WWE Raw Review (July 1st)

WWE aired Raw live in Boston Massachusetts.

Kicking off this week’s Raw with Jey Uso welcomes fans to Raw then says with Money In The Bank coming up on Saturday, he’ll be the one who will secure the briefcase and the contract for a future title shot.

Chad Gable’s music hits and he makes his way out. He says that when you look up the word miracle in the dictionary there will be a picture of him. He says he’s overcome a lot as of late and overcome much adversity between being attacked by the Wyatt Sicks and losing his Alpha Academy family. He then insists that he’s not scared of the Wyatt Sicks and says his family left him high and dry. He then says that the Wyatt Sicks should be after Jey given that he abandoned his family.

Jey says he told the Wyatt Sicks they could have their fireflies then calls Gable a manipulative scumbag. Gable & Jey then begin brawling and Jey lands a series of right hands on Gable. He follows it up with a superkick and sets up for Uso Splash but Gable rolls out of the ring before he can land it.

The lights then go out and the Wyatt Sicks’ music echoes through the arena. Smoke fills the ring and Gable hops over the barricade in an attempt to escape the Wyatt Sicks. In trying to do so he comes face 2 face with a silhouette on the entrance ramp. He then runs into a 2nd and 3rd one. Gable slowly retreats up the stairs of the TD Garden then quickens his pace. Sister Abigail appears as a security guard is laid out on top of the announce desk and hands Michael Cole a box similar to the one she gave him last week.

After the break Michael Cole opens the box given to him by Sister Abigail to reveal a 2nd VHS tape. He hands it off to someone to take it to the production crew.

Xavier Woods vs. Karrion Kross

Karrion Kross offers his hand to Xavier Woods but Woods opts not to shake it and fires off chop on him but Kross connects with a suplex on him.

Woods low bridges Kross out of the ring then hits a crossbody over the top rope to level him.

Kross then powerbombs Woods into the ring post as we go to a break.

After the break Woods & Kross take turns landing strikes on one another.

Woods rains down right hands on Kross in the corner then lands a thrust kick on him and connects with an enzuigiri from the apron.

Woods ascends to the top rope and looks for Limit Break but Kross catches him with Kross Hammer in mid air. Woods then rolls up Kross for the win.

Winner: Xavier Woods

After the match Authors Of Pain attacks New Day in the ring and beat them down. Akam beats down Woods on the outside and Kofi Kingston low bridges Rezar out of the ring. Kingston looks to fly but Kross intercepts him with Kross Hammer. Authors Of Pain send Woods crashing into the barricade as Kross locks in an arm submission on Kingston.

We get a recap Finn Balor & JD McDonagh beating Awesome Truth to win the World Tag Team Titles with help from Liv Morgan.

Backstage World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest spoke with Dominik Mysterio outside the Judgment Day clubhouse and asked if he spoke with Rhea Ripley. Mysterio said he did and everything was good. Priest said he just spoke with Ripley and that’s not the case.

Mysterio said he would handle it. Priest called Mysterio on saying that every week and told him to do what he says for once. Mysterio said Priest sounded like his father. They entered the room and found Finn Balor & Liv Morgan watching Carlito & JD McDonagh playing the WWE 2K24 game. Morgan made a quick exit.

Priest told Balor that Morgan hanging out in the clubhouse has to stop. Balor got defensive and said she helped them win the World Tag Team Titles. Balor took issue with Priest saying the Judgment Day needs him more than he needs the Judgment Day.

Priest said he has faith in himself and he knows he can beat Seth Rollins. Balor said he’ll always have Priest’s back and will always tell him the truth. Balor said the truth is that Priest has changed since he won the World Heavyweight Title as we go to a break.

After the break we get a video package on the late Sika.

We go backstage where Zelina Vega is getting interviewed by Cathy Kelley. Vega said everyone who has doubted her will see what a real champion looks like.

Highlights aired of Liv Morgan throwing out the 1st pitch at the Boston Red Sox game over the weekend. 

Women’s World Title Match
Liv Morgan (c) vs. Zelina Vega

Liv Morgan whips Zelina Vega into the mat before Vega lands an arm drag but Morgan sends her crashing into the turnbuckle.

Morgan & Vega then teeter on the ropes but Vega dials it up for a 619 on Morgan’s leg.

Morgan knocks Vega to the outside as Dominik Mysterio makes his way down to the ring.

