AEW & NJPW Forbidden Door Review (June 30th)

AEW & NJPW aired the 3rd annual Forbidden Door on TrillerTV, Bleacher Report & NJPW World (Japan) live in Elmont New York.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Serpentico (Pre Show)

Kyle Fletcher lands a boot on Serpentico. He fires off right hands and stomps on him in the corner but Serpentico lands a hurricanrana on him.

Fletcher runs him over with a clothesline and yanks on Serpentico’s mask.

Fletcher then connects with a kick on Serpentico then follows it up with a variation of a Tombstone and sits him on the top rope. He joins him up there and lands a turnbuckle Brainbuster for the win.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher (3:10)
Rate: 3

Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Match
Strong Openweight Champion Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong vs. House Of Black (Malakai Black & Brody King) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Tomohiro Ishii (Pre Show)

Malakai Black & Kyle O’Reilly go back & forth before Tomohiro Ishii & Brody King tag in and they exchange forearms. King levels Ishii before Gabe Kidd tags in and fires off right hands on King.

Marq Quen tags in and lands a springboard kick on Roderick Strong then fires off right hands on Kidd and catapults him into an enzuigiri to Isiah Kassidy.

Kassidy hits a crossbody to Kidd from the apron then hits a neckbreaker/double stomp combination to him with Quen and goes for a pin. Kidd kicks out and O’Reilly tags in.

Kidd clotheslines Kassidy out of the ring, then levels O’Reilly with a clothesline of his own and follows it up with a chop.

Strong tags in and fires off chops on O’Reilly & Kidd becomes angered by Strong tagging himself in and gets in his face.

O’Reilly tags in Ishii & Kidd & Strong look to hit him with chops but Ishii stays standing and hits a double clothesline to both before King tags in.

Black lands a boot on Ishii but Ishii hits him with a clothesline then O’Reilly & Ishii double team on King then hits a kick/elevated DDT combination to him.

Everyone then gets in the ring and begins brawling with one another before Kidd bites King but King levels him and stares down Private Party.

Private Party low bridge him onto the apron then fly to level him and everyone else on the outside.

They get King back in the ring but Black hits Private Party with The End.

Kassidy rolls up King but King kicks out and levels him with a clothesline then sends him crashing into the mat with Dante’s Inferno for the win.

Winners: House Of Black (8:39)
Rate: 7

Tag Team Match
Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano vs. Kris Statlander & Momo Watanabe (Pre Show)

Tam Nakano & Kris Statlander lock up before Nakano fires off right hands on Statlander then lands a kick on her and tags in Willow Nightingale.

Statlander quickly tags out to Momo Watanabe & Nightingale hits a sliding clothesline to her.

Nakano tags in and fires off a series of forearms on Watanabe.

Nakano then connects with a thrust kick on Nakano’s head but Statlander lands a back suplex on her as Stokely Hathaway distracts Nightingale and the referee. Watanabe pins Nakano but Nakano kicks out.

Statlander tags in and hits a delayed vertical suplex to Nakano then hits a fallaway slam but Nakano sends her crashing to the outside and looks to tag in Nightingale.

Statlander pulls Nightingale off the apron then sends Nakano crashing into the top turnbuckle face first and tags in Watanabe.

Watanabe hits a kick to Nakano’s spine before Statlander tags back in and wears her down with a submission. Nakano lands a roundhouse kick on Statlander’s head then tags in Nightingale.

Nightingale fires off right hands on Statlander then connects with a boot then Watanabe tags in and Nightingale whips her into the corner. She wears her down and hits a spinebuster and Statlander tags in.

She lands a discus lariat on Nightingale and pins her but Nightingale kicks out then Nightingale lands a missile dropkick off the rope then tags in Nakano.

Nakano looks to land a crossbody on Statlander but Statlander sees her coming and sets up for a rolling German suplex. Nakano avoids it then lands a German suplex of her own.

Nightingale & Watanabe tag in and Watanabe sends Nightingale crashing into the mat.

Statlander gets Nakano into an electric chair position as Watanabe ascends up the ropes but Nakano hits Statlander with a German suplex.

Nightingale gets Watanabe up her shoulders before sending her crashing into the mat.

