WWE Raw Results & Review (July 15th, 2024)

On July 15th, 2024 WWE aired the 1,625th episode of Monday Night Raw live in Dayton Ohio inside Nutter Center.

-Kicking off this week’s Raw with a video recapping the issues between Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio over the course of the last several months.

-Rhea Ripley says that Mama is home then says it’s been 3 months since she’s been inside the ring thanks to Liv Morgan. She says Morgan has been running with something of hers and it’s not Dominik Mysterio: the Women’s World Title. She says all Morgan did last week was upset her then demands Morgan come down to the ring so she can rip her apart.

-Dominik Mysterio’s music hits and he makes his way out with a black rose in hand. He looks to tell Ripley something but Morgan interrupts them by appearing on the Titan Tron. She asks Ripley how she’s doing and how her shoulder is after she injured it then says her shoulder is doing great. She reminds Ripley that she wanted to take everything away from her and says while she started off with just wanting to take Mysterio from her she caught feelings for him. She says that Liv is finally on top.

-Mysterio tells Ripley that it’s not what it looks like and Ripley tells Morgan she knew that she’d be too scared to meet her in the ring. She tells Morgan when she gets in the ring with her, the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour is over then challenges Morgan to a Women’s World Title match at SummerSlam. Morgan says she knew Ripley’s challenge would always be the endgame between them and says while she won’t run away, she’s not the same Morgan that Ripley knew. She says just like she helped Dominik defeat Rey Mysterio, she accepts. Morgan accepts Ripley’s challenge and tells Dominik that he hopes to see him at SummerSlam.

-Ripley addresses Morgan directly to the camera, and tells her that she won’t only end the Liv Morgan Revenge Tour and her reign as Women’s World Champion but her career as well. Ripley then heads to the back as Mysterio chases after her. He hands her the black rose but Ripley takes it and tosses it behind her.

-After the break Dominik Mysterio chases after Ripley begging for her forgiveness. Ripley ignores him and opens her dressing room door to find a vase of black roses from Mysterio. Ripley slams the door in Mysterio’s face and Mysterio turns around to find World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest standing behind him. He asks Mysterio if everything is good and Mysterio says he thinks it is. Ripley then throws the black roses at Mysterio & Mysterio says it might be more complicated than he thought.

Sheamus vs. Bronson Reed

Sheamus & Bronson Reed fire off right hands on one another but Reed whips Sheamus into the corner and lands a right hand on his head.

He hits a variation of a senton to level Sheamus then connects with a headbutt on him.

Sheamus fires off forearms on Reed then hits a shoulder tackle that sends him onto the apron.

He sets up for 10 Beats Of The Bodhran but Reed fights his way out and drags Sheamus onto the floor.

He flies off the apron to level him then tosses him over the announce desk.

Sheamus responds by hitting 10 Beats Of The Bodhran to Reed and celebrates with Pat McAfee as we go to a break.

After the break Sheamus fires off right hands on Reed.

He lands a series of clotheslines on him then gets him up on his shoulders and connects with White Noise then goes for a pin but Reed kicks out.

Reed then hits a sit out powerbomb to Sheamus and goes for a pin of his own but Sheamus kicks out.

Reed drags Sheamus into the corner and ascends to the top. He looks to land a moonsault but Sheamus moves out of the way and hits a jumping knee for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

-After the match Pete Dunne appears and lands a Shining Wizard on Reed. Sheamus offers his hand to Dunne but Dunne opts not to shake it and slides out of the ring. Sheamus turns his back on him and Dunne lands a forearm on him from behind and heads to the back. Reed takes advantage of Dunne’s attack and connects with a Tsunami on him.

-We then head backstage to Judgment Day’s lounge where Rhea Ripley thanks Damian Priest for taking over her role as leader of Judgment Day. Ripley asks why Carlito is there with them, but before Priest can answer Dominik Mysterio appears and asks for a moment alone with Ripley. He says that he’s been trying to reach Ripley all week but Ripley questions why he didn’t reach out to her whilst she was injured as she tears apart a red rose. She then storms off.

-Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn was walking backstage when he was approached by Ilja Dragunov & said he appreciated the opportunity. Dragunov said he didn’t help Zayn last week to get a title shot.

-Zayn said he knew that. Zayn said Dragunov is a special talent and Dragunov reminds him of himself at times. Zayn said Dragunov fights like his life depends on it and that’s the type of person he wants to face and who deserves a shot the title. Zayn told Dragunov that he better bring his absolute best. Dragunov told Zayn that he better do the same.

-A Gunther video package aired. He said when he arrived in WWE, everyone wanted to be like their heroes and there was no originality. He spoke about his time in NXT UK and NXT.

-Gunther said he came to Smackdown with the vision of taking the Intercontinental Title and said he won it with ease and went on to become the greatest and longest reigning champion of all time.

-Gunther said that for 2 years challengers said they would take his title and humble him but every one of them fell to him. He said that once his reign came to an end, he went after the King Of The Ring and won it with ease. He said he still saw mediocrity and a lack of prestige. He said the prestige of the World Heavyweight Title will change forever at SummerSlam.

-Footage aired from earlier in the day of Zelina Vega being interviewed by Jackie Redmond & asked about how Rhea Ripley’s return affects her quest for the Women’s World Title. Vega said she doesn’t have any love for Morgan or Ripley. She said she would be champion if it wasn’t for Dom.

-Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark showed up. Deville said the line starts with them not Morgan or Ripley. Vega said she couldn’t hear anything past Deville’s forehead and issued a match challenge.

Sonya Deville vs. Zelina Vega

Match starts off with a lock up before Sonya Deville whips Zelina Vega in the corner but Vega looks to fly.

Deville catches her but Vega takes her down with a tornado DDT and dropkicks her into the ropes.

She dials it up for a 619 but Shayna Baszler trips her on the apron and stomps on her arm as Zoey Stark distracts the referee & this opens the door for Deville to connect with Deville’s Advocate for the win.

Winner: Sonya Deville

-After the match Deville, Baszler & Stark beat down Vega but Kayden Carter, Katana Chance & Lyra Valkyria run down to the ring to make the save.

-Backstage Dominik Mysterio asked Damian Priest why he didn’t warn him about Ripley last week. Priest said Mysterio was too busy Morgan. Priest said he gave Mysterio advice but Mysterio liked about communicating with Ripley and ending things with Morgan.

-Jey Uso shows up and asked to know if it was true. Jey asked if it was true that Ripley was single and ready to mingle. Priest said maybe. Mysterio got upset. Jey told Mysterio to tell Mami hi for him and then left the picture.

-Priest said Mysterio has been to prison and can’t let people talk to him like that. Priest said Mysterio needs to show Jey who Ripley belongs to. Mysterio said Priest was right and he was going to take care of business. Priest laughed after Mysterio walks away.

-After the break Raw General Manager Adam Pearce was talking with the 2 referees about a meeting when Chad Gable interrupted him. Gable said he cracked the code and figured out that Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas. Gable asked Pearce what they spoke about last week. Pearce said Dallas was in the building and Gable could talk to him. Gable said he would call out Dallas.

-World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest tells Dayton to rise for El Campión then calls Gunther down to the ring.

-Gunther’s music hits and he makes his way out. Gunther tells Priest he’s happy that he’s living out his childhood dream and says in his absence from WWE programming, Priest isn’t living up to the name of World Heavyweight Champion. He says Priest has brought no prestige or given no contributions as World Heavyweight Champion, then asks Priest to simply hand him his title.

-Priest says he wishes it was SummerSlam so he could knock Gunther’s smirk off his face. He says while Gunther had everything handed to him in Europe, he was fighting for his life on the street. He says he’s earned the World Heavyweight Champion and tells Priest that being on the street is a choice. He says while Priest was fighting on the street WWE was begging to give him a contract to keep people like Priest from being World Heavyweight Champion. He questions why fans don’t love Priest because they’re like him.

