Prestige Wrestling Combat Clash PDX Review (July 12, 2024)

On July 12th, 2024 Prestige Wrestling aired Combat Clash PDX live in Portland Oregon inside Viking Pavilion in front of 1,500 fans & can watch the show on YouTube.

Amira vs. Kylie Rae

Match ends when Amira hits Kylie Rae with the Worlds Strongest Slam for the win.

Winner: Amira (8:48)
Rate: 6

Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley

Chris Sabin rolls up Alex Shelley for the win.

Winner: Chris Sabin (15:17)
Rate: 9 (Recommend)

Danhausen vs. Drexl

Danhausen puts away Drexl with Goodnight Hausen for the win.

Winner: Danhausen (8:13)
Rate: 5

Shelton Benjamin vs. Mike Santana

Match ends when Shelton Benjamin plants Mike Santana to the mat with Paydirt.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin (11:46)
Rate: 7

Fatal 6 Way Match
BK Westbrook vs. Titus Alexander vs. Starboy Charlie vs. LaBron Kozone vs. Sonico vs. Jaiden

Jaiden hits BK Westbrook with a rolling Death Valley Driver to score the victory.

Winner: Jaiden (12:20)
Rate: 6

Amazing Red vs. Lio Rush

Amazing Red drills Lio Rush to the mat with Code Red to get the win.

Winner: Amazing Red (15:54)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Athena vs. Masha Slamovich

Athena hits Masha Slamovich with her boot to get the win.

Winner: Athena (16:05)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Roderick Strong vs. Timothy Thatcher

Roderick Strong nails Timothy Thatcher with a Running Knee for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong (14:19)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Prestige Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
Sinner & Saint (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus) (c) vs. Midnight Heat (Eddie Pearl & Ricky Gibson) vs. MxM (Mason Madden & Mansoor) vs. C4 (Guillermo Rosas & Cody Chhun)

Match comes to a close when Judas Icarus rolls up Guillermo Rosas to get the win for his team.

Winners & Still Prestige Tag Team Champions: Sinner & Saint (12:07) (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!!)
Rate: 6

Prestige Title Street Fight
Alan Angels (c) vs. Evil Uno

Match ends when Alan Angels hits Evil Uno with a kick with a barbed wire chair.

Winner & Still Prestige Champion: Alan Angels (14:47) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

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