AEW Dynamite Review (July 10th, 2024)

On July 10th, 2024 AEW aired the 249th episode of Dynamite on TBS (United States) & TSN (Canada) & AEW Plus on TrillerTV (International) live in Calgary Alberta Canada inside the Scotiabank Saddledome & we will find out the winners of the Mens & Women’s Owen Hart Cup.

-Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with highlights of MJF’s promo from Collision.

-International Champion Will Ospreay says he’s not surprised by MJF’s disgusting actions as he had heard rumors about him being one of the most insecure men in pro wrestling. The moment that Daniel Garcia started creeping up on MJF’s popularity, he did everything he could to stop it. Ospreay continues that Garcia is still at home with no feeling in his arms with no certainty about coming back to pro wrestling while MJF blamed the people. Ospreay talks about him having ADHD and that not being an excuse to be a prick, since MJF brought up his ADD. He brings up the reason MJF is upset because his Bidding War of 2024 not going the way he expected as Tony Khan would rather spend his money on Ospreay and others. Ospreay brings up being a talentless hack and asks that educated, smart pro wrestling fans in Calgary can agree he has more talent on his left nut than MJF has in his whole body.

-He represents the foundation of this place while MJF came back with an AEW ‘Bet On Yourself’ tattoo but it should say All About Myself and calls MJF a selfish little prick. Ospreay says the moment he steps into AEW he’s been cleaning up somebody else’s mess and he found the guy he has to clean up after. He welcomes the scumbag chants for MJF as that’s the best version of him even though it’s the same old shit for the past 5 years. Ospreay says he’s out for a fight and tells MJF to get his ass out there. MJF’s music hits but he doesn’t come out instead we see MJF somewhere with a glass of wine who says the people don’t deserve the privilege of being close to his greatness. MJF says he beat every one of their favorites who were top guys and Ospreay isn’t different, just a joke and the flavor of the month. MJF calls Ospreay a toy monkey and they will grow tired of him and throw him to the trash like they tried to do with him, but he’s not replaceable. MJF says great wrestlers are a dime a dozen and Ospreay will be replaced by the next flippy guy. MJF says no fighting Ospreay tonight because he doesn’t wrestle for fun but for a purpose and the betterment of All Elite Wrestling. MJF challenges Ospreay next week for the International Title and he’ll keep punching Ospreay in the face until he sees stars. Ospreay calls that adorable and says I’ll see you next week, you little bitch.

Finals Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup
Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Page

Bryan Danielson goes to kick at Hangman Page but he dodges it & knocks Danielson down and mounts him with punches before taunting the crowd.

Danielson is able to escape out the corner and rolls Page right into a half Crab but he quickly is able to grab the bottom rope to break it up.

Danielson sends Page to the outside where he takes him out with a tope suicida hitting himself against the barricade in the process.

Back inside Danielson heads to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick sending Page right into the corner.

They fight on the apron where Page sends Danielson flying into the turnbuckle spilling to the outside as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Page puts Danielson on a sleeper swing before they go back & forth before Page hits a Saito Suplex.

They fight in the corner where Danielson hits a Spider German suplex followed by a diving headbutt attempt but Page dodges it.

He puts on the Crossface as Danielson gets his foot on the bottom rope to break it up as we go back to picture in picture.

After the 2nd break Page is able to catch Danielson off the ropes and hits a Tombstone for a two count.

Page heads to the top rope but Danielson knocks him off as he lands right in front of Jeff Jarrett as has moved his seat closer to the ring. Danielson hits a springboard cannonball to Page.

They fight on the outside where Page hits a piledriver as Doc Samson and Jarrett go to check Danielson right away. Page pushes Samson off before getting into Jarrett’s face and piefacing him.

Danielson just beats the count back inside where Page is there to meet him with punches.

Page now starts ripping the Kinesio Tape off of Danielson before Danielson is able to recover and hits Busaiku Knee.

After some more back & forth Danielson accidentally takes out Paul Turner with a Busaiku Knee knocking him to the outside.

Page takes out Danielson with a clothesline and then starts whipping and choking him with his belt.

Jarrett gets in the ring and tells Page to stop, but Page just shoves Jarrett down.

Jarrett gets up and reveals he has a referee shirt on as Danielson rolls up Page, but only gets two.

Danielson puts on the LeBell Lock with the belt still around his neck but Page is able to reverse it and hits Dead Eye then a cover but it gets a two count. 

Page comes back with Buckshot Lariat to the back of Danielson’s head before trying a 2nd one that Danielson is able to reverse into a bridged pin for two.

