NXT Results & Review (June 25th)

We are on the road to Heatwave & we will find out who will challenge for the NXT Tag Team & Women’s North American Titles.

Kicking off this week’s NXT with Ava telling officials and security to focus in order to maintain order at the Performance Center.

NXT Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders Tag Team Turmoil Match
Legado Del Fantasma (Humberto & Angel) vs. New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson) vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

New Catch Republic vs. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade

Tyler Bate & Edris Enofe lock up before Bate hits a hurricanrana to Enofe then tags in Pete Dunne.

Malik Blade tags in and hits a double dropkick to Bate with Enofe. Enofe & Blade then double team on Dunne & Enofe hits a jumping knee to Dunne.

Dunne responds with an enzuigiri then hits a German suplex/rebound clothesline combination to Blade.

Bate then flies to level Blade and Dunne sets up to land Bitter End but Enofe avoids it and hits a DDT then ascends to the top rope and looks to land an elbow drop.

Dunne intercepts him with a right hand then tags in Bate & then they hit BirmingHammer for the win.

Winners: New Catch Republic

New Catch Republic vs. Legado Del Fantasma

Legado Del Fantasma waste no time going after New Catch Republic.

New Catch Republic lock in submission holds on Legado Del Fantasma before Angel sends Bate colliding with the ring apron and fires off right hands on him.

Bate fires off right hands on Angel’s midsection before Humberto tags in and hits a Sliced Bread from the apron to Bate as Angel holds Bate in place.

Angel then tags in and Bate hits a hurricanrana to Humberto to level him.

Angel clocks Dunne on the apron to prevent Bate from tagging in then hits a backbreaker to Bate and goes for a pin but Dunne breaks the fall but Humberto levels him and tags in.

Apollo Crews runs down to the ring to distract Legado Del Fantasma but security pulls him to the back.

This opens the door for Bate to hits Tyler Driver 97 for the win.

Winners: New Catch Republic

New Catch Republic vs. Good Brothers

Good Brothers waste no time taking down New Catch Republic as we go to a break.

After the break Bate gets Karl Anderson up on his shoulders and hits an airplane spin.

He lands a right hand on Luke Gallows then tags in Dunne.

New Catch Republic look to send Gallows crashing into the mat but Anderson prevents them from doing so. Gallows then tags in and they looks to land Magic Killer on Dunne.

Dunne counters into a roll up to eliminated Good Brothers.

Winners: New Catch Republic

New Catch Republic vs. Chase U

Andre Chase fires off right hands on Dunne then connects with a Russian leg sweep on Dunne.

Chase lands Chase U Stomps on Dunne but Dunne snaps his fingers and dumps him onto the apron.

Dunne hits 10 Beats Of The Bodhran to Chase as Ridge Holland watches on from ringside along with Thea Hail & Riley Osborne. Duke Hudson tags in and sends Bate crashing into Dunne.

Bate ascends to the middle rope but Hudson pulls him down and hits Chase U Right Hands.

He gets Bate up but Bate escapes and looks to land an airplane spin on him. Hudson escapes and sends Bate crashing into the mat with a spinning slam.

Bate responds with a suplex then tags in Dunne as Hudson tags in Chase.

Dunne ascends to the top rope but Chase intercepts him with an enzuigiri.

Bate tags in and Dunne hits a sunset flip to him. He goes for a pin but Hudson breaks the fall.

Dunne snaps Hudson’s fingers as Bate sends Chase crashing to the outside.

He looks to fly but Holland pushes Chase out of the way to take the fall.

Chase then hits a crossbody off the top rope for the win.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The NXT Tag Team Titles: Chase U

We then head over to the women’s locker room where Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez confronts Karmen Petrovic after she catches her and a couple other girls watch a video of what happened between her & Lola Vice last week. A verbal confrontation between Perez & Petrovic then ensues.

Vic Joseph & Booker T then send their condolences to the Anoa’i Family on behalf of WWE following the passing of Sika Anoa’i earlier today.

