AEW Rampage Results & Review (June 28th)

AEW aired Rampage from Allentown Pennsylvania at the PPL Center & we find out who will be the final person to get into the TNT Title Ladder Match at Forbidden Door.

2 On 1 Handicap Match
The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd & Truth Mangum) vs. Orange Cassidy

Turbo Floyd is first in the match & shows off his muscles then locks up with Orange Cassidy.

Turbo Floyd lands an elbow drop on Cassidy then tags in Truth Magnum & Magnum lands an elbow drop of his own and Floyd looks to land a 2nd one.

Cassidy avoids it and puts his hands in his pocket then lands a double dropkick on The Outrunners.

Magnum looks to land a chop on Cassidy but accidentally hits Floyd & he makes the same mistake a 2nd time before The Outrunners are almost sent crashing into the referee.

Cassidy is almost then sent into the referee but ends up hugging him instead.

Magnum ascends to the top rope and hits a boot to Cassidy as Floyd holds him in place.

The Outrunners then double team on Cassidy but Cassidy lands a tope suicida on Magnum on the outside and ascends to the top rope to land a crossbody on Floyd back in the ring.

He then lands a tornado DDT on Magnum and follows it up with an Orange Punch for the win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Tag Team Match
The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs. Roderick Strong & Gabe Kidd

Gabe Kidd lands a shoulder tackle on Carlie Bravo then clocks Shawn Dean on the apron then tags in Roderick Strong.

The Infantry land a double dropkick on Strong & Kidd before Dean tags in and lands a bodyslam on Strong. He follows it up with an elbow drop as we go to a break.

After the break Kidd lands a boot on Dean then Bravo tags in and hits Strong & Kidd with forearms.

He follows it up with a neckbreaker to Strong and a 2nd one on him from the apron then tags in Dean and levels Strong. Dean hits a splash from the top rope and pins Strong but Strong kicks out.

Bravo tags back in and runs the ropes but Kidd trips him.

This opens the door for Strong to land an Angle Slam on Dean then Kidd then hits a piledriver to Bravo for the win.

Winners: Roderick Strong & Gabe Kidd

TNT Title Qualifying Match
El Phantasmo vs. AR Fox

AR Fox lands a shoulder tackle on El Phantasmo before Phantasmo responds with a hurricanrana but Fox lands a senton on him from the apron and gets him back inside the ring.

Fox then ascends to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb but Phantasmo connects with a springboard forearm off the ropes.

He connects with an atomic drop on Fox and follows it up with a Russian leg sweep then lands a springboard crossbody and a springboard moonsault.

Fox pins Phantasmo but Phantasmo reverses the fall. Fox ascends back up to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash to Phantasmo then goes for a pin but ELP kicks out.

El Phantasmo then lands Sudden Death then sends him crashing into the mat with CRII for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The TNT Title Ladder Match: El Phanatasmo

Shingo Takagi vs. Dalton Castle

Match starts off with a lock up then Shingo Takagi lands a shoulder tackle on Castle then lands a pair of elbow drops on him and looks to land a senton but Castle avoids it as we go to a break.

After the break Takagi hits a back suplex to Castle and follows it up with a senton.

He rains down Hammer & Anvil Elbows on him but Castle catches him with a t bone suplex and a clothesline.

Castle then hits a Bulldog and goes for a pin but Takagi kicks out then Castle looks to land Bang A Rang but Takagi avoids it and hits a Gory Bomb.

He then lands a clothesline on Castle in the corner before landing a back elbow and a DDT.

Takagi lands Pumping Bomber then connects with Last Of The Dragon for the win.

Winner: Shingo Takagi

Queen Aminata vs. Skye Blue

Queen Aminata lands a German suplex on Skye Blue before Blue rolls up Aminata but Aminata reverses the fall. Blue kicks out and Aminata lands a pair of suplexes on her.

Blue rolls up Aminata but Aminata kicks out then Blue lands a knee on her and ascends to the top rope then hits a crossbody to Aminata on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Aminata lands a double chop on Blue and follows it up with a pair of running knees.

She then delivers a German suplex to her on the apron and looks to land a hip attack on her but Blue moves out of the way and Aminata is sent crashing into the ring steps.

Blue then lands a suplex on her off the ring steps then gets her back in the ring and pins her but Aminata kicks out.

Blue sets up for Code Blue on Aminata but Aminata escapes and sends Blue crashing into the mat for the win.

Winner: Queen Aminata

After the match Aminata helps Blue and hugs her. Blue then surprises her with a superkick and rains down right hands on her. She locks in a submission on her but Red Velvet’s music hits and she runs down to the ring to provide Aminata with a hand to close out this week’s Rampage.

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