Watanabe fires off a couple kicks on Nightingale but Nightingale intercepts her with a Pounce.

She levels Statlander on the outside but Nakano hits a German suplex to get the win.

Winners: Willow Nightingale & Tam Nakano (10:18)
Rate: 7

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Mariah May vs. Saraya (Pre Show)

Mariah May rolls up Saraya but Saraya kicks out and May lands a boot on her. She whips her into the corner then lands an uppercut on her and connects with a sidewalk slam.

May then lands a single legged dropkick on Saraya and sits her on the top turnbuckle before landing a double chop and a reverse hurricanrana.

She ascends to the top rope and connects with a missile dropkick then goes for a pin. Saraya kicks out.

May looks to land a hip attack on Saraya in the corner but Saraya sees her coming and hits a jawbreaker to her off the top rope. They teeter on the top rope before Saraya sends May colliding with the ring post.

Saraya sends May’s face bouncing off the ring apron, then jams her boot into May in the corner.

They fire off forearms on one another before May lands a hip attack on Saraya in the corner.

Harley Cameron hops up on the apron but Storm pulls her off and lands a forearm on her.

Saraya hits a kick to May then follows it up with a fisherman’s neckbreaker and goes for a pin.

May gets her hand on the bottom rope to break the fall. Saraya wears May down and sends her head bouncing off the mat but May manages to hit a jackknife for the win.

Winner: Mariah May (8:00) (She will face Hikaru Shida in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 6

Trios Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (Hiromu Takahashi, Yota Tsuji & Titan) vs. Lucha Bros (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix) & Mistico (Pre Show)

Rey Fenix lands a chop on Titán before Titán responds with one of his own then lands a kick on Fenix’s midsection. Fenix sends Titán crashing into the turnbuckles then flies off the top to level him.

Titán connects with a tornado DDT on Fenix but Fenix lands on his feet.

Pentagon Jr & Yota Tsuji tag in and Pentagon lands his signature pose on Tsuji.

He hits a kick to his midsection then connects with an enzuigiri on him in the corner and hits a Bronco style kick. Tsuji sends Pentagon crashing into the mat then lands a chop on him.

Pentagon responds with a chop of his own and they go back & forth landing chops on one another.

Tsuji lands a jumping knee on Pentagon before Mistico & Hiromu Takahashi tag in.

Mistico lands an arm drag on Takahashi then flies to level him on the outside as Lucha Bros send Tsuji & Titán crashing into one another.

Mistico ascends to the top rope then hits a Swanton Bomb to Takahashi then Tsuji tags in and sends Mistico’s face repeatedly bouncing off the turnbuckles.

LIJ triple teams on Mistico & Tsuji lands a splash on Mistico before Titán lands a splash of his own on Mistico off the ropes but Mistico takes LIJ down and tags in Pentagon.

Pentagon lands a Sling Blade on Titán then lands a superkick on Titán before LIJ, Lucha Bros & Mistico then all begin brawling with one another before Titán lands a tornado DDT and a kick on Fenix.

Titán pins Fenix but Fenix kicks out and lands a superkick on Titán. Mistico tags in and Fenix helps him land a tornado DDT on everyone else on the outside.

Mistico lands a springboard crossbody on Titán then transitions into a Fujiwara Armbar on Titán & Titán taps out.

Winners By Submission: Lucha Bros & Mistico (12:01)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

MJF vs. Hechicero

Hechicero lands a boot on MJF’s midsection then looks to land a cross armbreaker on MJF but MJF avoids it and offers his hand to Hechicero.

Hechicero shakes it but MJF responds with a boot to his midsection before Hechicero uses the referee as a shield then dumps MJF to the outside.

MJF sends Hechicero crashing into the barricade twice, then sits him in a chair and lands a running knee on Hechicero.

He dumps Hechicero back inside the ring but Hechicero sends his arm bouncing off the top rope and stomps on it. He wears it down with an arm submission then lands a tornado DDT on MJF.

He follows it up with a tilt a whirl backbreaker and an elbow drop then lands a jumping knee on him in the corner.