-Priest tells Gunther he still can’t see why he lost his Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania 40. He says Gunther doesn’t know what it feels like to fight for everything he has, but he’ll find out what it’s like to fight from the bottom up at SummerSlam. He says they’ll find out that he’s a boring, conceited scumbag at SummerSlam. Priest & Gunther then get into one another’s faces before Braun Strowman’s music hits and he makes his way down as we go to a break.

-After the break we go backstage where Adam Pearce spoke with Jey Uso and booked him in a match against Dominik Mysterio for later in the show.

-After Jey left Bron Breakker showed up and complained about Ilja Dragunov getting an Intercontinental Title match. Pearce stood his ground and pointed out that Breakker lost his title match and added that Zayn approached him about the match.

-Breakker threatened to interfere in the match. Pearce said he assumed that’s what he had in mind and called for security. Breakker said he knew the way out. Priest told security to make sure Breakker left the building.

Non Title Match
World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest vs. Braun Strowman

Match starts off with a lock up then Braun Strowman shoves Damian Priest into the corner but Priest fires off strikes on him in the corner.

He connects with a roundhouse kick on Strowman then fires off kicks on his thighs.

Strowman dumps Priest across the ring and lands a shoulder block on him then clotheslines him out of the ring and follows him out there.

He looks to hit The Strowman Express but Priest dumps Strowman over the barricade closest to the timekeeper’s area as we go to a break.

After the break Priest rocks Strowman with a pair of forearms and looks to land another one.

Strowman intercepts him with a pair of clotheslines and a splash in the corner then sends him crashing into the mat.

They look to level one another with chokeslams before Priest connects with a series of roundhouse kicks on Strowman. He runs the ropes but Strowman catches him.

Priest escapes and lands a forearm on his spine then follows it up with South Of Heaven for the win.

Winner: World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest

-After the match Gunther marches back down to the ring and lands a chop on him. Priest unloads strikes on him but Gunther lands another chop. Priest then lands a shoulder tackle and Gunther retreats.

-We then head backstage and see Alpha Academy holding a meeting about someone. Chad Gable walks in and assumes that they’re talking about him but Maxxine Dupri explains that they weren’t. Xavier Woods walks in and Dupri tells him with Kofi Kingston sidelined for a few weeks Otis & Tozawa would be happy to provide him with some back up against Final Testament. An angered Gable then asks Otis if they’re really going to help Woods rather than him & Otis tells him they are.

Tag Team Match
Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs. Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

Match starts off with Kayden Carter & Shayna Baszler lock up then Baszler lands a strike on Carter then stomps on her hand. Carter trips Baszler then hits a kick to her head and tags in Katana Chance.

Chance & Carter fire off kicks and stomps on Baszler but Zoey Stark tags in and hits a kick to her head.

Chance looks to land a hurricanrana on Stark but Stark catches her but Chance escapes with an arm drag and a crossbody out of the corner but Stark rolls through.

Chance takes down Stark and dropkicks her into the corner then tags in Carter.

Carter monkey flips Chance into Stark then dumps her and an interfering Baszler out of the ring.

Carter then helps Chance fly to take out Baszler & Stark as we go to a break.

After the break Stark tags in and keeps Carter from tagging in Chance.

Carter still manages to tag in Chance & Chance connects with a hurricanrana on her.

She fires off stomps on Stark in the corner before Stark rocks her with a knee.

Baszler tags in and hits a jumping knee to Stark in the corner then goes for a pin but Chance kicks out.

Baszler locks in a cross armbreaker on Chance but Chance makes it up to her feet to escape.

She hits a modified moonsault to Baszler then tags in Carter & Carter & Chance double team on Baszler & Chance tags back in. Chance ascends to the top rope but Sonya Deville grabs her attention.

Lyra Valkyria pulls Deville off the apron before Stark tags in and hits a dropkick to Chance off the top rope.

Stark then throws Chance over to Baszler & Baszler connects with a jumping knee on Chance for the win.