Vega lands an arm drag on Morgan off the ring apron, then connects with a Meteora.

Rey Mysterio then appears at ringside to neutralize Dominik as we go to a break.

After the break Morgan hits 3 Amigos to Vega then locks in Prism Lock but Vega escapes and sends Morgan crashing into the corner. Vega then lands a kick on Morgan’s face then lands a 2nd one and hits a Scissor Kick.

Vega ascends to the top rope and hits a moonsault then goes for a pin but Morgan kicks out.

Morgan lands a kick on Vega then sits her on the top rope then Vega lands a sunset flip on Morgan and looks to pin her, but Morgan rolls out of the ring before she can.

Morgan dumps Vega back inside the ring as Rey & Dominik get in one another’s faces.

Rey strikes Dominik but Morgan lands a baseball slide on him before Vega dials it up for a 619 and lands a tornado DDT on her. Vega then pins Morgan but Morgan kicks out.

Dominik then slides a chair to Vega to help her win but Vega opts not to use it and hits Dominik with it.

Morgan takes advantage and lands ObLIVion for the win.

Winner & Still Women’s World Champion: Liv Morgan (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

After the match Cathy Kelley joins Morgan & Morgan dedicates her win tonight and all her future wins to Dominik.

A sponsored Drew McIntyre video package aired. McIntyre said he was screwed by CM Punk twice and sent to the back of the line. McIntyre said that anyone who gets between him and his goals will meet the same fate as CM Punk. McIntyre said he would beat Sheamus and Ilja Dragunov, then go to Money in the Bank and win the contract. McIntyre said it will be his night and added that he will be the World Heavyweight Champion…

Seth Rollins was shown walking backstage. In the background Zoey Stark was talking with Sonya Deville. Shayna Baszler entered the picture and drags Stark away from Deville.

After the break Seth Rollins welcomes fans to Monday Night Rollins then introduces himself and points out the confetti raining down from the ceiling. He says it’s a premature celebration for him dethroning Damian Priest as World Heavyweight Champion at Money In The Bank and says Boston is a championship city. He says he needs to win back the World Heavyweight Title and says he can’t settle for 2nd best. He says the thing about him is that he’s the best when the pressure is on.

Finn Balor’s music hits and he makes his way out. He demands fans say hello to one half of the new World Tag Team Champions. He says he should be in a good mood but he’s not. He says he’s in a real bad mood because everything seems to be changing on Raw including what it means to be in Judgment Day and Damian Priest. He blames Rollins for all the change and Rollins tells Balor to be quiet. He says Priest is his own man then says he thinks Balor is jealous of Priest because he’s the World Heavyweight Champion and not him.

Priest’s music hits and he marches down to the ring. Rollins says Priest & Balor are looking to trap him but Priest denies that such is the case. He says he came down because he doesn’t nee someone else handling his business then says that the issues between him and Rollins are just between them. He tells Rollins that his days of running Raw are numbered. Rollins says he & Priest don’t have to wait until Saturday.

Balor looks to clock Rollins but Rollins sees him coming. Balor then attacks Rollins but Priest pulls him off Rollins. Rollins lands a double superkick on Priest & Balor then lands a Curb Stomp on Balor. Priest catches Rollins with South Of Heaven then checks on Balor and helps him up.

A Ludwig Kaiser video aired. Kaiser said he suffered broken ribs when he was attacked last week. Kaiser said his goal of not just beating Sheamus but embarrassing and humiliating him and then ending him once and for all.

After the break we go backstage where Damian Priest told a weary Finn Balor that he was happy he was okay but he asked him to stay out of his match at MITB because he needs to do it on his own

Triple Threat Women’s Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Zoey Stark vs. Dakota Kai vs. Ivy Nile

Dakota Kai clocks Ivy Nile before Zoey Stark lands an enzuigiri on Kai then lands a baseball dropkick on her. Nile connects with a dropkick on Stark then lands a kick on Kai.

Kai then lands a running boot on Nile as we go to a break.

After the break Nile hits a double bulldog to Kai & Stark off the middle rope then lands a pair of shoulder tackles on Kai then lands a dropkick and a German suplex to Kai.

She connects with a hurricanrana and German suplex on Stark, then looks to land a delayed vertical suplex on Kai. Stark saves Kai but Nile hits a double German suplex to both Kai & Stark.