MJF lands a back body drop on Hechicero then connects with a piledriver before Hechicero lands a dropkick on MJF then looks to cinch in a cross armbreaker.

MJF transitions into Salt Of The Earth but Hechicero avoids it by transitioning into a pinfall.

MJF kicks out and Hechicero locks in a cross armbreaker.

MJF escapes by getting his foot on the bottom rope before he & Hechicero hit one another with clotheslines.

MJF rains down right hands on Hechicero then bites him and lands Panama Sunrise then follows it up with a Brainbuster for the win.

Winner: MJF (9:51)
Rate: 6

Trios Match
The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson & Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada) vs. NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Hiroshi Tanahashi & The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster)

Kazuchika Okada clocks Hiroshi Tanahashi on the apron before Tanahashi tags in but Okada tags out to Nicholas Jackson.

Nicholas & Tanahashi lock up and Tanahashi lands a springboard crossbody on Nicholas.

Anthony Bowens tags in and locks up with Nicholas then fires off a couple kicks on his face and follows it up with a snapmare. Bowens rolls up Nicholas but Nicholas kicks out.

Max Caster tags in and double teams on Nicholas with Bowens.

Caster bodyslams Nicholas & Matthew then holds them both in place with Tanahashi as Bowens hits Scissor Me Timbers.

Okada makes the blind tag in and The Elite hits a triple enzuigiri to Caster.

Okada follows it up with a shoulder breaker before Matthew tags in.

Nicholas locks Caster in a Camel Clutch as Matthew runs the ropes several times then tags in Okada.

Okada hits a running basement dropkick to Caster then whips him into the corner. Nicholas tags in and sits Caster on the top rope but Caster bites Nicholas and lands a crossbody on him off the middle rope.

Okada tags in and Caster lands a jawbreaker on him. Matthew tags in and Caster lands a back body drop on him. Bowens tags in and double teams on Young Bucks.

He hits a Famouser to Nicholas then gets Matthew up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the mat. He goes for a pin but Nicholas breaks the fall.

Caster goes after Matthew then levels him as Bowens does the same thing to Matthew.

Okada & Tanahashi tag in and Tanahashi lands a pair of strikes on Okada.

He follows it up with a bodyslam and a senton off the ropes then hits a dragon screw to Okada’s leg and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf.

Nicholas breaks the fall and Caster levels him then Tanahashi ascends to the top and hits High Fly Flow to Okada. Young Bucks land superkicks on The Acclaimed then land one each on Tanahashi.

Okada hits an elbow drop off the ropes to Tanahashi but Tanahashi rolls him up.

Okada kicks out then hits a dragon screw to Nicholas and runs the ropes before Okada catches Tanahashi with a dropkick then lands Rainmaker for the win.

Winners: The Elite (13:01)
Rate: 6

After the match Okada looks to continue beating down Tanahashi but Billy Gunn runs down to the ring to come to Tanahashi’s aid.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
Bryan Danielson vs. Shingo Takagi

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns wearing one another down with submission holds before Bryan Danielson wears down Shingo Takagi with a Bow & Arrow.

Takagi lands a shoulder tackle on Danielson then follows it up with an elbow drop and a senton and a dropkick that sends Takagi crashing out of the ring then connects with a tope suicida.

Takagi responds with a twisting neckbreaker to Danielson off the ring apron.

Takagi hits a jumping knee to Danielson then lands a series of strikes on him.

Danielson lands a roundhouse kick on Takagi’s head and they exchange chops and uppercuts with one another.

Danielson hits a low German suplex to Takagi then lands a kick on him and ascends to the top rope.

Takagi fires off chops on him and joins him up there but Danielson trips him and rains down Hammer & Anvil Elbows on him.

He then hits a back suplex to him off the middle rope and goes for a pin but Takagi kicks out.

Danielson connects with Yes Kicks on Takagi then looks to cinch in a cross armbreaker but Danielson blocks it and Danielson transitions into a Triangle.

Takagi counters into a powerslam to escape then hits a lariat to Danielson in the corner and a superplex off the top rope. Takagi lands a sliding lariat on Danielson and goes for a pin but Danielson kicks out.

Takagi then lands a lariat on Danielson and connects with Made In Japan then goes for a pin but Danielson kicks out once again.

