Vince McMahon, WWE Named In Lawsuit Over Racism And Wrongful Termination

Vince McMahon has been named in yet another lawsuit.

Vince McMahon has been sued quite lot in his time at the top of WWE, but this latest one has some fresh accusations about McMahon, his creative vision and more.

Britney Abrahams, a former WWE writer from 2020 to 2022, filed a lawsuit on April 25 against Vince McMahon and other executives within the company, citing racial discrimination and wrongful termination.

The lawsuit states:

“It is clear that despite Plaintiff’s excellent work performance, Defendants actually terminated her employment based on her complaints about Defendants’ racial discrimination and due to her race and gender.

While Plaintiff’s employment with WWE was a harrowing, traumatic experience, the events complained of herein do not reflect a unique incident, as rudimentary internet research paints a similarly distressing picture of discriminatory abuse and misconduct by WWE and those occupying the most powerful positions within WWE.

The totality of these acts demonstrates a pattern of discrimination intentionally perpetrated by the WWE management and executive officers against Plaintiff.

For a considerable period following her termination Plaintiff was unable to locate permanent work due to Defendants’ discrimination and defamatory statements regarding her work performance.

Upon information and belief, Defendants devised, implemented, and executed a scheme through which they gave disparate, preferential treatment and superior benefits to male and white, Caucasian employees, while knowingly and intentionally denying equal treatment and benefits to female and black, African American employees, including Plaintiff.

Defendants discriminated against and terminated Plaintiff on the basis of her race, color, gender and because Plaintiff complained about and/or opposed the unlawful conduct of Defendants related to the above protected classes.”

Britney Abrahams Lawsuit against WWE and Vince McMahon

Abrahams is hoping to receive the following:

An award of damages in an amount to be determined at trial, but in any event in excess of the jurisdictional limit of any other court which might otherwise have jurisdiction over this matter, plus prejudgment interest, to compensate Plaintiffs for all monetary and/or economic damages, including but not limited to, the loss of past and future income, wages, compensation, seniority, and other benefits of employment.”

Britney Abrahams Lawsuit against WWE and Vince McMahon

WWE and Vince McMahon have not been officially named as defendants and the company is yet to release a statement on the matter.

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