After the break Ethan Page says with Heatwave right around the corner, the card is starting to come together. He says that Je Von Evans will be challenging Trick Williams for the NXT Title at Heatwave after he won the 25 Man Battle Royal last week then says he was never eliminated from the match and beat Evans later tonight. He demands Ava come down to the ring and let him replace Evans at Heatwave.

Ava’s music hits and she makes her way down. She says Page really believes that he deserves the world and can do no wrong and Page says when you’re someone like him you constantly bet on yourself and prove yourself.

Ava says Page has a point but before she can continue Shawn Spears’ music hits and he makes his way out. He says him & Page have traveled the same road and come from the same area of Canada then recalls beating Evans before Page did. Page says he knows he was busy brawling with Oro Mensah during the Battle Royal and reminds Spears that Evans eliminated him last from the match. Spears then brags about beating Trick Williams later tonight.

NXT Champion Trick Williams’ music hits and he makes his way down. He says he doesn’t care who his opponent is at Heatwave because the Toronto crowd will be chanting Whoop That Trick.

Spears & Page then attack Williams but Evans runs down to the ring to make the save. Evans & Williams dump Page & Spears out of the ring. As security holds Page back, Ava picks up the NXT Title and hands it over to Williams as Evans eyes it.

We then head backstage where New Catch Republic confronts Ridge Holland about joining Chase U despite saying he wanted to go off to do his own thing. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger then walk in and ask New Catch Republic if they can face them in a match. New Catch Republic agrees.

Stevie Turner & Robert Stone bragged about who was doing a better job as Ava’s assistant.

Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey

Wes Lee runs Joe Coffey over before Wolfgang hops up on the apron opening the door for Joe to take advantage and level Lee.

He whips Lee into the corner then connects with a backbreaker and an elbow off the ropes before Joe hits a knee to Lee’s midsection then lands a forearm on him.

Lee lands a superkick on Joe then fires off a series of right hands on him and hits a double stomp to his spine.

Lee knocks Mark off the apron with a jumping knee allowing Joe to land a slam and pin him but Lee kicks out.

Joe hits Glasgow Kiss to Lee then connects with a running European uppercut that sends him crashing into the corner and sits him on the top rope. Lee escapes and hits Kardiak Kick for the win.

Winner: Wes Lee

After the match North American Champion Oba Femi appears at ringside to officially grant Lee with a North American Title at Heatwave on the condition he never challenge for the title again should he lose as long as he is the champion.

In the locker room Sarah Schreiber interviews The D’Angelo Family ahead of Tony D’Angelo’s Heritage Cup Title defense against Nathan Frazer.

After the break Ridge Holland & Duke Hudson are backstage when a production guy gives Hudson photos from last week’s match. Holland tells him to get over it and he won and the rest of Chase U come in to celebrate. They go wild and run off and Duke shares a look with Holland before leaving.

Heritage Cup Title Match
Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. NXT Tag Team Champion Nathan Frazer

Round 1

Match starts off with a lock up before Nathan Frazer cinches in a side headlock on D’Angelo and they go back & forth before Frazer rolls up D’Angelo to score the 1st fall.

Frazer 1-0

Round 2

D’Angelo hits a back body drop to Frazer as round 2 kicks off and lands right hands on his midsection.

He connects with a spinebuster to win the 2nd Round.

D’Angelo 1-1

Round 3

D’Angelo fires off shoulders on Frazer’s midsection in the corner.

Frazer looks to roll up D’Angelo but D’Angelo blocks him and lands a right hand.

Frazer fires off several right hands of his own but D’Angelo sends Frazer colliding with the ring steps as we go to a break.

After the break Round 3 has come to a close.

Round 4

Frazer clotheslines D’Angelo out of the ring then hits him with a pair of tope suicidas and a Sling Blade inside the ring, then connects with a superkick on him and goes for a pin.

D’Angelo kicks out and Frazer looks to fly off the top rope but D’Angelo sees him coming and lands a spinebuster then goes for a pin.