Takagi rains down more Hammer & Anvil Elbows on Danielson but Danielson cinches in a Fujiwara Armbar on Takagi. He looks to transition into LeBell Lock but Takagi avoids it.

Takagi gets Danielson up on his shoulders, but Danielson escapes and lands a kick on Takagi.

Danielson then connects with a suplex on Takagi and follows it up with Busaiku Knee then goes for a pin but Takagi kicks out.

Danielson fires off stomps on Takagi and locks in a Triangle on Danielson but Takagi makes his way up to his feet but Danielson transitions into a Fujiwara Armbar & Takagi fades.

Winner: Bryan Danielson (20:19) (He will face PAC in the Semi Finals)
9 (Recommend)

After the match Danielson pays his respects to Takagi.

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa

Match starts off with a lock up before Toni Storm fires off right hands on Mina Shirakawa then levels her and lands an overhand double chop on her.

Shirakawa then hits a baseball dropkick to Storm then drives her knees into the mat and cinches in a Figure 4 on her using the ring post.

Shirakawa drives Storm’s knee onto the floor then gets her back in the ring and uses the ring rope to wear down her knee further.

She then lands a dropkick on her knee then connects with a suplex and lands a hip attack that sends her crashing out of the ring.

She looks to land a 2nd one on Shirakawa but Shirakawa moves out of the way and Storm collides with the ring post.

Shirakawa hits a crossbody to Storm on the outside off the ropes before she trips her in the ring with a kick and gets her up in an electric chair position.

She sends her crashing into the mat and cinches into a Figure 4 but Storm reverses the submission hold but Shirakawa reverses it once again.

Storm & Shirakawa exchange forearms with one another but Shirakawa connects with a rolling elbow on Storm and ascends to the top rope.

Storm joins her up there and they exchange strikes before Shirakawa lands a diving DDT on Storm and lands a 2nd DDT. She goes for a pin but Storm kicks out.

Storm hits a German suplex to Shirakawa then connects with a hip attack on her in the corner.

Shirakawa pins Storm but Storm kicks out and lands a boot on Shirakawa.

Shirakawa lands a backfist and a rolling elbow then lands a Falcon Arrow and goes for a pin but Storm kicks out. Shirakawa lands a roundhouse kick on Storm but Storm rolls her up.

Shirakawa kicks out and Storm lands a German suplex on her then hits Storm Zero for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s Champion: Toni Storm (11:42) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7

After the match May joins Storm in the ring as she still looks torn up about what just happened. Storm helps up Shirakawa but Shirakawa pulls away from her. She offers her hand to Storm & Storm shakes it. Storm & Shirakawa then hug one another and both kiss May.

Zack Sabre Jr vs. Orange Cassidy

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking one another in submission holds before Orange Cassidy lands an arm drag on Zack Sabre Jr from the apron.

Cassidy & Sabre Jr then take turns rolling up one another but Sabre Jr hits a neck crank to Cassidy and follows it up with an uppercut. He locks in a Boston Crab then transitions into another submission.

Sabre Jr mocks Cassidy by landing his signature kicks on him then connects with a 2nd neck crank.

Cassidy responds with a dragon screw on Sabre Jr then lands a tope suicida and hits 2 more dragon screws.

He gets Sabre Jr back inside the ring and lands a 4th Dragon Screw then looks to land Stundog Millionaire but Sabre Jr avoids it and Cassidy sends him crashing into the mat.

Cassidy hits a diving DDT to Sabre Jr and goes for a pin but Sabre Jr kicks out.

Sabre Jr hits a boot to Cassidy’s forearm then begins wearing down his wrist.

Sabre Jr locks in an armbar but Cassidy fires off strikes on Sabre Jr’s knee and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf.

Sabre Jr escapes and continues wearing down Cassidy’s wrist.

Cassidy lands Beach Break on Sabre Jr and goes for a pin but Sabre Jr kicks out.

Cassidy lands Orange Punch but Sabre Jr comes back and levels Cassidy.

Cassidy & Sabre Jr then take turns pinning one another and Sabre Jr locks in Clarky Cat on Cassidy & Cassidy taps out.

