Exclusive: Deonna Purrazzo’s Unwavering Support for Teachers – AEW Star’s Heartwarming Philanthropic Journey

Deonna Purrazzo, known in the wrestling world as “The Virtuosa,” is celebrated not only for her impressive in-ring skills but also for her heartfelt commitment to supporting educators. Through the ‘Clear the List’ initiative, Purrazzo has become a beacon of support for teachers across America.

Before achieving fame as a professional wrestler, Deonna Purrazzo was a teacher. This experience gave her firsthand insight into the challenges educators face, particularly the struggle to obtain necessary classroom supplies. Reflecting on her time as a teacher, Purrazzo shared, “I was a teacher before I was able to make wrestling my full-time job. So school just got out, and you’re gonna see me retweeting a ton of teachers’ Amazon clear the list links. It’s an organization that’s really close to my heart because, as a teacher, it’s very hard to get the supplies you need provided to you.”

The ‘Clear the List’ initiative helps teachers get essential classroom supplies by encouraging people to donate items from their wish lists. Purrazzo actively promotes this cause on her social media platforms, retweeting links and encouraging her followers to support the initiative. “Teachers all across the country, and I’m sure all across the world, are constantly putting out of their own pocket to be able to supply what their students need to be successful in the classroom,” she explained.

Purrazzo urges her fans to participate, saying, “If you see one of those links that I’m going to tweet out, anyone listening, if you’re inclined to donate, you’re inclined to be able to support one of those classrooms with anything. If teachers put up snacks for their kids, they put up glue sticks, they put up notebooks, they put up paper—anything to make those teachers’ lives easier.”

Purrazzo’s efforts have not gone unnoticed. The wrestling community and her fans have rallied behind her, amplifying the reach and impact of the ‘Clear the List’ campaign. “It’s so appreciated from the bottom of my heart, but it’s also going to be appreciated from those teachers as well,” Purrazzo emphasized, highlighting the positive effects on educators and students alike.

Purrazzo’s involvement in the ‘Clear the List’ initiative is part of a larger trend of wrestlers using their platforms for philanthropy. Her dedication to this cause showcases how athletes can drive significant positive change in their communities. By supporting teachers, Purrazzo is helping to ensure that students have the tools they need to succeed, reflecting her commitment to making a lasting difference beyond the wrestling ring.

Deonna Purrazzo’s wrestling career is marked by remarkable achievements, but her dedication to supporting teachers through the ‘Clear the List’ initiative highlights another admirable facet of her character. Her efforts demonstrate how powerful it can be when public figures use their influence to support meaningful causes.

Donation Links: Clear the List Initiative on Amazon.

To hear more about Deonna Purrazzo’s philanthropic efforts and her wrestling career, watch her interview on the Irish Wrestling Podcast here
