Effy On Lacey Evans: She’s a Homophobic Antivax Republican And Is “Gross and Always Has Been”

Lacey Evans recently debuted a new gimmick, after the failure of all of her previous ones. This gimmick once again channels her military roots (and we thank her for her service) but it also channels Sgt. Slaughter, WWE’s other military-themed wrestler (though, to be fair – out of the two of them, Lacey Evans is the only one to have actually served in the military).

After Sgt. Slaughter’s daughter took offense to the homage of her papa, Evans responded, saying she’s the former WWE Champion’s “biggest fan.”

Then, Slaughter himself got involved, tweeting that his daughter “takes no prisoners.”

Evans responded to that as well, seemingly body shaming Sgt. Slaughter and challenging him to give birth.

While this newest gimmick change has elicited backlash with the fans, it’s far from her biggest controversy.

Evans previously came under fire for a myriad of ill-advised tweets and comments; like the time she shared a conspiracy theory that suggested autism and ADHD were the result of processed foods. Or the time she teased a special needs child. Or the time she bungee-corded her child into a stroller she found in the street. Or the time she shared an Instagram post that said the cure to depression is to “make more money.” Or…well…you get the picture. Lacey Evans says dumb stuff a lot.

But! She is well within her rights to do so. Evans fought for the right to say dumb stuff and for that, we salute her. She can say anything she wants. But so can other people.

One of those people is Effy, an independent pro wrestler who had some words for Evans recently.

After Fightful shared an article about Evans’ new gimmick, Effy Quote Tweeted it with a gif of Sam Elliot saying “it’s been bad from the beginning.”

That would have been enough, but Effy double downed, calling into question Evans’ beliefs and political leanings.

“Happy pride, she’s gross and always has been bye,” Effy tweeted.

When asked by a follower why she was gross, Effy wrote that Evans is “a homophobic antivax republican.”

Effy didn’t elaborate, and Evans has not responded to those allegations.

Follow Nick at @WrestlePerks

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