TNA Impact Results & Review (July 11th, 2024)

On Thursday July 11, 2024 TNA aired the 1042th episode of Impact on AXS TV (United States) Fight Network (Canada), TNA Plus & the show is live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania inside 2300 Arena.

-Kicking off this week’s Impact with Frankie Kazarian sees Ryan Nemeth filming him after The System leaves and asks what he’s doing. Ryan Nemeth says Nic Nemeth thinks Kazarian is the culprit. They get into a brawl.

Knockouts Title Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Izzi Dame

Rosemary chases off George Iceman before Jordynne Grace runs into Izzi Dame in the corner but Dame moves out of the way. Grace jumps over Dame’s back and elbows her against the back.

Grace goes for a Juggernaut Driver but Dame gets out of it.

They forearm each other until Grace hits a backfist and a Juggernaut Driver for the win.

Winner & Still Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-Santino Marella announces a wildcard Tag Team match as the main event. Josh Alexander & Joe Hendry will face Steve Maclin & Moose.

Charlie Dempsey vs. Zachary Wentz

Zachary Wentz hits a running across the chest followed by a running Shooting Star Press for two.

Myles Borne comes out and clears out Trey Miguel & Dempsey hits Wentz with a bridging German Suplex for the win.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey

-After the match they take out Zachary Wentz and stand tall.

-A backstage promo by The System & Moose says JDC has him impressed. He says going against Josh Alexander tonight going against Josh Alexander & Joe Hendry then tells Steve Maclin to get out of his way and someday he can trust The System.

-Charlie Dempsey is backstage with Myles Borne and says he made sure to bring some back up and will show that No Quarter Catch Crew is the most dominant faction in professional wrestling. Tavion Heights shows up behind behind and says where they go, he goes. Santino Marella comes up and books them in a 6 Man Tag Team match against The Rascalz and someone from their world.

X Division Title #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match
Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey vs. Kushida

Mike Bailey hits quick kicks on Jonathan Gresham and throws Kushida outside the ring and hits a moonsault on Kushida. Gresham catches him and throws him back in the ring.

Gresham kicks Kushida and locks a single leg Boston Crab before Bailey comes in and kicks Gresham.

Gresham hits a moonsault on Bailey followed by a suicide dive on Kushida then Gresham bites the hand of Bailey and locks a Figure 4 Leg Lock but Bailey gets to the ropes.

Kushida & Bailey hit enzuigiris on Gresham. Kushida hits a handspring back elbow on Bailey followed by a cartwheel dropkick on Gresham.

Kushida goes for a Hoverboard Lock on Bailey but Bailey gets out of it and hits a superkick.

He goes for the Tornado Kick on Kushida in the corner but Kushida gets out of it and goes to the top rope and hits a splash onto Gresham outside. Bailey hits moonsault double knees onto Kushida.

Bailey goes to the top rope but Gresham drops him down.

Gresham spits out black ink but Kushida fights out of it and sprays mist and goes for Hoverboard Lock.

Bailey hits Ultima Weapon onto Gresham to get the win.

Winner & #1 Contender To The X Division Title: Mike Bailey

-After the match Mustafa Ali’s Secret Service attacks Mike Bailey and holds him in place. Mustafa Ali comes out and says to the camera that actions have consequences. He goes to hits Bailey with a steel chair but Trent Seven catches his leg. Champagne Singh attacks Seven & Ali smashes the chair against Trent’s leg. He gets Seven into a Sharpshooter while facing Bailey.

-We see a vignette for Steph De Lander at a beach & she says she thought true love wasn’t for her and then she found PCO. She said no one had cared for her like that before. She says sometimes the best things in life are right in front of them. She says she needs to go back home to Australia and tie up some loose ends. She asks will he wait for her. She draws a heart in the sand.

Digital Media Title Match
AJ Francis (c) vs. Rhino

Rhino takes him down and goes for the Gore but Rich Swann comes in and hits a dropkick.

Winner By DQ: Rhino (Francis Retains)

-After the match they take out Rhino but Santino Marella comes out. Marella asks if they’re forgetting where they are. They’re in the home of hardcore. He says they’re sons of bitches. He says the match will continue as a Philadelphia Street Fight.

Digital Media Title Philadelphia Street Fight
AJ Francis (c) vs. Rhino

Rhino clotheslines AJ Francis out of the ring then Rhyno pulls out a table.

Rhino sets up a table in the corner but Francis hits a low blow for the win.

Winner & Still Digital Media Champion: AJ Francis (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-After the match First Class attacks Rhino but the lights turn out and PCO appears. He takes out First Class and hits a suicide dive on the outside. Francis hits a Down Payment to PCO on the ramp and poses with his titles.

Gisele Shaw vs. Tasha Steelz

Tasha Steelz hits a superkick for two then Steelz gets a knee on Gisele Shaw against the ropes.

Shaw hits a back elbow followed by full Nelson backbreaker into a face plant for two.

Shaw hits a powerslam for two then goes for Denouement but Steelz moves out of the way.

Shaw hits a knee followed by Denouement for the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

-Backstage Xia Brookside is watching on the monitor and Gia Miller asks her about Alisha Edwards. Brookside says next week she will get back at Alisha Edwards. Miller asks her about Steph De Lander. Xia says she is one of the strongest women she knows and if there’s anything she knows, true love conquers all.

Johnny Dango Curtis vs. Chris Bey

Chris Bey hits a kick to the back of the head followed by a neckbreaker.

TNA World Tag Team Champions The System get close to the ring until Ace Austin attacks Brian Myers.

Bey hits a splash onto Eddie Edwards off the top rope.

JDC hits a leg drop off the rope as he’s entering the ring for the win.

Winner: Johnny Dango Curtis

-After the match The System lay out ABC.

-We see a promo for The Hardys who will return next week.

Tag Team Match
TNA World Champion Moose & Steve Maclin vs. Josh Alexander & Joe Hendry

Moose catches Josh Alexander off the top rope but Alexander counters into a headscissors and tags to Hendry. Hendry hits a fallaway slam onto Steve Maclin & Moose.

Hendry hits a cutter on Maclin and a pop up powerbomb onto Moose.

Hendry goes for Standing Ovation but Maclin gets out of the way and hits a Busaiku Knee.

Alexander hits 10 consecutive German suplexes on Maclin before Alexander goes to the top rope and hits a knee across the back of the neck for a pint that is broken up at two by Moose.

Moose & Alexander get into a forearm battle before Alexander turns Moose inside out with a clothesline.

Hendry goes for a Standing Ovation but Frankie Kazarian distracts him and Moose hits a Spear followed by KIA by Maclin for the win.

Winners: TNA World Champion Moose & Steve Maclin

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