NXT Review (July 2nd)

NXT aired live in Orlando Florida inside the WWE Performance Center & it’s the go home show before Heatwave.

Street Fight
Jaida Parker vs. Michin

Jaida Parker meets Michin on the ramp with a baseball bat in hand.

Michin lands a chop on Parker then grabs a pipe and a chair from the garbage can she brought to the ring with her.

She pulls out a kendo stick and a tool box from under the ring, then grabs a chain and puts it in a sock.

She looks to hit Parker with the chain but Parker sees her coming and lands a chop on her.

Michin tosses a garbage can lid and a garbage can in the ring & Parker hits Michin with the garbage can lid in her midsection then sends her crashing into the mat.

Michin lands a German suplex on Parker then removes her belt and lashes Parker with it.

Parker drapes Michin through the middle turnbuckle then sends Michin crashing on top of a garbage can.

Michin then hits Parker in her midsection with a chair and sends her crashing into the ring post.

She sets up 3 chairs but Parker hits Michin across her spine with a chair.

Michin sits Parker on 1 of the 3 chairs then looks to land a tope suicida on Parker but Parker moves out of the way and Michin is sent crashing into the chair face first.

Parker then charges at Michin but Michin moves out of the way and Parker is sent crashing through the barricade as we go to a break.

After the break Michin hits Parker with a bag full of nuts and bolts & she dumps them on a pile of chairs then looks to send Parker crashing through them.

Parker counters into a back body drop and goes for a pin, but Michin kicks out.

Michin repeatedly cracks a kendo stick across Parker’s spine and places a garbage can on Parker.

She connects with a cannonball on Parker and pins her but Parker kicks out so Michin grabs a pipe then looks to hit Parker with it.

Parker counters with a fire extinguisher then lands a running knee on Michin that sends them both crashing through the NXT set.

Parker gets Michin in the ring and runs the ropes then lands a Hip Attack for the win.

Winner: Jaida Parker

Arianna Grace spoke with Karmen Petrovic about being heartbroken for not being on the card for Heatwave because it was in her hometown. Jacy Jayne & Jasmyn Nyx made fun of them leading to Petrovic challenging Jayne however, Jayne completely disregarded Petrovic.

There was a vignette for Je Von Evans where he talked about how big this opportunity for the NXT Title at Heatwave was for him, saying he would walk out as NXT Champion on his 1st PLE.

There was a vignette for Kelani Jordan ahead of her Women’s North American Title defense against Sol Ruca at Heatwave.

Tag Team Match
New Catch Republic (Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate) vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger

Tyler Bate & Hank Walker lock up and take turns pinning one another and locking each other in submission holds.

Pete Dunne tags in and lands a chop on Walker before Tank Ledger tags in and runs Dunne over with a shoulder tackle.

Walker & Ledger land a double running splash on Dunne but Dunne stomps on Ledger’s hand.

Bate tags in and flies over Dunne off the middle turnbuckle to level Ledger.

Ledger hits a flying shoulder tackle to Bate but Bate lands a suplex on Ledger.

Walker tags in and Bate gets him up on his shoulders & lands an airplane spin on him then kips up as we go to a break.

After the break Dunne stomps on both of Ledger’s hands then fires off a few stomps on his face then clocks Ledger. Ledger sends Dunne crashing into the mat then tags in Walker.

Walker lands a splash on Dunne in the corner then sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first.

He lands a boot on him then gets Dunne up on his shoulders but Dunne escapes by locking in an arm submission on Walker.

Ledger tags in and he double teams on Dunne with Walker before the action spills out of the ring and Bate looks to fly to take out Walker & Ledger.

Walker & Ledger catch him then send him crashing into Dunne.

They then send New Catch Republic crashing onto the floor then Walker tags back in before he ascends to the top rope and looks to fly but Dunne catches him with a knee.

Bate & Ledger tag in and Dunne snaps Ledger’s fingers then Bate hits Ledger with a rebound clothesline and a Spiral Tap off the top rope for the win.

