Freelance Wrestling Freelance vs. The World 10 Results (June 28th)

Freelance Wrestling aired the 10th annual Freelance vs. The World on IWTV in Chicago Illinois inside
Logan Square Auditorium.

Fatal 6 Way Match
Devon Monroe defeated Alfonso Gonzalez, Darius Latrell, GPA, Matt Knicks & Sabin Gauge

Regan Lydale defeated Sandra Moone

Danhausen defeated Isaias Velazquez

No Disqualification Match
Trevor Outlaw defeated Chico Suave

Tag Team Match
August Matthews & Davey Bang defeated Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

Legacy Title Match
Koda Hernandez defeated Darin Corbin (c) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)

Freelance Tag Team Titles Match
The Syndicate (Calvin Tankman & Shane Mercer) defeated Bussy (Allie Katch & Effy) (c) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!!)

Freelance World Title Match
Storm Grayson (c) defeated Kylie Rae (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

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