AEW Dynamite: Beach Break Night 1 Results & Review (July 3rd, 2024)

AEW aired the 1st Night of Beach Break live in Chicago Illinois at the Wintrust Arena.

Kicking off Night 1 of Beach Break with Renee Paquette in the back who introduces the Backbone of AEW in Daniel Garcia & he had Matt Menard by his side. Garcia says he feels pressure, but they’ve felt that since the first day they stepped into AEW. This is the most important night of his entire life and he respects everything Will Ospreay does but he made a promise to himself and everybody else that he’s not losing this match and he bet it on his mother’s life. MJF walks in and says he’s proud of him and tells Garcia not to focus on the Wembley Stadium challenge but on tonight’s match. MJF says he would like to be in Garcia’s corner which Garcia agrees to but Menard says he originally thought MJF was full of it but after everything he’s done for Garcia over the past couple of weeks, he’s okay with him.

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
PAC vs. Bryan Danielson

PAC & Bryan Danielson take each other down then they eventually both come crashing down in the middle of the mat with a double crossbody before going into a forearm exchange.

PAC knocks Danielson with one of them and continues to work on his head with strikes before kicking him to the outside where PAC hits him with a Asai moonsault then sends him back inside.

He immediately puts on the Brutalizer but Danielson gets his leg on the rope as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Danielson starts kicking PAC as he is tied up against the ropes before PAC ducks the last one and escapes to the outside where Danielson misses a sliding dropkick before hitting the running knee strike off the apron.

Danielson keeps on the attack before PAC stops him with a thrust kick and an elbow drop off the barricade.

He throws Danielson back inside where he hits another springboard elbow drop and a Tombstone then a cover but Danielson kicks out at two. Danielson comes back with LeBell Lock but PAC is able to escape.

They trade kicks in the corner before Danielson heads to the top rope but PAC is able to get up and knock him down followed by an avalanche Brainbuster then a cover but Danielson kicks out again at two.

PAC heads to the top rope but misses Black Arrow as Danielson comes right back with Busaiku Knee but takes a while to go for the cover.

Once he does PAC reverses it into Brutalizer but Danielson escapes and turns it into LeBell Lock.

They go back & forth until Danielson locks on the Crucifix pin for the win.

Winner: Bryan Danielson (16:44)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Willow Nightingale and says not only is she getting her hands on Kris Statlander but it’s an Owen Hart Foundation tournament match. Nightingale talks about life being so miserable but her only defense is to look at the bright side. She does that for her and all the fans but Statlander & Stokely Hathaway mock her because they know nothing about that. She talks about what her Smile Anyway catchphrase means, including her friend fighting an illness and Willow herself kicking down the door and being the first person to be a 2x Owen Hart Cup Tournament winner and she’ll go to Wembley Stadium to become the Women’s Champion.

They show a video package of Jack Perry winning the TNT Title at Forbidden Door.

Mark Briscoe in the ring who was also in the ladder match & says they call him chicken but he’s not scared of shit and talks about coming within inches of winning the TNT Title and Perry must have eaten Lucky Charms to win it.

That was last week and he’s not worried about last week but he’s worried about this week which is Shark Week. When he thinks of a shark, he thinks of Blood & Guts and declares himself a participant of Team AEW. As he’s continuing on he gets attacked from behind by Jack Perry with his TNT Title before Kyle O’Reilly runs out and attacks Perry in the corner.

Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada runs out and takes out O’Reilly with the Rainmaker. The Young Bucks come out and take out Briscoe with EVP Trigger. The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn run out and chase The Elite away.

Backstage Renee Paquette is in with Women’s Champion Toni Storm, Mariah May & Luther and says Hikaru Shida feels confident ahead of their Owen Hart Cup match on this Friday’s Rampage. Storm says Shida is dangerous and she’ll still love May if she loses but says there’s nothing that can stop her. Storm gives May some words of encouragement as May does Storm’s catchphrase.

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

Willow Nightingale comes out she rushes towards Kris Statlander and hits her with a pounce then they brawl a bit on the outside before starting the match.

Statlander takes control of the match as we go right into picture in picture.

After the break they fight on the apron where Statlander is trying to German suplex Nightingale but gets tossed back and hit with a cannonball from Nightingale off the apron.

She hits a dropkick from the ropes and a clothesline for a two count.

Back & forth for a bit until Nightingale hits a German suplex from the corner and climbs the top rope but Statlander stops her with a high boot and grabs her as they go back & forth with roll up attempts.

Statlander hits F5 but Nightingale kicks out right before the three. Stokely Hathaway puts a steel chain in the corner that Statlander grabs.

As Nightingale goes after Hathaway before Statlander almost hits Hathaway but just comes up short.

Nightingale uses this advantage and rolls up Statlander to get the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale (8:10)
Rate: 7

Backstage Renee Paquette is with Jeff Jarrett and his crew and asks him how he’s able to prepare without knowing his opponent but Jarrett walks off. Jay Lethal says he’s never seen Jarrett more prepared than anything in his entire life and tonight is about honoring one of his best friends Owen Hart.

