MLW Blood & Thunder Review (July 12, 2024)

On July 12th, 2024 MLW aired Blood & Thunder in St Petersburg Florida inside The Coliseum & the show aired live on YouTube.

1st Round Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
World Tag Team Champion Okumura vs. Atlantis Jr

Match starts off with a feeling out process and Atlantis Jr hits some chops then hits a dropkick.

On the floor he hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker over his knee before Okumura shoved him shoulder-first into the ring apron and he began targeting the left arm.

In the ring Atlantis Jr hits a top rope crossbody and a superkick before Okumura hits a running stunner for a near fall. Okumura hit a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Atlantis Jr. dove through the ropes and they were both down on the floor then in the ring Atlantis Jr hits a powerslam for a near fall. Okumura applied a cross armbreaker but Atlantis Jr reached the ropes.

Atlantis Jr put Okumura on his shoulders and spun him to the mat then Atlantis Jr hits a Frog Splash for the pin. 

Winner: Atlantis Jr (8:26)
Rate: 6

-Joe Dombrowski interviewed Alex Kane & Mr Thomas & he asked them if fighting each other will tear Bomaye Fight Club apart. Kane said no.

-Backstage Janai Kai and masked goons beat up Jesus Rodriguez. Cesar Duran confronted Salina De La Renta

1st Round Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Tom Lawlor vs. Jake Crist

Jake Crist leapt onto Tom Lawlor to start the match, and he hit an Asai Moonsault then hits a crossbody and tied up Lawlor on the mat. Lawlor hit a uranage onto the ring apron and he tied up Crist.

Lawlor removed a pair of shorts and he choked Crist with them then hits some European uppercuts.

Crist hits a 2nd rope flying forearm and a pop up powerbomb for a near fall.

Lawlor hits a modified brainbuster move for a near fall and he applied a rear naked choke and hit a head capture suplex. Crist hits a springboard stunner for a near fall.

Lawlor hit a top rope superplex and tied Crist in a hammerlock upon landing and Crist taps out. 

Winner: Tom Lawlor (6:35) (He will face Davey Boy Smith Jr in the Quarter Finals)
Rate: 7

-After the match Paul Walter Hauser appeared on the screen. He made fun of Lawlor and reminded Lawlor that he eliminated him in the Battle Riot. Hauser challenged Lawlor to a MMA Cage match. Also, Laurent will be barred from the building. Lawlor accepted the match.

-Mads Krule Krugger gave a pre taped backstage promo with Janai Kai & Minoru Suzuki standing by his side.

Minoru Suzuki vs. Akira

Akira immediately tied him up on the mat before Minoru Suzuki twisted the left arm then he switched to tying up Akira’s legs. Suzuki tied him in an armbar in the ropes.

They rolled to the floor and Suzuki went for a Gotch Style Piledriver on a table but Akira escaped.

Kwon attacked Akira while Minoru distracted the ref then in the ring Akira hits some chops that Suzuki no sold. Suzuki again tied up Akira on the mat.

Kwon tried again to interfere but Akira slams him onto the mat at ringside then back in the ring Akira hit a series of forearm strikes that had no effect so he hit a shotgun dropkick.

He hit a top rope senton splash before Suzuki set up for the Gotch Style Piledriver again but Akira escaped. Akira put his hands behind his back and dared Minoru to hit him.

Suzuki drops him with just 1 forearm strike. Akira hits a flatliner then a German suplex for a near fall.

Suzuki locked in a sleeper then he hits Gotch Style Piledriver for the win.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki (11:14)
Rate: 6

-After the match Kwon & Suzuki kept beating up Akira until World Tag Team Champion & MLW World Champion Satoshi Kojima ran to the ring and Kojima helps fight off the Conrta Unit.

-Cezar Duran came out first and called her to the ring. She teased, asking the crowd if they wanted to know. Duran got impatient and demanded to know or I’ll disown you. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito came to the ring & he isn’t the dad he wants to know, too. Saint Laurent came to the ring & got on the mic and also said he’s not the father but he knows who is.

-Duran is still impatient. Salina pointed to a masked henchmen who snuck into the ring. He removed the mask and Salina and the baby daddy went to the back.

3 Stages Of Destruction Match
Mads Krule Krugger vs. Matthew Justice

1st Stage 1st Blood Match

They brawled at the bell and rolled to the floor and they whacked each other with chair shots to the back.

In the ring Matthew Justice hit a chair shot onto a ladder over Mads Krule Kurgger’s head.

He beat up a masked Contra guy too then hits a coast 2 coast missile dropkick then a chair shot across an unprotected head and the ref calls for the bell as Krule was bleeding on the top of his head.