Kai lands a Scorpion Kick on Stark before Stark lands a thrust kick on Nile and follows it up with a tornado DDT. Kai sends Stark crashing into the mat with a variation of a Canadian Destroyer.

Sane runs down to the ring and hops up on the apron but Nile clocks her.

Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union appear at ringside and attack Sane allowing Stark to land kick on Kai that knocks Nile off the apron and hits Z360 on Kai for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Zoey Stark

Michael Cole then throws it over to the tape from the Wyatt Sicks from earlier tonight. On it Bo Dallas asks Uncle Howdy how much longer they’re going to keep doing this. Uncle Howdy asks Dallas if he thinks he’s special and Dallas says that implies others are not special. He says they’re the ones everyone wanted to forget about and abandoned, but they made them notice. Dallas then tells Uncle Howdy that they’ve become family, and says it’s disgusting how false prophets are using family for their gain. He calls it disgusting and both he and Uncle Howdy say they’ll set them free. They say they made the Wyatt Sicks family. The tape then cuts away and Uncle Howdy is gone. Bo Dallas says he set the Wyatt Sicks free and the camera pans out to see that Dallas and Uncle Howdy are talking in the Firefly Funhouse.

Otis was eating in a catering area when Chad Gable sat down next to him and assumed the new Wyatt video was directed at him. Gable said he needs help. He said he knows the things he said were hurtful and that Otis hates him.

Otis said he doesn’t hate Gable but they won’t help him. Otis said it’s Gable’s problem not their problem. Gable said Otis was right, but they could come after Akira Tozawa, Maxxine Dupri or Otis next. Gable said he would be there for them if that happens and then labeled Otis as his #1 guy. Tozawa & Dupri showed up. Dupri asked if everything was okay. Gable said everything was great.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Rey Mysterio

Match starts off with a lock up before Dominik Mysterio lands a dropkick on Rey Mysterio but Rey responds with a Tijeras then lands a 2nd one on Dominik on the outside off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Dominik wears down Rey and sends him crashing into the turnbuckles.

Rey hits a drop toe hold that sends Dominik crashing into the middle turnbuckle then sends his head repeatedly bouncing off it and ascends to the top rope.

He connects with a senton and a springboard crossbody before Liv Morgan appears at ringside to cheer Dominik on.

Dominik catapults Rey into the mat, then locks in a Boston Crab but Rey makes his way over to the bottom rope to break the hold.

Dominik hits 3 Amigos to Rey but Rey avoids the third suplex and sends Dominik crashing into the ropes.

He dials it up for a 619 but Morgan pulls Dominik out of the ring then Rey sends Dominik accidentally crashing into Morgan & Morgan gets in Rey’s face for ruining a moment between her & Dominik.

Zelina Vega then blindsides Morgan and attacks her opening the door for Dominik to dropkick Rey into the ropes and hits the 619. He ascends to the top rope but Vega gets in his face.

Vega then trips Morgan & Morgan inadvertently trips Dominik off the top rope.

Rey then dials it up for a 619 on Dominik and follows it up with a splash from the apron for the win.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

After the match Morgan begs for Dominik’s forgiveness.

A Sheamus video package aired. He spoke about living his dream by working in WWE and getting to beat people up. He spoke about the MITB Qualifying and said Ilja Dragunov reminds him of himself 15 years ago. Sheamus said he knows Drew McIntyre like the back of his hand. Sheamus said he’s still hungry and is putting on banger after banger. Sheamus said he would take one step closer to becoming a world champion for the 5th time by winning the MITB qualifier.

After the break footage aired of Shinsuke Nakamura appearing at UFC 303.

Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn says it feels good to walk back into TD Garden as the Intercontinental Champion. He addresses his title defense against Bron Breakker at Money In The Bank and says he hears everyone saying that Breakker will run right through him. He says he gets why people are saying that but confidently says he will retain his title against Breakker.

Breakker’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He says Zayn gained a little of his respect last week by coming to him and giving him a shot at the Intercontinental Title. He says while Zayn has guts, he has no clue who he’s dealing with. He says respect will be out the window at Money In The Bank, then says he will break Zayn to defeat him to win the Intercontinental Title.

Zayn asks Breakker if he knows how many guys have said that they’ll break him in half and says he’s put himself back together every time. He says his title is proof of such and says he wants Breakker to bring his best. He says he thinks Breakker hasn’t done his homework and says he’ll see Breakker at Money In The Bank.