Tony Schiavone in the ring introduces Dr Britt Baker DMD and gives her a hug and the microphone. Baker starts by talking about the past being her lesson our present being a gift and the future being their motivation. For the last 10 months, a lot of you have been wondering Where’s Britt and the answer was always She’s injured. She admits that but says it would take more to keep her away from this place. Back in November she was mentally running on empty but every time she looked at herself in the mirror she said I’m good until one day she wasn’t. One day she started feeling really sick and the room started spinning. She found out she had a TIA (Transient ischemic attack). She told Tony Khan she needed to stay home to get herself right and he allowed her to.

She talks about the present being here, clear and healthy but was nervous at Forbidden Door because she didn’t know if anybody would give a damn that she was going to walk through the tunnel. The crowd welcomed her back with chants and she is one of them before moving on to the future. She talks about going through the hard time by being present and feeling all of it. If you do, it’ll make it much better when you’re on the other side because we all possess the impulse to be Elite. She moves on to talk about Mercedes Mone’ being the new face of AEW which the crowd boos. Mone’ talks about how she has CEO piped into her song and how she doesn’t need that as the crowd chants DMD. We cut to TBS Champion Mercedes Mone’ entering the arena as Young Bucks greet her & say her championship celebration is ready and tell the crew to get the ring ready for her.

With Baker still in the ring they start bringing in balloons and set up the ring for Mone who makes her way out. As she enters the ring Baker doesn’t move at all and stands her ground. The crowd chants DMD as Mone says Oops for interrupting something and says it’s time to celebrate with the double champion. Baker says Mone is trying to outshine her moment since she did it to her at Forbidden Door but Mercedes calls her irrelevant. Mercedes is in full heel mode as the crowd chants for her to ‘Shut the fuck up’. Baker brings up All In and how she wrestled at the first one here in Chicago and talks about being the first female to sign her contract for AEW and wrestled last year in Wembley Stadium while Mercedes was looking like a broken bitch with a broken leg in the stands. Baker makes the challenge to Mercedes for this year’s All In but Mercedes piefaces Baker and says she’s never broke, stays rich and says there is a long list of girls who are on the line for her and tells Baker to get to the back of the line. They throw some bitch back & forth before Mone does her catchphrase and raises her titles.

Backstage Renee Paquette is in the with International Champion Will Ospreay & Kyle Fletcher and asks Ospreay how he’s feeling ahead of tonight’s match. Don Callis walks in as Ospreay asks Paquette for a minute. Ospreay says it’s not Callis’ fault but his fault as he was the one who hit the referee and he couldn’t do the Tiger Driver. He doesn’t think he’s that guy anymore and Callis gave him Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho and he has a loyalty to him for changing his life. His heart broke on Sunday though and he wants to be out of the Don Callis Family for good. Callis says he’s not in the habit of letting people out of signed agreements with him but he’s proud of Ospreay and what he’s done so he’s happy to do him the favor and maybe one day he will ask him for a favor. They hug as Callis tells Fletcher to go with him when leaving.

FTW Champion Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring with security who goes and stays near Taz by the commentary table. Jericho talks about not being scheduled for today, but he needs his TV time. Jericho talks about Hook stealing his finisher at Forbidden Door and that’s the ultimate sign of disrespect and that doesn’t work for him brother. Jericho talks about Taz being supposed to be an unbiased announcer and talks about him being a mark and he spoke to Young Bucks about Taz being relieved of his announcing duties for the rest of the evening and having to leave the Wintrust Arena immediately. Taz reluctantly gets up and leaves as Jericho takes his spot.

Trios Match
Cage Of Agony (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. Katsuyori Shibata, Samoa Joe & Hook

Toa Liona & Samoa Joe starts the match before Katsuyori Shibata & Brian Cage quickly tag in then Toa Liona & Hook come in and start battling on the outside as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Shibata is on Liona’s back knocking him down before Hook & Bishop Kaun tag in.

Hook starts clotheslining and suplexing down Cage Of Agony until Kaun comes in with a gutbuster for two.

Cage Of Agony starts working on Hook before Joe runs in to break up the count and knocks Kaun to the outside where he tries to dive onto him just to get stopped by Liona.

Shibata knocks Liona to the outside but Cage takes him out with an F5.

Hook counters one from Cage into a DDT before crawling over and making the tag to Joe.

Joe blocks Liona in the corner with an STO before Hook & Shibata join in on attacking Liona in the corner with splashes and kicks. They continue to triple team on him before Cage & Kaun break up the pin.

Both teams go at it until Shibata, Joe & Hook put chokes on as Bryce Remsburg calls off the match.

Winners By Submission: Katsuyori Shibata, Samoa Joe & Hook (9:08)
Rate: 6

After the match Chris Jericho starts clapping for them which distracts them as Big Bill & Bryan Keith attack them from behind with chairs. Keith pulls off his sling and continues to attack them. The Learning Tree continues to attack them with chairs before takes out Hook with a pair of brass knuckles. They set up a table in the ring before Bill puts Hook through it with a chokeslam.

