Bryan Danielson Believes He Would Be The Greatest Hibernator In The World

Bryan Danielson, one of the best wrestlers in the world, believes he would also be the greatest hibernator in the world.

While having a conversation with his wife Brie Garcia on the Nikki & Brie Show, Danielson discussed his sleeping habits and said he would be the greatest hibernator in the world.

“I kind of think, and I’ve wondered this, maybe some sort of biologist would be able to tell us if this is a real thing or if this is just my imagination. I wonder if we’re not supposed to sleep the same amount of time throughout the year. For example, if humans have evolved to sleep less during the summer and sleep more during the winter. That would just make sense. I would love to hibernate. Then, I would really be excited for fall because that means winter, I’m hibernating soon and don’t wake me up. I would be the best hibernator. There is not a single person on planet earth that would be a better hibernator than me,” 

Bryan Danielson

This is not the first strange declaration from Danielson as in the past he has discussed flaccid penises, tree semen and more.

H/T to Fightful for transcription

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