Winners: Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark

-Inside the Judgment Day clubhouse World Tag Team Champions Finn Balor & JD McDonagh said they wanted to address the elephant in the room regarding Liv Morgan helping them win the World Tag Team Titles. Ripley said no worries. She said Morgan played her games and they didn’t work but the World Tag Team Titles are back where they belong and now it’s her chance to get her Women’s World Title back.

-Dominik Mysterio interrupted and said Jey Uso was talking out of line about Ripley so he went to Adam Pearce and got a match made. Ripley asked why he was picking a fight with Jey Uso. Mysterio said he could get the match cancelled.

-Ripley asked Mysterio if he was a coward. Mysterio said he wanted to show Jey and everyone else that Mami still belongs to him. Ripley took offense and left the room while Mysterio tried to backtrack. Dude not cool. Carlito told Mysterio.

-After the break Adam Pearce is waiting in the ring. He introduces Drew McIntyre and he makes his way down to the ring.

Pearce tells McIntyre he wants to get straight to the point. He tells McIntyre that he’s something special and thinks a match between him & CM Punk would be special. He says he thinks fans want it and he knows Punk is at home trying to get medically cleared. He asks McIntyre how bad he wants a match against Punk & McIntyre tells Punk that he wants it more than anything in the world. Pearce tells McIntyre that they need to leave the pettiness and irrational behavior behind and tells him that if he can do that, he’s ready to do business.

-McIntyre says he understands Pearce did what he needed to, and says he had to watch Punk & Seth Rollins confront each other in the ring. He asks fans if they’re ready to see him & Punk face off at SummerSlam and fans cheer. McIntyre asks Pearce to make the match between him & Punk official and Pearce says he has one thing to ask him. He calls 2 referees in the ring and asks McIntyre to apologize to them for what he did to them at Money In The Bank.

-McIntyre asks why he’d do that and Pearce says the referees put their bodies on the line every time they step in the ring and McIntyre tells Pearce to move forward and make a match between him & Punk at SummerSlam official. Pearce says he’s not being unreasonable, and says all he’s asking for is McIntyre giving an apology to the 2 referees. McIntyre declines to do so and asks why he’d apologize after all the referees have done is screw him over. He then chews Pearce out for allowing Punk to mess up his moments at Clash At The Castle & Money In The Bank. He says Pearce should be on his hands and knees apologizing to him as well as allowing Rollins to skip the line to get to Punk. Pearce then informs McIntyre that he’s still suspended.

-An enraged McIntyre slowly turns around to face Pearce. He clocks both of the referees then gets into Pearce’s face. Rollins’ music hits and he runs down to the ring. He begins brawling with McIntyre and connects with a superkick on him. He looks to land a Curb Stomp on him but McIntyre rolls out of the ring before he can. Security then appears and looks to escort McIntyre from ringside and McIntyre storms to the back.

-We then head over to a video showing a box left by the Wyatt Sicks for Pat McAfee on The Pat McAfee Show.

-Michael Cole then throws it over to the VHS tape left in the box which shows Uncle Howdy interviewing Erick Rowan. He says he used to have a family that was unstoppable and inseparable until the whole world changed 1 day. He says he lost a brother in Brodie Lee and the person who believed in him more than anyone else. He says you have to keep moving because life goes on but he lost another brother in Bray Wyatt. He says he fell down a well he didn’t want to get out of and says he felt catatonic. He holds up his sheep mask from his Wyatt Family day and says that the Wyatt Sicks are going to take some broken hearts in this beautiful world.

Jey Uso vs. Dominik Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio wastes no time as he blindsides Jey Uso from behind in the ring & the bell sounds and Mysterio lands a dropkick on him.

He fires off right hands on Jey then jams his boot into the back of his neck.

He lands a stomp on him then fires off shoulders on his midsection and wears him down with a submission. Mysterio hits 3 Amigos to Jey and goes for a pin but Jey kicks out.

Mysterio dropkicks Jey into the ropes and dials it up for a 619 but Jey ducks out of the way and low bridges Mysterio out of the ring.