Winner By Submission: Zack Sabre Jr (16:22)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match Sabre Jr hands his sunglasses to Cassidy as a sign of respect.

Trios Match
The Learning Tree (FTW Champion Chris Jericho & Big Bill) & Television Champion Jeff Cobb vs. Katsuyori Shibata, Samoa Joe & Hook

Katsuyori Shibata fires off forearms on Big Bill before Bill intercepts him with an open palm strike and a boot then lands a Brainbuster and tags in Chris Jericho.

Shibata fires off several chops on Jericho then tags in Hook & Hook rains down right hands on Jericho then sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle.

Jeff Cobb & Samoa Joe tag in and Joe runs Cobb over with a shoulder tackle then fires off right hands on Cobb then whips him into the corner and lands an enzuigiri.

He fires off more right hands on him but Cobb sends him crashing into the mat with a chokeslam and tags in Bill. Bill rains down right hands on Joe then tags in Jericho.

Cobb tags in and Jericho holds Joe in place as Cobb fires off a few strikes on him.

Hook tags in and dumps Bill out of the ring but Bryan Keith distracts him and Cobb takes advantage.

He lands a chop on Hook then tags in Jericho.

Jericho jams his knee into Hook’s neck and Bill fires off right hands on him from the apron as the referee is distracted.

Bill tags back in and lands a bodyslam on Hook then lands a pair of elbow drops on him and tags in Cobb. Cobb lands a standing moonsault but Shibata tags in and fires off chops on Cobb.

Cobb lands a fallaway slam on Shibata then tags in Jericho.

Jericho looks to land a Lionsault but Shibata gets his knees up as Bill sends Joe crashing into the barricade. Hook flies off the top rope to level Cobb.

Jericho locks in Walls Of Jericho on Shibata but Hook tags in and double teams on Jericho with Joe.

Bill & Cobb take down Joe & Hook but Shibata levels Bill then Cobb takes out Shibata & Hook lands a t bone suplex on Cobb.

Jericho lands a Codebreaker on Hook but Hook locks in Redrum on Jericho as Shibata & Joe lock in Sleepers on Bill & Cobb.

Jericho rolls up Hook but Hook escapes and lands Judas Effect on Jericho for the win.

Winners: Katsuyori Shibata, Samoa Joe & Hook (14:02)
Rate: 6

TNT Title Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jack Perry vs. Dante Martin vs. Lio Rush vs. El Phantasmo

Konosuke Takeshita hits Jack Perry with a headbutt then everyone else then goes after Takeshita and lands strikes on him in the corner then each grab a ladder.

El Phantasmo, Mark Briscoe, Dante Martin & Lio Rush then all grab ladders and hit each other with them.

ELP & Martin brawl on the outside as Briscoe & Rush do the same before Rush uses a chair to fly but Briscoe intercepts him. Briscoe grabs a table from under the ring and sets up one leg of it.

Perry sets up a ladder in the ring and climbs it but Rush pulls him down and ascends up it.

Perry lands a stomp on Rush in the corner then sets up a ladder in the opposite corner.

Rush sends Perry crashing into the ladder then lands a kick on him and levels Briscoe with a 2nd ladder.

ELP gets Rush on his shoulders and sends him crashing through a ladder.

Martin ascends up a ladder but ELP intercepts him and gets him up on his shoulders but Martin escapes and lands a jumping knee.

Takeshita lands a Brainbuster on the side of a ladder, and Briscoe tosses a ladder on Rush.

He sets Takeshita up on the table on the outside then places a ladder on top of him and grabs a chair.

He then flies to send Takeshita crashing through the table.

Perry ascends up a ladder looking to grab the TNT Title but Rush pulls him down. Perry then sets up a ladder between the corner and the one set up into the ring.

ELP meets Perry up on top of the ladder that’s set up and sends Perry crashing off it.

Martin jumps over Perry to join ELP on top of the ladder but Perry sends both men crashing off the ladder. Perry grabs another table from under the ring and sets it up on the outside.

He looks to send Rush through it, but Rush escapes. Martin lands a dropkick on Perry then sets Perry up the table and fires off right hands on him.

