NXT Results & Review (July 16th, 2024)

On July 16th, 2024 WWE aired NXT episode 742 live in Orlando Florida inside the WWE Performance Center.

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel & Wes Lee) vs. Gallus (Mark Coffey, Joe Coffey & Wolfgang)

Match starts with Trey Miguel & Mark Coffey lock up before Mark dumps Miguel across the ring but Miguel sends Mark’s arm bouncing off the top rope and lands a hurricanrana on him.

Zachary Wentz tags in and double teams on Mark with Miguel before Wolfgang tags in and connects with an uppercut on Wentz.

He fires off stomps on him then lands a suplex and goes for a pin but Wentz kicks out.

Joe Coffey tags in and lands a right hand on Wentz’s midsection then whips him into the corner but Wentz hits a hurricanrana off the ropes and follows it up with a jumping knee.

Wes Lee tags in and hits a headscissors to Joe then follows it up with a poisonrana and goes for a pin but Joe kicks out. Wolfgang tags back in and hits an uppercut to Lee.

He follows it up with a bodyslam and goes for a pin but Lee kicks out.

Wolfgang then sends Lee bouncing off the top rope face first and tags in Mark. Mark & Wolfgang fire off strikes on Lee before Wolfgang tags back in and wears down Lee.

Joe tags in and both teams begin brawling with one another then Joe Hendry’s music hits and he then makes his way down to the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Hendry has joined the announce desk as Joe wears down Lee with a submission hold.

Mark tags in and Lee manages to tag in Wentz before Wentz connects with an enzuigiri on Joe.

He ascends to the top rope and lands a double dropkick on Wolfgang & Mark.

Miguel then becomes legal and he levels Mark. He goes for a pin but Wolfgang breaks the fall.

Miguel hits him with a dropkick then tags in Lee.

Wentz tags in and The Rascalz hits a variation of a triple dropkick to Mark.

Miguel then hits a DDT to Mark on the outside as Wentz and Lee beat down Wolfgang & Joe inside the ring. Wentz & Lee send Wolfgang & Joe to the outside and both fly to take out on the outside.

Lee tags in and Wentz & Miguel get Mark on their shoulders then Lee hits a double stomp off the top rope and pins Mark for the win.

Winners: The Rascalz

-There was a video package of Joe Hendry teaming with Trick Williams last week.

-As Ridge Holland & Thea Hail stormed out of the set, Kelly Kincaid interviewed Andre Chase & Riley Osbourne to preview the main event of Oba Femi facing Duke Hudson for the North American Title.

-After the break we head over to Ava’s office where NXT Champion Ethan Page & Oro Mensah get into a heated verbal confrontation. Ava makes it clear to Mensah that he’s not in the NXT Title picture and Mensah gives a warning to Page. Ava tells Page that he can defend his title if he wants tonight and Page agrees to defend it against Dante Chen.

-Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez asks what it will take for everyone to start treating her like the champion she is. She says she added another name to her resume when she defeated Lola Vice to retain her Women’s Title at Heatwave. She says she should’ve received a standing ovation rather than Vice and says she’s competing with the history books rather than anyone in the locker room. She says Charlotte Flair had her 1st television match 14 years ago then says she’s on track to break all the records in the women’s division. She expresses her anger with people saying that her title reign is in trouble when Giulia & Stephanie Vaquer are making their impending NXT debuts. She then makes it clear that she sees Thea Hail as no threat ahead of their title match at The Great American Bash.

-Thea Hail’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. Hail tells Perez her issue is that she thinks everyone owes her respect when she doesn’t then tells her that she used to look up to her. She says she thought her and Perez weren’t that different and says of all people Perez should know what it’s like to be underestimated. She says she’s overcome doubters and says at Great American Bash, Perez should hand her the pen to write one of the youngest NXT Women’s Champions in history.

-Perez tells Hail that it’s brave of her to come to the ring with no chaperones. She says it won’t be anyone’s time as long as she holds the Women’s Title and says she knows what it’s like to spiral after losing the title she holds. She says the Women’s Title is for big girls rather than children.

-Hail looks to clock Perez but Perez sees her coming before they begin to brawl but Hail locks Perez in a Kimura Lock. Ridge Holland appears and pulls Hail off Perez as officials appear to break things up between them.

-Kelly Kincaid interviewed Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan but they were interrupted by Wendy Choo briefly appearing in the interview.