Justice 1-0

2nd Stage Street Fight

Krule got up and repeatedly punched Justice then Justice hits a Blue Thunder Bomb onto an open chair for a near fall. Justice climbed a ladder but a masked goon cut him off.

Krule climbed the ladder and fought Justice on the top of it and Krugger superplexed Justice off the ladder and through a table to win the 2nd stage.

Krugger 1-1

3rd Stage Medical Evacuation

Krule went to put Justice in a body bag but Bill Alfonso stops him.

Justice clotheslined them both to the floor and Justice lands awkwardly on a ladder.

They brawled up the entryway before Justice leapt off a ladder onto Krugger on the floor then they brawled out the back of the arena and into the alley next to the ambulance.

Justice opened the ambulance’s rear door but was attacked by Kwon & Krule set a table on fire and powerbombed Justice onto the flaming table.

Krule shoved Justice into the ambulance and slams the door to win the match. 

Winner: Mads Krule Krugger (19:03) (2-1)
Rate: 6

Featherweight Title Match
Janai Kai (c) vs. Gigi Rey

Janai Kai hits a series of kicks and kept Gigi Rey grounded by hitting some kicks to the spine.

Rey hits some clotheslines and an enzuigiri then a Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Rey hits a top rope corkscrew moonsault for a near fall.

Rey set up for a spear but Janai caught her with a knee to the face before Kai hits a kick in the corner for the pin. 

Winner & Still Featherweight Champion: Janai Kai (5:13) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 5

1st Round Match Of The 2024 Opera Cup
Kenta vs. Bobby Fish

Kenta hits a shoulder tackle that drops Fish then hits a Russian leg sweep for a near fall.

Fish hits a back suplex for a near fall before Kenta hits some knee drops on the forehead.

Fish hits a dragon screw and he grounded Kenta. Kenta hits a top rope flying clothesline for a near fall.

They got up and finally traded stiff forearm strikes as business was picking up then they traded kicks and hit simultaneous clotheslines and were both down.

Kenta missed a top-rope double stomp and Fish immediately hit a Samoan Drop.

Kenta pushed Fish causing Fish to get crotched in the corner then Kenta hits a top rope superplex and they were both down. He hits a top rope double stomp to the chest for a near fall.

Fish hit another dragon screw and Kenta collapsed in pain before he hits a top rope Falcon Arrow for a near fall and he switched to a heel hook.

Kenta finally got a rollup for a near fall to escape the ankle lock then they got up and Kenta hits open hand slaps to the face.

Fish hit a suplex before Kenta hits Go 2 Sleep out of nowhere for the win. 

Winner: Kenta (17:11) (He will face Akira in the Quarter Finals)
Rate: 7

Matt Riddle’s MLW World Title Shot No Ropes Match
2024 Battle Riot Winner Matt Riddle vs. Sami Callihan

Sami Callihan tossed powder into Matt Riddle’s eyes then got a barbed wire bat and ran it across Riddle’s hair on the side of his head.

Callihan got a staple gun and used it on Riddle’s chest then used it in Riddle’s armpit too.

He bites into a lemon and pushed the fruit onto the cut from a staple then stapled Riddle’s bare toes.

He poured salt on the wounds on Riddle’s feet before he shattered glass on Riddle’s forehead then hit a piledriver for a near fall.

Callihan dumped glass on the mat and he drops Riddle feet first onto the pile of glass.

Callihan got a tool box and brought it into the ring then dumps nuts and bolts on the ring.

Riddle jumped up and hits a Stunner but Riddle lands in the debris too. They brawled to the floor.

Riddle began removing the cables that connect the canvas to the ring then peeled back the canvas and foam to reveal the wood boards.

They continued to brawl at ringside and Callihan also peeled back the canvas.

Callihan applied a sleeper but Riddle escaped before they got in the ring and traded blows while standing on the wood boards and Callihan hits a Cactus Driver piledriver for a near fall.

Riddle hit an RKO out of nowhere for a near fall.

He pushed a rope into Callihan’s mouth & pulls back on it as he cranked on the head and Callihan taps out.

Winner & Retains His MLW World Title Shot: 2024 Battle Riot Winner Matt Riddle (14:51)
Rate: 7

Quarter Finals (Spoilers)

Kenta vs. Akira (Summer Of The Beasts August 29th)

Davey Boy Smith Jr vs. Tom Lawlor (Summer Of The Beasts August 29th)

Middleweight Champion Mistico vs. Atlantis Jr (Summer Of The Beasts August 29th)

Alex Kane vs. National Openweight Champion Bad Dude Tito (TBD)

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