ROH TV Results & Review (June 27th)

ROH aired their 70th episode on HonorClub.

Kicking off this week’s ROH with a backstage emergency meeting with MIT & they had 2 male security guards with them in MIT shirts. Women’s Champion Athena said she’s going to be out for 8-12 months now and that she’s the one who brought in security. Lexy Nair cut a small promo to hype everyone up and Athena said they needed to get Nair a title.

Lee Johnson vs. Alex Reynolds

Lee Johnson & Alex Reynolds traded some arm work in a feeling out process.

Johnson went for his big dropkick, but Reynolds grabbed the ropes and Johnson swept the leg when he came back. Johnson got a pair of arm drags and then hit a dropkick for a one count.

Both men pushed each other and Reynolds apologized and backed off and they shook hands again.

Johnson hits a clothesline to send Reynolds to the floor & Johnson hits a flip dive on Reynolds on the floor.

Johnson tried to get back in the ring Evil Uno distracted him and Reynolds took advantage then threw Johnson into the stairs. Back in the ring Reynolds got a two count.

Reynolds threw Johnson to the floor and Uno picks him up and threw him into the stairs while the ref was distracted. Back in the ring Reynolds got another two count.

Reynolds hit a cravat suplex and went to the top and missed the moonsault as Johnson rolled out of the way. Reynolds charged in and got dumped into the turnbuckle then ate 2 clotheslines.

Johnson hits a neckbreaker and kips up then hits a PK and a standing moonsault for a two count.

Johnson tried for Big Shot Dop but Reynolds kneed out and hit a pop up knee strike.

Reynolds went for a butterfly move but Johnson rolls him up for a two count.

Both men exchanged forearms until Reynolds hit one to the back of the neck for a two count.

Reynolds hits a Tiger Driver then a piledriver for a two count.

Reynolds tried for a fisherman’s suplex but Johnson rolls him up for a two count.

After some reversals of Big Shot Drop Johnson hits Reynolds with a snake eyes.

Uno pops up on the apron and got superkicked down by Johnson and Johnson hit Reynolds with Big Shot Drop for the win.

Winner: Lee Johnson

Marina Shafir vs. Erica Leigh

Marina Shafir used the Code Of Honor to grab a single leg then grabs an arm and mounted Erica Leigh with palm strikes then smothered her with her hand.

Leigh rolled through and escapes before Leigh missed with a big boot and Shafir hit one of her own.

Shafir hit all kinds of strikes in the corner and then laid Leigh out with a big round kick to the chest.

Shafir hit a 619 variant in the corner then hit a judo throw then locks in Mother’s Milk for the ref stoppage.

Winner By Submission: Marina Shafir

Backstage Arkady Aura was trying to interview ROH World Tag Team Champions Undisputed Kingdom. Matt Taven tried to be nice and ask her name but then said he was sorry for wasting his time just like everyone in the division was wasting his. Mike Bennett got down on his knees and prayed to the booker man Tony for some better competition. Bennett said they work hard and they want competition to work hard too.

We got confirmation that Undisputed Kingdom will face Komander & Metalik in a Proving Ground match next week

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Lance Archer vs. Victor Benjamin, Ganon Jones & Duke Davis

Lance Archer & Duke Davis traded forearms to start until Archer backs Davis into the corner and knocks him down with forearms.

Davis reversed it and hit an avalanche splash in the corner and some shoulders to the gut.

Archer hit a crossbody in the ring as Dutch hit one of his own on the floor.

Vincent & Victor Benjamin tags in and Vincent hit a crossbody.

Benjamin came back with a high knee and some fancy kicks for a two count.

Vincent came back with a kick to the gut and a basement dropkick and then a basement flatliner.

Benjamin blocks a suplex attempt and hit some more kicks. Benjamin slid out of the ring and got thrown into the ring steps by Vincent.

Back in the ring Vincent hit a back suplex and Dutch hit a leg drop for a two count then Dutch hits a headbutt and taunted the opponents.

Dutch hits a running forearm but Benjamin was able to tag out to Ganon Jones.

Jones hits a dropkick but Archer tags in and goozled him.

Vincent hits Death From Above for a near fall that got broken up.

Dutch hits a Bossman Slam and then The Righteous hits Orange Sunshine for the win.

Winners: The Righteous & Lance Archer

After the match Archer rolls Benjamin back in the ring and hits with him Blackout.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora

Taya Valkyrie used the Code Of Honor to hit some forearms and then some chops to the chest.

Trish Adora reversed it and hit some chops of her own then hits a snapmare and a PK and then a bow and arrow then twerked on the back of Valkyrie.

Adora rolls Valkyrie up for a two count and went for Lariat Tubman but Valkyrie slid out of the ring.

Adora followed her out with a baseball dropkick before Valkyrie took over with some punches then slams Adora into the ring steps.

