AEW Rampage Results & Review (July 12th, 2024)

On July 12th, 2024 AEW aired the 153rd episode of Rampage in Southaven Mississippi.

Tag Team Match
Kings Of The Black Thorne (Malakai Black & Brody King) vs. Premier Athletes (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese)

Malakai Black & Ari Daivari lock up then Black looks to land The End on Daivari but Daivari avoids it.

Tony Nese & Body King tag in and King fires off chops on Nese in the corner.

King then whips Nese into the opposite corner and hits a back body drop then follows it up with a body slam and a running senton. Black tags in and double teams on Nese with King.

King then tags back in but Woods low bridges him out of the ring while the referee is distracted.

Nese then flies over the top rope to take down King and beats him down on the outside with Nese as we go to a break.

After the break Black & Daivari tag in & Black levels Daivari and trips him with a kick then hits a hurricanrana to him and a jumping knee to Nese.

Black hits a back elbow to Daivari and The End to Nese before Josh Woods hops up on the apron.

King distracts the referee and Daivari hits Black with Smart Mark Sterling’s clipboard.

Nese takes advantage and connects with a 450 Splash then goes for a pin but Black kicks out.

King sends Daivari crashing into the barricade on the outside and fires off chops on him then looks to charge at him. Sterling inserts himself between King & Daivari but King levels them both.

Back in the ring Black hits a knee and a brainbuster to Nese then ascends to the top rope.

Nese trips him and lands an enzuigiri then ascends to the top rope and looks to land a 2nd 450 Splash.

Black gets his knees up and hits The End to Nese for the win.

Winners: Kings Of The Black Thorne

Roderick Strong vs. Ben Bishop

Match starts off with a lock up then Ben Bishop shoves Strong but Strong regroups with Matt Taven & Mike Bennett on the outside. He fires off chops on Bishop then connects with a back elbow.

He follows it up with a knee and an Angle Slam then hits a jumping knee for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Fatal 4 Way Match
Rey Fenix vs. AR Fox vs. Angelico vs. Komander

Rey Fenix & Komander go after Angelico & AR Fox before Fox & Angelico send Fenix & Komander crashing into one another before all 4 men take turns pinning one another.

Fenix, Fox & Komander land a triple kick on Angelico but Fox dumps Fenix out of the ring and hits a dropkick through the ropes to him over Komander.

Fox flies with a moonsault to level Fenix then connects with a twisting neckbreaker on Komander then goes for a pin but Angelico breaks the fall.

Fenix and Komander stare one another down in the ring but Komander lands a hurricanrana on Fenix.

Fenix dumps Komander onto the apron then walks the ropes and lands a kick across his face.

Fenix then hits a chop to Fox on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Fenix lands a kick on Angelico leg and looks to take him down.

Angelico sees Fenix coming and locks in a submission hold but Fox breaks it up.

Angelico then locks in a Knee Bar on Angelico but Komander flies off the top rope to break the hold.

Komander then gets Fenix up on his shoulders and hits a Crucifix Bomb then goes for a pin but Fenix kicks out.

Fenix hits a kick to Komander’s midsection then lands another one on his face and sits him on the top rope. He lands a chop on Komander then joins him on the top rope.

Fox joins Komander & Fenix & Fenix fires off right hands on Fox’s spine.

Komander & Fenix send Fox crashing off the ropes but Angelico looks to land a German suplex on Komander.

Komander hangs on and hits a moonsault to Angelico on the outside as Fenix lands a splash on Fox.

Fenix then locks in a submission on Fox & Fox taps out.

Winner By Submission: Rey Fenix

Thunder Rosa vs. Rachel Ellering

Match starts off with a lock up & Thunder Rosa lands a dropkick on Rachel Ellering then connects with a back elbow on her in the corner.

She rains down Hammer & Anvil elbows on her then hits a chop in the corner.

Ellering responds with a clothesline and a running senton then goes for a pin but Rosa kicks out.

Rosa hits a clothesline to Ellering in the corner then hits a pair of double knees to her and follows it up with a dropkick. Ellering pins Rosa but Rosa kicks out and lands a boot on her jaw.

Rosa then locks in a Cobra Clutch on Ellering & Ellering taps out.

Winner By Submission: Thunder Rosa

-After the match Rosa helps Ellering up and hugs her. She shakes her hand but Deonna Purrazzo slides in the ring and sends Ellering crashing into Rosa. Ellering pulls Purrazzo off Rosa but Purrazzo takes her out and lands a boot on Rosa.

Trios Match
Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor, Anthony Ogogo & Lee Moriarty) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti

Darius Marin lands a shoulder tackle on Lee Moriarty then hits a kick to his midsection and lands a back elbow. Darius lands an arm drag on Moriarty.

Dante Martin & Anthony Ogogo tag in and lock up before Dante rolls up Ogogo.

Ogogo kicks out and Martin rolls up once again but Ogogo kicks out for a 2nd time and Action Andretti tags in.

Andretti double teams on Ogogo with Dante but Shane Taylor tags in and Andretti sends him crashing to the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Dante flies off the middle rope and takes down Taylor before Darius & Moriarty tag in and Darius fires off right hands on Moriarty.

He follows it up with a Manhattan Drop and a kick to his head from the outside then hits a flatliner to him through the middle rope.

Andretti tags in and dropkicks Moriarty over to Darius. Darius catches him with a German suplex and Andretti hits a standing moonsault to him then goes for a pin but Ogogo breaks the fall.

Andretti & Darius look to take down Ogogo but Ogogo sends Andretti crashing into the mat.

Darius takes down Ogogo but Taylor blindsides him before Moriarty sends Dante crashing into the mat with a flatliner before he tags in Taylor.

Andretti looks to fly off the ropes to level Taylor & Moriarty but the pair see him coming. Andretti hits an enzuigiri to Taylor and flies to level Ogogo on the outside.

He hits a lariat off the top rope to Moriarty on the outside then looks to get Taylor up on his shoulders but Taylor escapes and Andretti looks to get him up once again.

Taylor escapes and delivers a headbutt then hits a headbutt to Andretti and follows it up with a right hand for the win.

Winners: Shane Taylor Promotions

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