Frazer kicks out and looks to fly off the ropes but D’Angelo intercepts him and hangs him off the top turnbuckle by his knees.

He looks to land a shoulder on his midsection, but Frazer avoids it and D’Angelo is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Frazer then hits a dropkick off the top rope to D’Angelo’s injured shoulder to close out Round 4.

Round 5

D’Angelo lands a right hand on Frazer as round 5 kicks off, and whips him into the corner twice.

He charges at him, but Frazer catches him with a superkick and goes for a pin.

D’Angelo kicks out and Frazer looks to fly but D’Angelo catches him with a spinebuster mid air and goes for a pin but Frazer kicks out and rolls up D’Angelo but D’Angelo kicks out.

Frazer then hits an enzuigiri to D’Angelo that sends him crashing out of the ring and dropkicks him into the ring steps before landing a dropkick off the top rope when D’Angelo gets back in the ring.

He goes for a pin but D’Angelo kicks out. Frazer ascends up the ropes then lands a Phoenix Splash.

He pins D’Angelo but the referee is unable to complete his count before the round has ended.

Round 6

Frazer rolls up D’Angelo but D’Angelo kicks out and Frazer pins him once again.

D’Angelo kicks out and Frazer connects with a twisting neckbreaker on him.

He ascends to the top rope and looks to land a Phoenix Splash but D’Angelo avoids it and hits a belly 2 belly suplex off the ropes then sends Frazer crashing into the mat with a spinebuster to get the win.

Winner & Still Heritage Cup Champion: Tony D’Angelo (2-1) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

Je’Von Evans spoke with NXT Champion Trick Williams backstage where he offered to be in his corner tonight for his match against Shawn Spears. Williams appreciated the offer but said he was weary of people having his back and would prefer to lock in on his own tonight. They dapped each other after that.

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez vs. Karmen Petrovic

Match starts off with a lock up before Karmen Petrovic looks to land a kick on Roxanne Perez but Perez avoids it and lands a right hand on her.

She fires off stomps on Petrovic in the corner but Petrovic catches her with a kick.

Perez trips Petrovic on the ropes then rains down right and left hands on her and sends her crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first.

Perez hits a Russian leg sweep on Petrovic then stomps on the back of her neck and locks in a submission hold on her. Petrovic transitions into a pin but Perez kick out.

Petrovic hits a discus lariat on Perez then follows it up with a right hand and a drop toe hold.

She looks to land a roundhouse kick but Perez intercepts it and lands a kick on her midsection.

She follows it up with Pop Rox for the win.

Winner: Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez

After the match Vice gets inside the ring and stares down Perez as she holds up her Women’s Title. Perez looks to level Vice with a Spinning Backfist but Vice intercepts it and hits 305. Vice then heads to the back with Perez’s title in hand.

Noam Dar facetimed Jakara Jackson, Lash Legend & Oro Mensah, where he revealed that Ethan Page tore a tendon on his leg and would be out for a while. Mensah said he never thought he would be here when he was in Nigeria and reflected on moving to Switzerland after his dad was in a car crash which led to him and his brother being put in a foster home for a bit. Mensah said he did not feel at home until he met with Meta 4 and promised to take down Page in vengeance.

Good Brothers were seeing attacking OTM. Jaida Parker confronted them leading to Michin to attack Parker from out of nowhere. Parker & Yim were separated by security guards & referees.

After telling Carlee Bright she would face Wendy Choo next week Lola Vice met with Ava and gave her the Women’s Title before telling her she wanted a shot at the title at Heatwave.

Tavion Heights vs. Damon Kemp

If Heights wins he gets added to No Quarter Catch Crew.

Match starts off with a lock up before Damon Kemp locks in a Sleeper on Tavion Heights but Heights counters into a shoulder breaker.

Kemp slides out of the ring to regroup with the rest of No Quarter Catch Crew but Heights follows him out there.

Kemp levels Heights and hits a pair of elbow drops to him then sends his head repeatedly bouncing off the canvas.