He looks to fly but Mysterio sends him crashing into the ring post as we go to a break.

After the break Jey fires off right hands on Dominik and follows it up with a superkick.

He hits an open palm strike and an enzuigiri then connects with a hip attack and ascends to the top rope.

Liv Morgan pulls Mysterio out of the ring before Jey can fly and Dominik asks her what she’s doing.

He looks to send her to the back but Jey dropkicks Morgan into Mysterio.

Rhea Ripley’s music hits and she storms down to the ring as Morgan retreats through the crowd.

Ripley orders Mysterio to get back in the ring and he does so but Jey is waiting with a spear and an Uso Splash for the win.

Winner: Jey Uso

-After the match Jey made a hand sign phone to Ripley.

-An Ilja Dragunov vignette aired.

-After the break we head backstage to Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio. Ripley tells Mysterio that she doesn’t belong to him but he belongs to her then hands him a black rose and walks off.

-Chad Gable gloats about solving the greatest mystery in all of WWE and announces that Uncle Howdy is really Bo Dallas. He says he cracked the case then demands he come down to the ring so they can solve their issues.

-Dallas makes his way out to no music but Creed Brothers attacks him on the ramp. Brutus Creed sends Dallas crashing into the barricade and Julius Creed sends him crashing into the ring post. He dumps him into the ring and Gable & Creed Brothers stand tall over Dallas. Dallas begins to eerily laugh and Creed Brothers hold Dallas in place as Gable fires off forearms on him. Creed Brothers double team on Dallas and Gable connects with a German suplex on him.

-Dallas continues to eerily laugh in the corner and Gable asks him what he’s laughing at. Dallas tells Gable there you are and the lights go out. The Wyatt Sicks’ music begins echoing through the Nutter Center and smoke fills the ring. Through the door walks Sister Abigail, Mercy The Buzzard, Ramblin’ Rabbit & Huskus The Pig Boy. Their silhouettes are present on the stage as Sister Abigail holds up the lantern. The Wyatt Sicks surround Gable & Creed Brothers in the ring but Creed Brothers retreat. Dallas gets up out of the corner and falls to his knees as the rest of The Wyatt Sicks surround him.

Intercontinental Title Match
Sami Zayn (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov

Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking one another in submission holds before Sami Zayn lands a chop on Ilja Dragunov.

Dragunov responds with one of his own then fires off right hands on him.

Zayn dumps Dragunov out of the ring and hits a springboard moonsault to him as we go to a break.

After the break Dragunov lands a boot on Zayn in the corner before Zayn responds with a series of right hands on Dragunov then hits him with a clothesline.

Dragunov rocks Zayn with a knee and looks for Constantine Special but Zayn sees him coming and counters into a Blue Thunder Bomb then goes for a pin but Dragunov kicks out.

Zayn charges at Dragunov but Dragunov intercepts him with a boot.

He looks to land an H Bomb but Zayn catches him with a boot and goes for a pin but Dragunov kicks out and Zayn connects with a forearm.

Dragunov responds with a kick and a running knee then hits an H Bomb to him on the outside off the apron. They get back inside the ring and Dragunov flies off the top rope.

He ascends back up and looks to land a senton but Zayn gets his knees up and pins Dragunov.

Dragunov kicks out and fires off strokes on Zayn from the apron but Zayn sends him crashing onto the floor with a Helluva Kick.

Bron Breakker appears and hits a spear to Dragunov causing the disqualification.

Winner By DQ: Ilja Dragunov (Zayn retains)

-After the match Zayn fires off right hands on Breakker then sends his face bouncing off the announce desk and gets him in the ring but Breakker catches him with a back body drop and runs the ropes then hits a spear. He stands tall over Zayn to close out this week’s Raw.

Next Week’s Raw

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Final Testament (Karrion Kross, Akam & Rezar) vs. Alpha Academy (Akira Tozawa & Otis) & Xavier Woods

Lyra Valkyria vs. Sonya Deville

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