NXT Level Up Results & Review (June 28th)

NXT aired Level Up live in Orlando Florida at the WWE Performance Center.

Riley Osborne vs. Jasper Troy

Match starts off with a lock up and Riley Osborne back flips to create space.

Osborne escapes 2 powerbomb attempts and gets a dropkick but gets caught and Jasper Troy throws him by the throat over the top rope to the floor.

Headbutt from Troy on the floor and then he throws forearms as Osborne is stretched on the apron.

He tries a apron leg drop but Osborne is out of there then he lands a kick and tries a crossbody off the apron but Troy catches him and press slams him back into the ring. Running shoulder gets a one count.

Standing Splash gets a two count then Troy hooks an abdominal stretch but Osborne flips out of a sidewalk slam and starts throwing leg kicks. He gets Troy to his knee and hits a head kick.

He escapes a goozle and dodges a boot in the corner & Osborne starts flying all over the ring and comes off the top with a Shooting Star Press for the win.

Winner: Riley Osborne

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Kendal Grey

Kendal Grey with a quick cover for one then she gets a trip and floats over to a side headlock.

Jazmyn Nyx reverses a whip to the corner and shows off with a back flip off the middle rope.

Grey connects with a crossbody off the middle ropes then Grey works the arm but Nyx breaks by sending Grey into the corner.

Shoulders from the apron from Grey but she gets tripped as she was about to spring into the ring.

Double stomp from Nyx then she stomps away in the corner and starts throwing Nyx around by her hair.

Neckbreaker from Nyx before a running kick gets a two count. Nyx hooks a headscissors.

Grey rolls to get a one count so Nyx releases the hold.

Nyx misses an elbow and Grey starts her comeback as she hits a twisting suplex followed by a kip up. Nyx escapes a slam and hits a Pele Kick for the win.

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx

Dante Chen vs. Myles Borne

Dante Chen starts with a deep arm drag and works the arm from there then Myles Borne gets in a cheap shot in the corner but misses a strike and Chen hooks another arm drag.

He follows with a splash in the corner then punches away before Borne slips out and kicks the leg to knock Chen off the ropes. Shin breaker from Borne. Snap suplex from Borne gets two.

Chen with a shot to the throat but a knee cuts off this comeback then Borne goes back to the leg as she stomps away in the corner. Running boot to the knee.

He looks for another chinbreaker but Chen punches his way out then a snap powerslam from Borne.

Osborne gets a modified STF as he continues the work on the knee before Chen counters a suplex with one of his own and both men are down.

They start trading in the middle of the ring and Chen ends up winning the exchange.

Chen with a series of strikes and an atomic drop before Borne stops the run with a dropkick that caught Chen square in the face.

Chen with a small package for two then Chen powers up and hits The Gentle Touch for the win.

Winner: Dante Chen

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