Kemp then hits a German suplex to Heights and whips him into the corner then connects with an Angle Slam. He looks to land a 2nd one but Heights avoids it and delivers a belly 2 belly suplex.

He then sends Kemp crashing into the mat with a belly 2 belly throw for the win.

Winner: Tavion Heights (Since Heights won he gets added to No Quarter Catch Crew)

Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan was interviewed by Kelly Kincaid where she said she looked forward to face the winner of Arianna Grace vs Sol Ruca. After that Jaida Parker stormed into the room and challenged Michin to a Street Fight for next week.

After the break we see Izzi Dame tell Brinley Reece that Edris Enofe & Malik Blade don’t want her around and says that sharing her happy go lucky attitude with them will get them nowhere.

Axiom gave some positive words for Frazer for his match against D’Angelo. Axiom then wanted to watch some tape but Frazer said he needed to get his back checked out ahead of his Speed match against Akira Tozawa tomorrow.

Women’s North American Title #1 Contenders Match
Arianna Grace vs. Sol Ruca

Match starts off with a lock up before they take turns locking one another in submission holds before Sol Ruca hits a facebuster to Grace and trips her.

Ruca surfs on top of Grace but Grace trips her on the apron and dumps her back in the ring.

She sends Ruca crashing into the top turnbuckle then fires off stomps on her and whips her into the other turnbuckle before hitting a suplex.

Ruca rolls Grace up but Grace kicks out and lands an elbow drop on Ruca off the middle rope.

She connects with a knee on her then cinches in a seated Abdominal Stretch.

Ruca makes her way back up to her feet but Grace whips her into the mat.

Ruca hits Grace with a pair of shoulder tackles and a springboard back elbow but Grace rolls up Ruca.

Ruca kicks out and hits a pair of kicks to Grace’s midsection then follows it up with Sol Snatcher for the win.

Winner & #1 Contenders To The Women’s North American Title: Sol Ruca

After the match Kelani Jordan joins Ruca on the ramp and celebrates her becoming the new #1 Contender as Ruca eyes the Women’s North American Title.

Roxanne Perez stormed into the locker room and said that Ava was behind Lola Vice going after her. Ava was not having it and announced that Perez would defend her title against Lola Vice on Heatwave.

Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne & Jasmine Nyxx complained about everyone getting an opportunity but them before Jayne said they should do something about it.

Non Title Match
NXT Champion Trick Williams vs. Shawn Spears

Trick Williams wastes no time as he fires off right hands on Shawn Spears then lands a dropkick on him under the bottom rope and gets him back inside the ring.

Spears fires off right hands on Williams then lands a pair of chops on him.

Williams responds with a few chops of his own before they take one another down with boots.

Oro Mensah attacks Page at the announce desk but security runs in to break them apart as we go to a break.

After the break Spears has a crossface locked in on Williams but Williams makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Spears connects with right hands on Williams but Williams gets fired up and connects with right hands on Williams.

Williams then lands a flapjack but Spears lands a thrust kick and follows it up with a single leg codebreaker.

Williams lands a pop up right on Spears but Spears lands a backbreaker on Williams.

Williams flies over the top rope to level Spears but Brooks Jensen enters the ringside area.

Both security and the referee drag them away but they hit Williams with part of the announce desk.

Spears takes advantage and hits C4 to Williams in the corner for the win.

Winner: Shawn Spears

Ava spoke with Robert Stone & Stevie Turner where she said she would make the NXT Title Match a Fatal 4 Way at Heatwave.

Next Week’s NXT

Tag Team Match
New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Carlee Bright vs. Wendy Choo

Street Fight
Jaida Parker vs. Michin

Updated Heatwave Card (July 7th)

NXT Title Fatal 4 Way Match
Trick Williams (c) vs. Je Von Evans vs. Ethan Page vs. Shawn Spears

NXT Tag Team Titles Match
Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. Chase U (Andre Chase & Duke Hudson)

Women’s North American Title Match
Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Sol Ruca

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs. Wes Lee (If Lee loses he can’t challenge for the title as long as Femi is champion)

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Lola Vice

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