TNA Impact Review (June 27th)

TNA aired Impact live from Cicero Illinois inside Cicero Stadium as we are still on the Road To Slammiversary & we will find out 2 more participants in the TNA World Title Fatal 6 Way Elimination Match at Slammiversary.

Kicking off this week’s Impact with Gia Miller is in the ring and introduces Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace. Jordynne comes out and says that Ash By Elegance has been asking for her attention and she got it. She went to Santino Marella and will defend her Knockouts Title against Ash tonight. George Iceman comes out and introduces Ash. He said the match will not happen in this hellhole but at Slammiversary. He said Ash will take a well deserved vacation. He said they brought security because she’s violent and unpredictable. The security enters the ring and she beats them up. Santino Marella comes out. Masha Slamovich’s music hits and she faces off with Grace as she leaves.

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich vs. Xia Brookside

Masha Slamovich clutches Xia Brookside’s wrist and drops her with the short arm clotheslines for two.

Slamovich goes for kicks but Brookside dodges it and hits an elbow followed by a headscissors before Brookside hits Broken Wings followed by a neckbreaker.

Alisha Edwards tries to get involved but Brookside hits her with an elbow before Slamovich hits Snowplow for the win.

Winner: Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich

We see a recap of Steph De Lander’s date with PCO that First Class interrupted.

First Class is backstage and Rich Swann introduces a friend. Digital Media Champion AJ Francis says a lot changed since the last time he was here. He takes out an International Wrestling Heavyweight Title that AJ Francis bought. AJ Francis says he declares himself the new International Wrestling Heavyweight Champion.

Spitfire is backstage and Lars Fredricksen says the work is not done. He says in the final test, they’ll be facing each other. He says he wants them to bring the violence in the ring and to each other.

Campaign Singh is in the ring. He introduces X Division Champion Mustafa Ali. Mustafa Ali says there is something he wanted to address. He said at the latest PLE, there was a video to smear his good name. He said the video had unclear video and distorted audio.

He said they want the truth so he found it. He said he had Campaign Singh launch an investigation and the truth is that video is AI generated. He said he would never belittle the name of Chicago.

He said now that they’ve put that behind us, they’ll look forward to challengers for that X Division Title. The fans chant We want Speedball and he says Speedball couldn’t hang with him. He demands security to remove certain fans in the front row from the building. The guy in the front row throws his drink in Ali’s face and Ali gets in a brawl with him.

Mike Bailey gets in the ring and attacks Ali & Ali’s security tries to get them apart. Ali gets out if the ring and Bailey attacks him again and poses with the X Division Title . Ali gets on the mic and says he’s sick of people saying that he’s scared of Bailey. He says he will face Bailey at Slammiversary.

Mike Bailey is backstage and says the biggest mistake he made was facing him in his home of Montreal. He says they’re on the road to Slammiversary.

Cody Deaner gets on the mic and he says Santino said he is happy that Jake Something & him are teaming together again. He said Santino Marella said if they win they would get a TNA World Tag Team Title shot but it’s not what they want, it’s what the people want. Zachary Wentz says he doesn’t understand why he listens to these people because Chicago sucks. Trey Miguel says he doesn’t know why Something & Deaner thinks they deserve to get a title shot because they never beat The Rascalz & ABC needed to face each other just to get on the same page. Ace Austin says the match starts right now.

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) vs. Jake Something & Cody Deaner

Chris Bey hits a senton onto The Rascalz.

Jake Something takes down ABC with a double clothesline and hits a sit out powerbomb on Ace Austin for two. Trey Miguel tries to hit a suicide dive but Jake catches him and hits powerbombs him onto Wentz.

Something catches Ace and dumps him onto The Rascalz before ABC hits 1,2 Sweet on Deaner for the win.

Winners: ABC

The System is backstage and Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha Edwards says they will always be champions. TNA World Tag Team Champion Eddie Edwards says it doesn’t matter who you put in front of them because they will always win. TNA World Tag Team Champion Brian Myers says they’re the most dominant group. Moose says they have a problem but JDC will handle it. TNA World Champion Moose says at Slammiversary, they will show that you always trust The System.

Tom Hannifan promotes the matches for the Road To Slammiversary matches for next week.

We see a video package for Sami Callihan vs. Steve Maclin.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match
Steve Maclin vs. Sami Callihan

Sami Callihan goes to the top rope and takes Steve Maclin up for a Cactus Driver but Maclin fights out of it and goes to the top rope.

Sami Callihan catches him with a top rope Death Valley Driver and hits a Cactus Driver for a two count.

Callihan teases a Cactus Driver on the apron but Maclin fights out of it and they chop each other but Sami headbutts Maclin and clotheslines him back him in the ring. Maclin hits Busaiku Knee followed by KIA for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The TNA World Title Match: Steve Maclin

Kushida vs. Alan Angels

Alan Angels whips Kushida into the ropes and hits a back elbow for a two count.

Angels locks in a sleeper but Kushida fights out of it and goes for a handspring back elbow but Angels dropkicks him. Kushida hits Tanaka Punch and gets the Hoverboard Lock for the submission win.

Winner By Submission: Kushida

After the match Jonathan Gresham attacks Kushida. Gresham tries to pour ink onto Kushida but security gets in the way and Gresham leaves.

We see a recap of Reby Sky getting speared through a table at Against All Odds.

A vignette by Matt Hardy who says that Reby will wrestle.

We see a video package for Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann in a Road To Slammiversary Qualifying match.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match
Nic Nemeth vs. Rich Swann

Rich Swann gets a chin lock but Nic Nemeth gets out of it before Swann hits him with close fisted strikes followed by a kick.

Nemeth hits a couple of clothesline followed by a splash in the corner and a neckbreaker.

Nemeth hits 5 standing elbow drops for a two count then Nemeth runs towards Swann but eats a boot and Swann hits a clothesline for two. Swann hits a powerbomb onto the turnbuckle.

Nemeth hits a Fameasser for two followed by a sleeper but Swann gets to the ropes and Nemeth goes for Danger Zone but Swann gets out of it and hits a kick for two.

Swann goes for a Frog Splash but Nemeth gets his knees up and rolls him up for two.

Swann hits a handspring cutter for two. Swann and Nemeth exchange punches and superkicks.

Nemeth hits a DDT followed by the Danger Zone for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The TNA World Title Match: Nic Nemeth

Next Week’s Impact

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match
Frankie Kazarian vs. Mike Santana

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match
Jake Something vs. Joe Hendry

Mixed Tag Team Match
The Edwards (TNA World Tag Team Champion Eddie & Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha) vs. The Hardys (Matt & Rebecca)

Dani Luna vs. Jody Threat

Updated Slammiversary Card (July 20th)

TNA World Title Fatal 6 Way Elimination Match
Moose (c) vs. Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Frankie Kazarian or Mike Santana vs. Jake Something or Joe Hendry

Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash By Elegance

X Division Title Match
Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Mike Bailey

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