Briscoe ascends to the top of a ladder then hits a splash to Perry on the table as Martin sets up a ladder and climbs it but Rush joins him up there.

They look to grab the TNT Title but Takeshita pulls down Martin and connects with a powerbomb.

Takeshita powerbombs Rush on top of a ladder then climbs up one that’s already set up.

ELP lands a pair of Sudden Deaths on Takeshita but Takeshita rocks him with a knee and lands a Blue Thunder Bomb on him through 2 tables on the outside.

Takeshita ascends up the ladder but Briscoe cracks a chair across his spine to stop him.

He sets up a ladder in the corner then sends Takeshita crashing through it.

Briscoe ascends up the ladder but Perry uses a 2nd ladder to send Briscoe crashing off it.

He then cracks a chair repeatedly across Briscoe’s spine then climbs the ladder to grab the TNT Title.

Winner & New TNT Champion: Jack Perry (16:56) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Winner Takes All Match
Stephanie Vaquer (Strong Women’s) vs. Mercedes Mone (TBS)

Stephanie Vaquer lands a headbutt on Mercedes Mone then Mone lands a monkey flip on Vaquer.

She fires off right hands on her then sends her crashing into the corner and lands a double arm drag on her.

Vaquer hits an arm drag to Mone off the top rope but Mone responds with one of her own and hits a Tijeras to Vaquer on the outside under the bottom rope.

She gets Vaquer back in the ring and hits a Meteora off the bottom rope then looks to land a tornado DDT on Vaquer on the outside off the ring apron.

Vaquer intercepts Mone then hits Sole Food on her through the ropes and lands a knee off the turnbuckle.

She lands a crossbody off the top rope to level Mone on the outside then gets her back inside the ring and fires off boots on her then goes for a pin but Mone kicks out.

Mone lands a boot on Vaquer then connects with a suplex before Vaquer locks in a full body submission on Mone then sends her head repeatedly crashing into the mat.

Vaquer looks to fly off the ropes but Mone sees her coming then lands a tornado DDT on Vaquer but Vaquer connects with a leg drop on Mone. She looks to land a 2nd one but Mone avoids it.

Vaquer intercepts Mone with a neckbreaker and both women then kip up.

They fire off forearms on one another before Vaquer rolls up Mone but Mone kicks out and Vaquer transitions into a crossface.

Mone locks in one of her own but Vaquer then catches Mone with a gutbuster.

Mone lands a pair of backstabbers and ascends to the top rope then looks to fly.

Vaquer gets her feet up and lands a pair of double knees on her in the corner then goes for a pin but Mone kicks out. Mone locks in a crossface on Vaquer but Vaquer escapes with a jackknife pin.

Mone escapes and lands Mone Maker then locks in a crossface on Vaquer & Vaquer taps out.

Winner By Submission & Still TBS Champion & New Strong Women’s Champion: Mercedes Mone (16:51) (STILL CHAMPION!!!! & NEW CHAMPION!!!!!)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

After the match Britt Baker’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring to put Mone on notice.

IWGP World Heavyweight Title Match
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Tetsuya Naito

Jon Moxley & Tetsuya Naito waste no time firing off forearm strikes on one another before Moxley hits a series of stomps to Naito in the corner but Naito catches him with a boot.

Moxley sends Naito’s leg bouncing off the ring post then thumbs his eye and sends the same leg of Naito’s bouncing off the ring post once again.

Moxley sends Naito crashing on top of the announce desk then rains down right hands on him.

He locks in a Half Boston Crab on Naito back inside the ring, then transitions into a crossface.

Naito makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold then connects with a piledriver on him and goes for a pin. Naito kicks out and Moxley rains down right hands on him.

He connects with a suplex on Naito and goes for a pin but Naito kicks out then Moxley sits Naito on the top rope and rakes his back.

Naito pushes Moxley off the top rope then sends him crashing between the commentary desk and the barricade near the timekeeper’s area. They get back in the ring and Naito lands a kick on Moxley.

He connects with a neckbreaker on him then goes for a pin but Moxley kicks out and sends Naito crashing into the mat.