Page puts on the Crossface again as Danielson looks to be passing out just to raise his arm when Jarrett lifts it. Danielson is able to reverse it and roll up Page to get the win.

Winner Of The 2024 Owen Hart Cup: Bryan Danielson (25:46)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

-After the match Jeff Jarrett & Dr. Martha Hart grab the championship and cup and go to the ring to present it. Hart gets on the mic and mentions how great it is to be in Owen’s hometown and it’s a great pleasure to award the Owen Cup to Danielson & he is given the title and raises up the Cup before AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland & Prince Nana make their way out to the ring as we go to break.

-After the break Swerve Strickland says Will Ospreay told him the best in the world is who holds this World Title and he had to silence all the doubts. Now that he defeated Ospreay, you are looking at the best in the world and the AEW World Champion. Strickland congratulates Danielson on winning the Owen Hart Cup and says it’s an honor to face in at All In. He brings up Danielson holding a win over him and how he holds grudges. Strickland calls himself the most dangerous wrestler in this company and talks about The Elite trying to offer him a spot on their team for Blood & Guts, he will be in that match but on Team AEW and he will lead the team. He will do 2 things that Danielson failed to do this year, defeat Will Ospreay and lead Team AEW in victory against The Elite. Strickland brings up himself, Ospreay & Kazuchika Okada as the 3 top guys and challenges Okada and he will ‘show him how to make it rain bitch. He ends it by saying at All In it will be Danielson’s final countdown.

-We see a music video from The Acclaimed where they are dissing AEW World Tag Team Champions Young Bucks called 2 Times.

Non Title Stampede Street Fight
FTW Champion Chris Jericho vs. Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe takes Chris Jericho’s cowboy hat and punch Jericho through it.

Joe keeps Jericho in the corner with attacks before they go back & forth for a bit with Joe ending up taking out Bryan Keith with a suicide dive before tossing Keith over the barricade.

Jericho takes advantage of this and sends Joe into the barricade before attacking him with a chair.

Jericho grabs a black bag from under the ring and reveals that it is filled with horseshoes that he spills on the mat.

Back & forth until Joe catches Jericho and slams him down onto the horseshoes before hitting a senton for a two count.

Jericho comes back and puts on Walls Of Jericho as we go to picture in picture as the hold is still on.

After the break Joe is able to escape by grabbing a horseshoe that he smacks Jericho with.

On the outside, Joe does a walk off as Jericho goes crashing into the steel steps.

They take it into the crowd and fight with some popcorn before taking it to the back.

Jericho tosses hot coffee into Joe’s face and tries Judas Effect but Joe is able to reverse it into Coquina Clutch. Big Bill shows up and takes out Joe with a steel chair as Keith reappears and joins in on the attack.

Jericho takes a belt that is explained as a gift from Martha Hart that he attacks Joe with.

Bill chokeslams Joe onto a pallet as Jericho starts driving the forklift and crashes it into a sheetrock wall.

Joe is seen unconscious in the rubble as Colt Cabana and others go to check on him as the bell is rung as Joe is announced as unable to compete.

Winner By Referee Stoppage: FTW Champion Chris Jericho

-After the break we see Joe being stretchered into an ambulance as The Learning Tree is seen and Jericho says Thanks Joe bye bye.

International Title #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way Match
Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kyle Fletcher vs. PAC

All 4 go at it including PAC taking out Tomohiro Ishii with a missile dropkick sending him to the outside but Kyle Fletcher is there to try and stop him.

PAC takes him to the outside as well but Claudio Castagnoli joins in and tries to hit the Giant Swing just for Fletcher to stop it.

They all go to the outside as Castagnoli takes them all out with a corkscrew dive going into picture in picture.

After the break all 4 men are inside attacking each other before Ishii punches them all off until PAC hits a Poisonrana on Fletcher before PAC gets tossed up for a European Uppercut.

Fletcher comes back with a Tombstone on Ishii then a cover but he just kicks out before 3.

Castagnoli is able to hit the Giant Swing on Fletcher and puts on the Sharpshooter just for PAC to break it up with a top rope elbow drop on Fletcher and puts on Brutalizer as Castagnoli still has the Sharpshooter on.

Ishii shows up and starts attacking Castagnoli with forearms breaks that up but PAC keeps the move on.

Ishii breaks that up, almost slipping up against the ropes as all 4 men continue with nonstop offense.

Castagnoli & PAC keep breaking up each other’s pin attempt before getting into each other’s face and trading offense.