Back in the ring both women traded forearms until Valkyrie hit a kick to the gut and some round kicks in the corner. Valkyrie hit double knees in the corner and got a two count.

Valkyrie locked in a bow & arrow of her own but Adora powered out and an arm drag but Valkyrie put her back down with a clothesline for a two count.

Valkyrie tried for a butterfly move but Adora slid out and hits some big forearms.

Adora hits a running crossbody and a splash in the corner then hits a bridging vertical suplex for a two count. Adora put her in a fireman’s carry but Valkyrie slid out and locked in a sleeper.

Valkyrie hits an arm drag and grabs the arms and hits Shania Pain then Valkyrie locks in an STF then hit another Shania Pain for the win.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie

Backstage Arkady Aura congratulated Leyla Hirsch congratulations on her win against Diamante. Hirsch said she understood why Diamante was mad because Diamante can’t beat her. Diamante came in and said she can’t beat her in a fight. Hirsch challenged Diamante for a No Holds Barred match and Diamante accepted.

Proving Ground Match
Women’s Television Champion Billie Starkz vs. Angelina Risk

Billie Starkz made fun of the height of Risk and piefaces her. Risk fired up and punched her.

Starkz choked Risk against the ropes then Starkz hits a big boot and some running forearms in the corner.

Starkz got pulled out of the corner by the ref and argued with him. Starkz hit a running boot in the corner.

Starkz slaps Risk in the face but Risk returned it and Starkz put her back down in the corner with some strikes.

Risk tried a tip up but got caught and dumped over the ropes onto the apron then she fell out of the ring.

Starkz followed her out and Risk tried to fight back a bit but got thrown into the barricades then hits a basement dropkick against the barricade.

Back in the ring Starkz went to the top rope for a Swanton Bomb but Risk rolls out of the way before Starkz could jump.

Starkz hops down and mocked the stir it up gesture of Red Velvet but she missed her knees before Risk came back with a 619.

Risk tried a slingshot move but got caught and Starkz locked in her hammerlock fishhook move for the win.

Winner: Women’s Television Champion Billie Starkz (4:23)

ROH World Title Match
Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Television Champion Kyle Fletcher

Mark Briscoe hit an arm drag and Kyle Fletcher grabs the head with his legs and Briscoe kipped out.

Briscoe grabs a headlock and Fletcher got out and tried a sunset flip but Briscoe grabs a headlock again.

Fletcher stuffed a shoulder block but ate a chop when he tried to return fire.

Fletcher recovered and knocked down Briscoe with a shoulder block of his own.

Briscoe tried to fight back with chops but Fletcher hit a superkick and hopped to the top rope.

Briscoe cut him off and knocked him to the floor before Briscoe hit a running cannonball dive lands on his feet and posed with a borrowed hat for a moment.

Briscoe hit some chops against the barricade and then hit a Redneck Kung Fu dropkick.

Briscoe threw Fletcher in the ring and Fletcher hit him with a running kick before Fletcher back suplexed Briscoe on the apron and then hit a running PK and posed.

Fletcher threw Briscoe so hard into the barricade he landed in the crowd then Fletcher suplexed Briscoe over the barricade to the padded floor at ringside.

Fletcher threw Briscoe in the ring and got a two count then Fletcher hit a running elbow and posed.

Briscoe fired up and both men traded forearms until Briscoe hits Kung Fu Chop. Briscoe hit a spinning forearm.

Briscoe hit a corner clothesline and a fisherman’s buster for a two count. Briscoe put Fletcher on the top but Fletcher knocked him down and tried a double axe handle for a kick to the gut.

Briscoe put Fletcher down with a forearm and went up top rope.

Fletcher cut him off with a running kick and tried a superplex but Briscoe floated over and pushed Fletcher down onto the buckle.

Briscoe went up top too and hit a fisherman’s superplex for a double down.

As Briscoe tried to cover him Fletcher rolls out of the ring.

Briscoe followed him out but Fletcher pops up on the apron and hit a superkick.

Fletcher tried a piledriver on the apron but Briscoe knocked him down with a kick.

Briscoe hits a Cactus Jack Elbow Drop and rolled Fletcher in the ring. Briscoe tried Froggy Bow but Fletcher got the knees up. Fletcher hit a tombstone variant and got a two count.

Fletcher hit a running leg lariat on the ropes and went for the piledriver but Briscoe rolled him up for a two count.

Briscoe hits a Death Valley Driver and pops up top for Froggy Bow and got a two count then Briscoe went for Jay Driller but Fletcher stuffed it.

Both men traded running strikes until Fletcher hits 2 superkicks and Briscoe hits a lariat then hits Jay Driller for the win.

Winner & Still ROH World Champion: Mark Briscoe (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

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