-Kelly Kincaid interviewed Lola Vice but she was interrupted Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jasmyn Nyx by calling Vice a rookie and telling her to get to the back of the line.

Je Von Evans vs. Brooks Jansen

Brooks Jensen wastes no time as he sends Je Von Evans crashing into the corner but Evans fires off right hands on him and connects with a hurricanrana.

He lands a dropkick that sends Jensen crashing out of the ring and they brawl on the outside.

Jensen sends Evans crashing into the barricade midsection first but Evans hits him with a superkick and follows it up with a springboard moonsault.

Evans gets Jensen back in the ring and lands a springboard kick then goes for a pin but Jensen kicks out.

Evans then looks to land a splash on Jensen in the corner but Jensen moves out of the way.

He fires off right hands on Evans then sends him crashing into the announce desk midsection first and flies off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Jensen wears down Evans with a crossface and looks to land a splash on him in the corner.

Evans moves out of the way and hits a hurricanrana to Jensen off the top rope.

He sends Jensen crashing into the middle turnbuckle and hits a kick to his head then flies off the top rope to hit a crossbody to Jensen.

Jensen hits Styles Clash on Evans as Shawn Spears appears at ringside as Josh Briggs confronts him but Jensen tells Briggs to back down.

Evans takes advantage and flies over the top rope to take out Jensen on the outside then gets him back in the ring and hits a cutter off the middle rope for the win.

Winner: Je Von Evans

-After the match Jensen fires off stomps on Evans but Briggs pulls him off then they argue as they head to the back.

-Charlie Dempsey spoke with Heritage Cup Champion Tony D’Angelo backstage regarding a witness watching their activity last week but D’Angelo wanted no part of it and told Dempsey he was on his own.

-Kelly Kincaid interviewed Dante Chen backstage where he said while he did not see the title match coming, he was ready to shock the world.

-After the break we see Trick Williams chat with Ilja Dragunov over a video call about regaining the NXT Title. Williams then asks Pete Dunne for some advice, but Dunne tells him to figure it out by himself.

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Dante Chen

Match starts off with a lock up before Ethan Page runs Dante Chen over with a shoulder tackle and mocks him but Chen rolls up Page but Page kicks out and Chen fires off strikes on him.

Chen follows it up with a thrust kick but Page dumps him out of the ring and connects with a flying shoulder tackle off the apron.

He gets Chen back in the ring and rains down right hands on him then lands a bodyslam on him.

Chen lands an enzuigiri on Page but Page sends Chen crashing onto the apron.

Chen rolls up Page but Page kicks out then Chen hits Page with a clothesline and a back elbow then follows it up with an atomic drop. Chen rolls up Page twice more but Page kicks out both times.

Chen hits Page with a double chop before he looks to fly off the top rope.

Page sees him coming and hits a boot to him then follows it up with Ego’s Edge for the win.

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Ethan Page (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-After the match Page mockingly shakes Chen’s hand. Oro Mensah then looks to blindside Page but Page takes him out with a DDT. He looks to head to the back but Mensah intercepts him on the ramp and fires off right hands on him. He hits a pair of clotheslines and a kick to Page’s head then lands a 2nd kick on his head in the corner and pins him to prove he can get the 3 count over him.

-There was a video package of Duke Hudson ahead of his match against Oba Femi for the North American Title.

-Gallus spoke about their frustrations with Joe Hendry showing up in NXT which immediately led to Hendry appearing to confront them. Hendry said he was here to stay.

Tatum Paxley vs. Izzi Dame

Tatum Paxley hits a springboard dropkick to Izzi Dame then hits a crossbody to her spine in the corner and connects with a kick to her head then goes for a pin but Dame kicks out.

Paxley looks to land another crossbody on Dame in the corner but Dame catches her.

She hits a backbreaker then follows it up with a bodyslam and a series of stomps to her spine.

Dame whips Paxley into opposite corners then uses the ring post to wear down her spine.

She lands another backbreaker and goes for a pin but Paxley kicks out.

Dame then continues to wear down Paxley’s spine with a submission as Wendy Choo makes her way out.

Paxley hits a dragon screw to Dame then hits a step up enzuigiri and sends her face bouncing off her knee. She follows it up with an elbow drop and goes for a pin but Dame kicks out.

Dame charges at Paxley in the corner but Paxley moves out of the way then follows it up with Psycho Trap for the win.