Winners: New Catch Republic

After the match New Catch Republic shakes hands with Walker & Ledger.

There was a vignette for Shawn Spears & he said that while he was originally here to motivate the younger talent he mentioned that he was now focused on finally winning the NXT Title to fulfill his destiny.

Brinley Reece vs. Izzi Dame

Match starts off with a lock up before Izzi Dame lands a bodyslam on Brinley Reece but Reece fires off forearms on Dame.

She connects with a series of shoulder tackles on her then hits a clothesline.

Tatum Paxley appears at ringside and stares down Dame before Reece takes advantage and rolls up Dame but Dame kicks out.

Reece gets Dame up on her shoulders but Dame escapes and lands a boot on her then connects with a Falcon Arrow for the win.

Winner: Izzi Dame

We then head over to the Chase U classroom where Duke Hudson voices his frustrations with Ridge Holland cheating. He gives Andre Chase proof in the form of a photograph and Holland apologizes. Chase accepts his apology but informs him that he will not be joining himself, Duke Hudson, Thea Hail, & Riley Osborne at Heatwave.

After the break Lola Vice tells Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez that the clock is ticking then calls her down to the ring.

Perez makes her way down to the ring with 2 security guards & Vice asks Perez why she needs security with her and Perez tells her that it’s to make sure that she won’t attack and steal the Women’s Title from her. Perez then tells Vice she sees through her and says that Heatwave will be the biggest match of Vice’s career. She says Vice has made more of a name for herself in WWE in a few short months than she ever did in Bellator and says Vice isn’t the same woman who cashed in her Women’s Breakout Contract on her. Perez that it will be a wrestling match on Sunday and not a MMA fight and says it’s her world rather than Vice’s. She says she will make Vice wrestle her kind of match.

Vice tells Perez that she’s a fighter and says that everyone knows Perez’s story and not her own. Vice recalls going into MMA to provide for her family, and says at 20, she was fighting at Madison Square Garden. She says her mother will be watching her on Sunday, and she’s looking forward to calling her mother and telling her that she’s the new Women’s Champion.

Perez says she didn’t know any of that and says she respects Vice’s story. She says the reality is that every woman in the NXT locker room wants to make the same phone call that she does. She says while she’s the Women’s Champion, those phone calls are never made. She says she’s building a legacy as a 2x Women’s Champion and says she won’t be giving up her title.

Vice says Perez doesn’t need to give her any title because she’ll take it from her. She says she smiled when Perez gave her the best shot she could while Perez crumbled when she gave her the best shot she could. She vows to rip the Women’s Title off her arm then stares down Perez. Perez’s security steps in front of Perez but Vice connects with 305 on one of the guards.

Damon Kemp offered some brass knuckles for Myles Borne ahead of his match but Charlie Dempsey told Borne to disregard him. Tavion Heights was bamboozled by the situation.

Eddy Thorpe was speaking with Dani Palmer after his 1st DJ Set in years this past weekend but Lexis King interrupted and made fun of Thorpe being an EDM Producer, saying Rock was real music.

Oro Mensah vs. Myles Borne

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking in submission holds on one another before Oro Mensah lands a single leg dropkick on Myles Borne off the top rope.

Mensah connects with a forearm on Borne’s spine but Borne catches Mensah with a jumping neckbreaker as we go to a break.

After the break Borne lands a forearm on Mensah before Mensah responds with one of his own and they continue going back and forth landing them on one another.

Mensah lands a kick on Borne’s face then connects with a springboard moonsault and a suplex.

Borne lands a dropkick on Mensah & Damon Kemp looks to hand him a pair of brass knuckles.

Charlie Dempsey asks him what he’s doing opening the door for Mensah to land a roundhouse kick for the win.

Winner: Oro Mensah

There was a vignette dealing the roads of North American Champion Oba Femi & Wes Lee ahead of their match at Heatwave. Femi put over Lee for his achievements in NXT but promised to crush Wes Lee’s body and his dream.

