threat Match Recap And Result

The US title match at Survivor Series lived up to the hype.

The match kicked off with some typical Austin Theory bullying by Lashley and Rollins. The pace was hectic early on as the three used the triple threat match rules to their advantage early on. However, Rollins would pick up the pace hitting a litany of high octane moves before hitting a pedigree on Lashley, who kicked out.

Rollins attempts a Phoenix Splash but misses, rolling through. Lashley puts the Hurt Lock on Theory, who rolls through into a pin but Rollins interrupted with a huge frog splash to break up the count. Lashley would put on a double Hurt Lock but the two men break the hold as the trio trade moves in the center of the ring much to the crowds enjoyment.

The ending spot however, would be a litany of highlights. Rollins would leapfrog off Theory to hit a curb stomp on Lashley, but he couldn’t get the pin afterwards. Rollins would hit a superplex, looking for a Falcon Arrow but would be speared by Lashley, with Theory falling into a cover. The match would end there as Theory got the three count and became a two time United States Championship.

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