Quarter Final Match Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
Jeff Jarrett vs. Hangman Page

Hangman Page aggressively takes down Jeff Jarrett with punches and kicks him while down.

Jarrett mounts a comeback but gets taken down hard by a lariat by Page.

Page sends Jarrett to the apron where Page grabs him and powerbombs him on top of it before slamming his head repeatedly against the ring steps as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Page bites Jarrett on the head while on the apron as he tries to hit Dead Eye just for Jarrett to reverse it into The Stroke and both men fall to the outside as a result.

Back inside Jarrett tries both the Figure 4 and Sharpshooter but Page fights them both off and hits Dead Eye. Page doesn’t go for the pin then sets up for the Buckshot Lariat but Jarrett collapses down.

They fight in the ropes for a little bit before Jarrett blocks Buckshot Lariat and puts on the Sharpshooter.

Page crawls over and grabs the bottom rope to break it up as Jarrett looks disappointed and frustrated.

Page sends Jarrett throat first into the ropes and follows with Buckshot Lariat.

Instead of going for the pin Page continues to punch down on Jarrett followed by another Dead Eye to get the win.

Winner: Hangman Page (11:14) (He will face Jay White in the Semi Finals)
Rate: 6

Karen Jarrett goes to check on Jeff Jarrett in the ring but we quickly go to the back to get an update on Hook who immediately gets attacked by Big Bill & Bryan Keith before Chris Jericho enters and takes him out with a fireball as Keith tells him to respect Chris Jericho.

After the break Renee Paquette is in the back with Hangman Page and asks if that type of behavior is acceptable. Young Bucks congratulate Page on his win and say they should continue to scratch each other’s back and ask him if he will be their 5th man for Blood & Guts. Page says he’s not The Elite’s man anymore and he doesn’t need any more of their bullshit games and he’s in the Owen to win the Owen before pushing them both off and walking away.

International Title Match
Will Ospreay (c) vs. Daniel Garica

Will Ospreay & Daniel Garica start the match testing each other out with fast offense until one chop by Ospreay sends Garcia into the corner where MJF gives him a quick pep talk.

They keep the speedy offense going with takedowns until Garcia catches Ospreay into a short piledriver.

Garcia stays in control sending Ospreay in the corner for 10 punches but Ospreay is able to escape and hit a Cheeky Dandos before hitting a crossbody to Garcia on the outside.

As Ospreay goes to get Garcia, MJF stands in between and Ospreay a face off with MJF before we go to picture in picture.

After the break Ospreay has Garcia grounded and kicks away at him before giving Garcia an open shot to attack him back with kicks but instead Garcia dances in Ospreay’s face.

Garcia continues followed by a Saito suplex but Ospreay counters back and gets a two count followed by a Storm Breaker attempt that Garcia counters for two.

More back & forth until Ospreay kicks off Garcia as they do some wild offense off the ropes until Ospreay hits Styles Clash for two.

Ospreay goes for Hidden Blade but Garcia is able to catch him and put him in a choke before transitioning into the Front Chancery.

Ospreay gets out and they see saw back & forth until Garcia blocks an OsCutter and hits a piledriver for a two count.

MJF tosses the Dynamite Diamond ring in for Garcia to use but it only distracts Garcia as Ospreay takes advantage.

Garcia then looks at the ring but gives it right back to MJF as Ospreay quickly follows with Hidden Blade to get the win.

Winner & Still International Champion: Will Ospreay (14:21) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

After the match Garcia is in the corner crying as Ospreay goes to console him and tells him that he knows Garcia can do it and tells the crowd to give him a standing ovation. After Ospreay leaves MJF says that was on him and not Garcia, and said Garcia busted his ass and the crowd loves him before raising his hand and giving him a hug. MJF stuns the crowd though by hitting him with a low blow, puts the ring on goes to hit him but Matt Menard runs out and gets taken out instead. MJF spits on Garcia tells him to get up, and takes him out with the ring. Security tries to stop MJF but he takes them all out before going to attack Garcia some more, busting him open. MJF starts screaming if he restored the feeling and talks about Garcia being your boy. We see Menard on the outside spilling blood all over his face as MJF hits a Tombstone Piledriver to Garcia from the middle rope as Christopher Daniels, Rocky Romero and more officials get in the ring with Daniels screaming at MJF for what he did. MJF pushes them off and continues to attack Garcia as Ospreay finally shows up and chases MJF away into the crowd where MJF gets into it with fans tossing garbage in their direction. Garcia being stretched out as Ospreay is distraught.

Remanding Semi Final Matches

Trios Champion Jay White vs. Hangman Page (Collision July 6th)


Hikaru Shida vs. Mariah May (Rampage July 5th)

Night 2 (July 5th)

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Hikaru Shida vs. Mariah May

Rush vs. Komander

Collision (July 6th)

Semi Final Match Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
Trios Champion Jay White vs. Hangman Page

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Trish Adora

Next Week’s Dynamite

Finals Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
Bryan Danielson vs. Trios Champion Jay White or Hangman Page

Finals Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Hikaru Shida or Mariah May

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