Culprit Behind Kevin Owens’ Piefacing In 2016 Revealed

During the July 4th, 2016 edition of Monday Night Raw, Kevin Owens took part in a food fight. He managed to outlast everyone else in the fight. However, the segment ended with a pie being thrown at Kevin Owens’ face.

The identity of the pie-thrower was never revealed. While speaking on Oh… You Didn’t Know? Road Dogg revealed that Vince McMahon was planned to be the payoff to that angle.

“We never let out who it was I don’t think, it was going to end up being Vince [McMahon] but I think we just didn’t say.”

Road Dogg on Oh You Didn’t Know?

We’ll have to wait and see what WWE will have planned for Owens in 2022, as fans are invested in his current storyline with The Bloodline.

H/T to Ringside News

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