EXCLUSIVE: Sam Adonis Talks About His Return to NWA – A Shot at the World’s Heavyweight Title

Sam Adonis, known for his audacious persona and impressive wrestling skills, recently marked a significant milestone in his career. After years of building a formidable reputation in Mexico, Adonis made a notable return to the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), competing for the prestigious World’s Heavyweight Title. This return not only underscores his growing influence in the wrestling world but also highlights his deep connections and storied history with other wrestling stars, including EC3 (Ethan Carter III).

Sam Adonis’ return to the NWA came during the Crockett Cup, a renowned wrestling event that celebrates the legacy of the NWA. Reflecting on his participation, Adonis remarked, “That was actually really, really cool because I’ve worked for NWA in the past… It feels nice. I think the beauty of getting older is you get wiser and understand.” His involvement in the Crockett Cup highlighted his evolution as a wrestler and his readiness to take on new challenges.

A notable aspect of Adonis’ return to the NWA was his encounter with EC3, a fellow wrestler with whom he shares a long history. EC3, known for his time in TNA and WWE (as Derrick Bateman), has a rich background in the wrestling industry. “EC3 actually worked for my dad’s independent promotion when I was about 13 years old. So I’ve known him way longer than that,” Adonis shared, highlighting the deep-rooted connections within the wrestling community.

When Adonis joined NWA, EC3 was a familiar face that provided a sense of continuity and camaraderie. “When I got to FCW, he was kind of one of the only familiar faces. But I think that’s one thing about wrestling: the longer you’re in it, the more you understand who really has it and who deserves it.”

Adonis elaborated on the shared respect between him and EC3, pointing out the passion and dedication required to stay in the wrestling business. “There might be somebody like EC3 that 10 years ago I didn’t see as one of those guys. But now, 10 years later, you’re on the road, you’ve been up and down, and we’re here not because we need to be or because we want to be, it’s just because we’re here. This is who we are.”

Competing for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Title against EC3 was a full-circle moment for Adonis. It wasn’t just a match; it was a testament to years of hard work, resilience, and passion for wrestling. “It took almost two years, but I gave them a reason to bring me back. They treated me almost as a whole new wrestler. I wasn’t just one of the guys; it was awesome,” Adonis reflected on his journey back to NWA.

Adonis’ return to the NWA and his shot at the World’s Heavyweight Title have reignited his ambitions. He is determined to make a significant impact in the wrestling world, both in the U.S. and internationally. “I do truly believe that my best days are yet to come. I want to eventually make a name for myself here in the United States.”

Sam Adonis’ return to the NWA and his competition for the World’s Heavyweight Title mark a significant chapter in his career. His deep connections with wrestlers like EC3, combined with his evolving skill set and determination, make him a formidable force in the wrestling industry. As Adonis continues to chase his dreams and break new ground, his journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers and a thrilling story for wrestling fans around the world.

For more insights and stories from Sam Adonis, watch the full interview on BodySlam’s YouTube channel.