PAC & Fletcher go at it before PAC heads to the top rope and hits Black Arrow and goes right into the Brutalizer for the submission win.

Winner By Submission & #1 Contender To The International Title: PAC

-After the match PAC gets on the mic and says it’s safe to say things haven’t been going well for him recently. Since returning to AEW in March he has made many bold promises and he has suffered many humiliating failures. He doesn’t know what he will do next but he knows it’s All In season and The Bastard won’t be denied his Wembley moment. Tonight’s victory stands as a line in the sand and The Bastard will be back.

-Renee Paquette is in the back and tries to get a word with Hangman Page. Page walks away as Paquette yells at him for some respect. Page bangs on a door as Kazuchika Okada shows up and says Can I help you?. Young Bucks come out and ask if there’s anything they can do for him. Page says I’ll do it.

-TBS Champion Mercedes Mone’ thanks Young Bucks for the extra security tonight and says she won’t be interrupted. Mone talks about being the past, the present & the future and says she’s the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be, which of course gets boos here in Calgary. As far as Britt Baker goes, she won’t face her at All In. If she did face her in the ring she would leave her more than a few herniated disks and a stroke and will leave her dead bitch. She pours herself a drink for a toast but gets interrupted by Baker’s music. Baker tries to make her way out but security tries to stop her just to get taken out by Baker. Baker enters the ring as Mone escapes into the crowd.

-After the break we see Brandon Cutler in the back before revealing that Darby Allin attacked him. Allin sends a message to TNT Champion Jack Perry then challenges them for Dynamite 250 and says they are just getting started.

Finals Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup
Willow Nightingale vs. Mariah May

Mariah May takes control and wraps Willow Nightingale into the ropes and hits her with a dropkick.

Nightingale takes control as she sends May outside where she hits her with a cannonball as we go to picture in picture.

After the break they are going back & forth before May takes control and goes for the pin.

Toni Storm is cheering her on from the outside as May waits for Nightingale to get up and tries a knee strike just for Nightingale to block and hit a Fisherman’s Buster for two.

Nightingale tries to hit the Pounce but May is quicker and hits her with a headbutt and they both fall down.

We see someone in a Sting sweatshirt getting into it with Nightingale as Kris Statlander shows up and takes out Nightingale with a kick on the apron as the person is revealed to be Stokely Hathaway.

The referee was somehow distracted by Storm as May follows with a knee strike but only gets two.

They go back & forth with pins including Nightingale hitting a lariat for two.

Nightingale hits a cannonball and puts her on her shoulder but May reverses it and rolls up Nightingale for the win. 

Winner Of The 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup: Mariah May (12:45)
Rate: 7

-After the match Toni Storm is extremely happy as she & May go skipping up to the Owen Hart Cup. As May grabs the Owen Hart Cup Title though, she attacks Storm with it. She takes out Luther and sends him crashing into a table by the ramp, before attacking a busted up Storm with the shoe. Aubrey Edwards tries to get involved just to get shoved down by May. May continues this violent attack to close out Dynamite.

Friday’s Rampage

Tag Team Match
Kings Of The Black Thorne (Malakai Black & Brody King) vs. Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese)

Roderick Strong vs. Ben Bishop

Fatal 4 Way Match
Rey Fenix vs. AR Fox. Angelico vs. Komander

Thunder Rosa vs. Rachel Ellering

Trios Match
Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, Anthony Ogogo & Lee Moriarty) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti

Saturday’s Collision

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Tommy Billington

Trios Match
Bang Bang Gang (Austin Gunn, Coleton Gunn & Juice Robinson) vs. Michael Allen Richard Clark, London Lightning & Shaun Moore

ROH World Title #1 Contenders Match
Roderick Strong vs. Dalton Castle

Nyla Rose vs. Ava Lawless

Tag Team Match
Shane Taylor Promotions (Anthony Ogogo & Lee Moriarty) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

Skye Blue vs. Harley Cameron

Tag Team Match
Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs. Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy

Next Week’s Dynamite

International Title Match
Will Ospreay (c) vs. MJF (Kicking off the show)

Champion vs. Champion Match
AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada

Blood & Guts Card So Far (July 24th)

Blood & Guts Match
The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson, Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & TNT Champion Jack Perry) & Hangman Page vs. Team AEW (AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland, Mark Briscoe & 3 TBD)

All In Card So Far (August 25th)

AEW World Title Match
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. 2024 Owen Hart Cup Winner Bryan Danielson

Women’s Title Match
Toni Storm (c) vs. 2024 Women’s Owen Hart Cup Winner Mariah May

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