Clarification On Viscera Allegedly Popped Viagra Pills Like Candy”

Teddy Long is known for his extensive collection of wrestling stories, often shared with fans during interviews. Among these anecdotes, Long has recounted a memorable incident involving Viscera consuming a significant amount of Viagra backstage.

While speaking on MadMacDavis, the WWE Hall Of Famer talked about a variety of topics. When asked about the rumor that Viscera would consume Viagra like candy, Teddy Long clarified that while Viscera did use the medication in the past, he did not actually consume it in excessive amounts.

“I wouldn’t say he ate it like candy, but he did… he would eat some. So, here’s the story about Viscera, God rest his soul man, another great guy. Back then, when Undertaker took me to wrestling court about selling the vigra… I would always sell Viscera the vigra, so the first time I sold Viscera the vi*gra, man, it did so many wonders for him. He told me, when he took the first one, he had to look down on his private parts. He looked at it and he said, ‘Who’s private part is this? This can’t be me!’”

Teddy Long

It appears that Viscera’s “The World’s Largest Love Machine” persona drew inspiration from his real-life behavior backstage. Viscera debuted this gimmick in mid-2005 during an angle with Trish Stratus, who told him he needed to take care of Kane if he wanted to be with her. However, after Trish berated him following his loss to Kane at Backlash 2005, Viscera turned on her.

H/T to Ringside News

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