Exclusive: “Cannonball” Justine Ward Discusses Opportunity To Become #1 Contender For Kaizen Pro Wrestling Title

On September 2nd at the Alderney Landing Theatre in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Kaizen Pro Wrestling will present it’s fourth anniversary show.

The main event will be a Contenders Elimination Match featuring six of the top stars of Kaizen Pro Wrestling. The winner of the Contenders Elimination Match will be named the #1 contender to the Kaizen Pro Wrestling Championship currently held by Reverso.

The six participants that will looking to earn that title of #1 contender are Covey Christ, Mya Malek, Bobby Boyette, Justine Ward, Ian Pratt and Joey White.’s Lewis Carlan caught up with “Cannonball” Justine Ward and discussed their huge opportunity upcoming on September 2nd in this exclusive interview:

How do you feel about your opportunity to become #1 contender for the Kaizen Wrestling Championship held by Reverso?

I am feeling so excited for the opportunity to become #1 Contender and go on to fight Reverso, after all Reverso was the first person to make me tap out. And I would love nothing more than an opportunity to get a shot at evening the score.

Who do you think will be your biggest obstacle in winning the match on September 2nd?

Honestly, I feel like everyone brings a different obstacle to the table. You have Joey White who’s still relatively new. Then you have Ian Pratt who is always a tough opponent, of course then you got Mya Malek who was able to do what I couldn’t. Covey Christ no matter how you slice it will be hard to defeat, it took me being at my absolute A game to beat him the first time so who knows what I’ll have to do this time. Finally you have Bobby Boyette who I cannot afford to take lightly. Not only is he double if not triple my size, but he also has an amateur wrestling background, which means not only could he flatten me, but he could tie me up in knots before doing so.

Kaizen Pro Wrestling will be celebrating 4 years on September 2nd. How does it feel being one of the regulars for Kaizen?

It’s amazing, Kaizen makes me train harder, makes me want to get better and push myself even more out of my comfort zone than I already try too. I’m so proud to be trained from the academy and to be a part of such a loving community.

How important is it to you to become the Kaizen Pro Wrestling Champion?

Very important it would be the biggest vote of confidence that I’m ready to leave and explore the wrestling world beyond the Maritimes.

What does the future hold for Justine Ward?

My future holds more matches, getting better and looking to expand my horizons in this awesome wrestling world.

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You can follow Lewis Carlan on Twitter @ShootingUpNorth 

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