Exclusive: From Fan to Foe – Sam Adonis’ Rivalry with Ultimo Dragon

In the world of professional wrestling, few stories are as compelling as those that blend personal history with professional achievement. One such story is the rivalry between Sam Adonis and his childhood idol, Ultimo Dragon. This narrative not only highlights the passion and dedication of a wrestler but also underscores the timeless appeal of wrestling’s greatest rivalries.

Sam Adonis is a name synonymous with villainy in the wrestling world, beginning his journey as a fervent fan. Growing up, Adonis was captivated by the mystique and athleticism of Ultimo Dragon, a legendary figure in wrestling. “He was unequivocally my number one favorite wrestler as a child,” Adonis recalls. His admiration for Dragon went beyond mere fandom; it was an obsession. “By 1996, 97, I was obsessed with this. I was watching videos 24/7, playing with the toys, reading the magazines—everything about wrestling I had to know,” Adonis shared.

Fast forward several years, and the fan had transformed into a formidable wrestler. Sam Adonis, known for his villainous persona and theatrical flair, found himself facing his childhood hero in the ring. What began as a dream materialized into a professional rivalry that would span five years and cross international borders.

The seeds of this rivalry were sown when Ultimo Dragon recognized the potential in Adonis and invited him to participate in high-stakes matches. Adonis didn’t just compete; he excelled. Their encounters were not just about winning or losing; they were about storytelling, with Adonis playing the perfect antagonist to Dragon’s hero. This dynamic reached its pinnacle in matches held in Mexico and Japan, where Adonis did the unthinkable—he ripped off Dragon’s mask, a gesture of ultimate disrespect in wrestling culture. Reflecting on the experience, Adonis said, “I was invited to All Japan by Ultimo Dragon. My debut was in the main event of Korakuen Hall against Ultimo Dragon. I took his mask off.”

Despite the fierce competition, there was a profound mutual respect between the two. “More than anything I think it’s I take pride in it. Anybody that knows him knows he’s a very elegant man. He holds himself to an absurdly high standard. He doesn’t take BS from anybody,” Adonis reflects on their relationship. Dragon, a man known for his high standards and elegance, saw in Adonis a worthy opponent who could elevate the narrative of their matches. This respect extended beyond the ring, with Dragon inviting Adonis to his home and treating him as a trusted confidant. “It was absolutely incredible… Now, he literally invites me to his house to cook steaks.”

Adonis takes immense pride in his role as one of the last true traveling heels in wrestling. His ability to evoke genuine emotion from the audience, to make them love to hate him, is a testament to his skill. This rivalry with Ultimo Dragon has been a significant chapter in Adonis’ career, showcasing his ability to engage and entertain on a global scale. “I also kind of consider myself one of the only real heels left in wrestling… To be a traveling heel in 2024 is almost unheard of,” he stated.

The story of Sam Adonis and Ultimo Dragon is more than just a tale of matches and titles. It’s about a young fan’s journey to becoming a respected adversary of his idol. It’s about the blend of admiration and rivalry that fuels the passion of professional wrestling. As Adonis continues his career, this chapter with Ultimo Dragon will forever stand as a testament to his dedication, skill, and the timeless allure of wrestling’s greatest stories. “It’s definitely surreal… I think I almost end up with better rewards because so few people are that willing and that patient to put in the extra work,” Adonis concludes.

This journey from a wide-eyed fan to a respected rival encapsulates the essence of professional wrestling—a world where dreams, dedication, and dramatic storytelling collide in the most spectacular ways.

For the full interview with Sam Adonis, watch on BodySlam’s YouTube channel.