Breakker looks to leave the ring, but surprises Zayn with a spear. He makes his way up the ramp but decides he wants to land another spear on Zayn. Zayn sees him coming and sends him crashing into the ring steps. He then sends his face bouncing off the announce desk and lands an Exploder on him back in the ring. He sets up to land Helluva Kick but Breakker catches him with a spear then stands above Zayn and holds up the Intercontinental Title.

Cathy Kelley spoke with Damage CTRL & Kelley asked if Dakota Kai failing to qualify for MITB would change their preparation for Iyo Sky being in the match on Saturday. Kai said no and then vented about people getting involved in their business.

Lyra Valkyria showed up and spoke about how she would get to the briefcase before Sky. Katana Chance & Kayden Carter showed up and brawled with Damage CTRL while Adam Pearce and others tried to pull them all apart.

Highlights aired from Friday’s Smackdown of The Bloodline Acknowledgement Ceremony that resulted in Paul Heyman being put through a table.

Ilja Dragunov’s video package aired to set up the Raw main event. He said he would win MITB or die trying.

Triple Threat Money In The Bank Qualifying Match
Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Ilja Dragunov

Drew McIntyre & Sheamus get into one another’s face before Ilja Dragunov sends McIntyre crashing out of the ring then locks up with Sheamus.

Sheamus runs over with Dragunov with a clothesline but Dragunov connects with a boot on Sheamus.

He fires off more chops on him before Sheamus lands an Irish Curse Backbreaker on McIntyre.

The action spills out of the ring and Sheamus lands an uppercut on Dragunov.

McIntyre dumps Sheamus over the barricade but Dragunov sends McIntyre crashing into the ring post and hits a kick to his head. Sheamus then hits 10 Beats Of The Bohdan to McIntyre as we go to a break.

After the break Dragunov lands an enzuigiri on McIntyre before McIntyre responds with a pair of belly 2 belly throws before he, Dragunov & Sheamus take turns landing strikes on one another.

Dragunov lands an enzuigiri on Sheamus then hits a running knee and ascends to the top rope.

Dragunov lands a dropkick on McIntyre, then ascends to the top and delivers a senton to him.

He follows it up with H Bomb and goes for a pin but McIntyre kicks out.

Sheamus then sends Dragunov crashing into the barricade on the outside as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Dragunov hits a superplex to McIntyre & Sheamus.

Dragunov connects with Constantine Special on Sheamus but McIntyre sets up for Claymore on Dragunov.

Dragunov sees McIntyre coming and lands an H Bomb then looks to pin him but McIntyre rolls out of the ring before he can.

Dragunov ascends to the top rope and looks to fly to take out Sheamus but Sheamus intercepts him with a knee mid air then hits Brogue Kick and pins him.

McIntyre pulls Dragunov out of the ring to break the fall and dumps him into the timekeeper’s area, then joins Sheamus in the ring.

They exchange strikes with one another and Sheamus lands a bodyslam on McIntyre.

He hits 10 Beats Of The Bodhran and sets up for Brogue Kick but McIntyre counters with a roll up but Sheamus kicks out.

McIntyre then lands Claymore on Sheamus for the win.

Winner & Gets Into The Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Drew McIntyre (Recommend)

After the match Cathy Kelley interviewed McIntyre & said he told everyone he would win the war and that’s what he did. McIntyre said he had more truths. He said he would leave Toronto as the World Heavyweight Champion. McIntyre put Punk’s bracelet on his wrist then kissed it before posing on the ropes to close out this week’s Raw.

Updated Money In The Bank Card (July 6th)

Non Title 6 Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Jey Uso vs. Carmelo Hayes vs. Speed Champion Andrade vs. Chad Gable vs. LA Knight vs. Drew McIntyre

6 Woman Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Iyo Sky vs. Chelsea Green vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Naomi vs. Zoey Stark

World Heavyweight Title Match
Damian Priest (c) vs. Seth Rollins

If Priest wins Rollins can’t challenge for the title again so long as Priest is the champion.

If Rollins wins Priest must leave Judgement Day.

Intercontinental Title Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Bron Breakker

6 Man Tag Team Match
Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton & Kevin Owens vs. The Bloodline

Next Week’s Raw

Jey Uso vs. Chad Gable

6 Woman Tag Team Match
Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai, Kairi Sane & Iyo Sky) vs. Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

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