We then head backstage and see Gallus brawling with Tyriek Igwe & Tyson DuPont.

After Brinley Reece, Edris Enofe & Malik Blade spoke about trying to find a new strategy. Good Brothers called out OTM to a match next week promising to break their faces.

Carlee Bright vs. Wendy Choo

Carlee Bright wastes no time firing off forearms on Wendy Choo then they go back & forth before Bright lands another forearm on Bright.

Choo jams her knee into the back of Bright’s neck then hits a neck crank and rakes her spine.

She whips Bright into the corner then drapes her by her knees off the top turnbuckle and lands a dropkick.

She goes for a pin but Bright kicks out. Bright lands a hurricanrana on Choo then hits a dropkick to her.

She looks to land a standing moonsault but Choo gets her knees up.

She connects with a clothesline on her and locks in a Sleeper & Bright taps out.

Winner By Submission: Wendy Choo

There was a vignette for NXT Champion Trick Williams, where he declared he would retain his NXT Title at Heatwave.

After the break we see Shawn Michaels address the recent Brooks Jensen controversy. He invites Jensen to a sit down with Ava next week.

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Karmen Petrovic

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking one another in submission holds before Karmen Petrovic lands a Blockbuster on Nyx.

Nyx lands a kick on Petrovic’s midsection then lands a neckbreaker on her and hits a Shining Wizard.

Nyx wears Petrovic down with a submission but Petrovic escapes with a pinfall but Nyx kicks out.

Petrovic lands a bulldog on Nyx before Jacy Jayne distracts the referee opening the door for Nyx to land a Pele Kick for the win.

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx

NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom spoke backstage where Frazer said he needed to beat Xavier Woods on Speed but Axiom was frustrated because Frazer was losing his focus. Frazer said he would be on focus for their NXT Tag Team Titles defense on NXT Heatwave.

Karmen Petrovic met with Ava where she wanted a shot at Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx after their attack tonight. Ava booked her & Arianna Grace to face Nyx & Jayne at Heatwave.

Sol Ruca had a vignette ahead of challenging for the Women’s North American Title where she promised to win the title at NXT Heatwave.

NXT Champion Trick Williams says a Heatwave is coming to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He says the people there will be chanting Whoop That Trick. Ethan Page cuts him off and says Williams will bring the same energy whether it’s a singles match or a Fatal 4 Way. He says Williams is the hottest thing in WWE, but he saw that swagger in him. He says he saw that same swagger at Battleground but says Heatwave won’t be the same as Battleground. He reminds Williams he doesn’t have to beat him to become the new NXT Champion.

Williams tells Page that the odds don’t favor him but his back is always against the wall. He says that Page is always bringing up his resume but he has a resume of his own and he will add another win to it on Sunday. Spears tells Williams that he admires his emotion but says that his emotion allowed him to defeat him last week and will be what allows him to win the NXT Title at Heatwave.

Evans signs the contract as he gets into it with Spears on the mic. Spears then signs the contract and tells Evans he’s like any sports team that is happy to be there and can’t win the finals. Evans admits to being nervous about Sunday but says he’s also excited because when he walks into Heatwave, everyone will know him. Evans asks Spears how much time he’s spent as NXT Champion then tells him that he’ll show him what an NXT Champion really looks like when he walks out of Heatwave as the new NXT Champion.

Spears hands the contract to Williams and Page as he asks Williams how he asks about what Evans just said. Page signs the contract and says he doesn’t like Williams or Evans’ odds very much. Williams says it will be every man for themself on Sunday then tells Evans that while he likes him, he can’t take the NXT Title from him as is the case for Page & Spears.

Spears, Page & Evans then begin arguing with one another. Spears then shoves Evans as Page fires off right hands on Williams. Williams lands a flapjack on Page through the table as Evans powerbombs Spears through the other one. Williams & Evans then stare one another down to close out this week’s NXT.

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