Naito rolls up Moxley but Moxley kicks out. Moxley powerbombs Naito off the middle rope.

Naito lands a tornado DDT on Moxley then uses the ropes to level Moxley.

Moxley locks in a sleeper on Naito but Naito sends Moxley crashing into the corner face first.

Moxley connects with a double underhook on Naito and they exchange strikes with one another.

Moxley runs over Naito with a clothesline then connects with Death Rider and goes for a pin but Naito kicks out and Moxley gets in the referee’s face.

Moxley then grabs a chair and sets it up then looks to land Death Rider on Naito through it but before he can the referee grabs the chair.

Moxley lands a boot on Naito’s head but Naito sends Moxley crashing into the mat and lands Destino for the win.

Winner & New IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Tetsuya Naito (17:04) (NEW CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 6

AEW World Title Match
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. International Champion Will Ospreay

Match starts off with a lock up then they exchange forearm strikes and kicks with one another before Will Ospreay fires off chops on Swerve Strickland in the corner.

Strickland & Ospreay look to land boots on one another but both intercept the other’s boot.

Ospreay then hits a crossbody over the top rope to level Strickland on the outside then connects with a chop and a forearm.

He fires off right hands on Strickland through the bottom rope then lands a running kick on him.

Strickland & Ospreay get back inside the ring and Ospreay ascends to the top rope.

Strickland trips him and flies to level him then he lands a series of neckbreakers on him with the last one being through the middle rope.

Strickland & Ospreay end up back on the outside and Ospreay looks to fly off the barricade.

Strickland catches him then looks to send him crashing into the barricade then Ospreay catches Strickland with a hurricanrana.

They get back inside the ring and Ospreay takes down Strickland before Strickland connects with a backbreaker on Ospreay before he sends him crashing into the mat and looks to lock in a cross armbreaker.

Ospreay blocks it and makes his way over to the bottom rope to force Strickland to relinquish the hold.

Strickland fires off kicks on Ospreay and they exchange forearms then Ospreay then lands Styles Clash on Strickland and goes for a pin, but Strickland kicks out. Strickland lands a knee on Ospreay.

Strickland then hits a t bone suplex on Ospreay off the top rope and goes for a pin but Ospreay kicks out.

Ospreay looks to land OsCutter on Strickland but Strickland sees him coming and ascends to the top rope.

He lands a Swerve Stomp on Ospreay that sends him crashing into the announce desk, then connects with a piledriver on him on top of the barricade.

He gets Ospreay back in the ring and sends him crashing into the mat, then goes for a pin but Ospreay kicks out.

Strickland ascends to the top rope but Ospreay trips him and joins him up there before he lands OsCutter off the top rope then lands a 2nd one and goes for a pin.

Strickland kicks out and Ospreay connects with Hidden Blade but Strickland avoids it and Ospreay looks to land another OsCutter but Strickland sees him coming.

Ospreay then manages to land another OsCutter and Storm Breaker before he goes for a pin.

Strickland kicks out then Ospreay looks to land Storm Breaker once again but Strickland avoids it.

Strickland then lands Hidden Blade and looks to land Swerve Stomp but Ospreay avoids it and looks to land Hidden Blade.

Ospreay accidentally collides with the referee and Strickland lands a poisonrana on Ospreay.

Ospreay responds with Hidden Blade and pins Strickland but there’s no referee to count the fall.

Don Callis appears at ringside and hands Ospreay a screwdriver & Ospreay takes it but Prince Nana clocks Callis. Ospreay looks to use the screwdriver on Nana but reconsiders it and throws it away.

When he slides back in the ring Strickland is waiting with House Call then follows it up with Swerve Stomp as another referee shows up. Strickland goes for a pin but Ospreay kicks out.

Strickland then lands a 2nd House Call and goes for a pin but Ospreay manages to kick out.

Strickland then lands a 3rd House Call follow by JML Driver for the win.

Winner & Still AEW World Champion: Swerve Strickland (27:06) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 10 (Recommend)

After the match Strickland shows his respect to Ospreay as Kyle Fletcher appears at ringside. Fletcher hugs Ospreay & Strickland celebrates another successful defense of the AEW World Title to close out Forbidden Door 2024.

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