New South Pro Win City 5 Results (July 3rd)

Taped: June 22nd
Aired: July 3rd

New South Pro aired the 5th Annual Win City on IWTV (it was taped back on June 22nd) & it was in Decatur Alabama.

Donnie Primetime defeated Esteban Diaz

Zac Johnson defeated Big Dave

Sofia Sivan defeated I Am Sam

The Mongrel defeated Tony Evans by DQ

New South Tag Team Titles Fatal 6 Way Match
Evil (Marcus Dylan & Rodney Rockchild) (c) defeated Cade Fite & Derek James, Dumpster Divers (Cabana Man Dan & Dump Sanders), Evil (Negative Lee & Rolando Perez), The Nest (Brax & Tibadow) & TNT (Brandon Williams & Rita Raccoon) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)

New South Pro Heavyweight Title Match
Tyler Franks (c) defeated Mad Dog Connelly (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

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