Winner: Tatum Paxley

-After the match Choo hands a doll over to Paxley. Paxley puts its head on and takes the doll from Choo.

-Chase U were backstage where Duke Hudson thanked Ridge Holland for getting him the North American Title match.

-Cedric Alexander & Ashante Thee Adonis spoke backstage before Adonis tried to meet with Jakara Jackson but Oro Mensah interrupted.

Lola Vice vs. Jacy Jayne

Match starts off with a lock up then Jacy Jayne looks to land a kick on Lola Vice but Vice catches it and connects with a mat return.

Jayne lands a thrust kick on Vice’s head then hits a stomp to her hand and sends her cashing into the mat face first.

Jayne begins wearing down Vice’s injured hand but Vice hits a series of rapid fire kicks to Jayne.

She follows it up with a Scissor Kick and a hip attack on Jayne then goes for a pin but Jayne kicks out.

Jayne lands a boot on Vice but Vice responds with 305 for the win.

Winner: Lola Vice

-After the match Fallon Henley attacks Vice as Nyx joins her but Vice fights them off. Jayne clocks Vice from behind but Sol Ruca & Karmen Petrovic run down to even the odds.

-Tatum Paxley met with Kelani Jordan and asked her if she wanted to play but Jordan politely declined.

-Ethan Page was interviewed backstage where he emphatically declared Or Mensah did not pin him because it was not a legal bout and said he was unbothered by the situation.

6 Person Tag Team Match
The OC (Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows & Michin) vs. OTM (Bronco Nima, Lucien Price & Jaida Parker)

Both teams brawling with one another and Michin & Jaida Parker are left alone in the ring then the bell sounds and Parker sends Michin crashing into the ring post shoulder first.

Parker drapes Michin across the middle turnbuckle and hits a chop then looks to land a senton on her.

Michin moves out of the way but Parker lands a spinebuster on her before Michin connects with a German suplex and a dropkick.

Lucien Price & Luke Gallows tag in before Gallows fires off right hands on Price then rocks him with a boot. Price connects with a chokeslam on Gallows and a boot on an interfering Karl Anderson.

He then hits a splash to Gallows in the corner then tags in Bronco Nima.

Nima hits a running knee to the back of Gallows’ neck then tags Price back in.

Price connects with an uppercut on Gallows then fires off shoulders on his midsection in the corner.

Nima tags in and fires off a strike on Gallows then clocks Anderson on the apron before Gallows tags in and sends Price crashing into the mat. Michin & Parker tag in and Michin fires off strikes on Parker.

She connects with a dropkick on her and sends her crashing into the mat then hits Sole Food and goes for a pin. Parker kicks out. Anderson & Nima then tag in and Nima whips Anderson into the corner.

Anderson flies off the middle rope and hits a neckbreaker to Nima.

Gallows tags in and double teams on Nima with Anderson then goes for a pin but Price breaks the fall.

Anderson hits Price with a spinebuster but Parker lands a hip attack on him.

Michin dumps Parker out of the ring and lands Eat Defat on Nima.

This opens the door for Good Brothers to hit Magic Killer to Nima for the win.

Winners: The OC

-We then head backstage and see No Quarter Catch Crew encounter Wren Sinclair looking to join the group threatening to tell everyone what they did to Damon Kemp last week after she caught them taking care of business.

North American Title Match
Oba Femi (c) vs Duke Hudson

Match starts off with a lock up before Oba Femi lands a back elbow on Duke Hudson then wears him down with a submission hold. Hudson escapes and Femi connects with an uppercut on him.

He follows it up with a shoulder tackle.

Hudson takes off his headband and Chase U shirt then hits a hurricanrana and a shoulder tackle to Femi.

He follows it up with a DDT and clotheslines Femi out of the ring as we go to a break.

After the break Femi wears Hudson down with a submission hold and hits a running knee to the side of his head. He whips Hudson into the corner then lands a sidewalk slam on him and goes for a pin.

Hudson kicks out and lands a jawbreaker on Femi before Femi catches him with a pair of backbreakers and goes for another pin but Hudson kicks out.

Femi gets Hudson up on his shoulders and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first.

He looks to send him crashing into the mat but Hudson counters into a crossbody.

Femi catches Hudson with a pair of running uppercuts in the corner but Hudson catches him with a big boot and a series of right hands. He hits Femi with a clothesline then hits Chase U right hands.

Hudson hits a crossbody over the top rope to Femi on the outside then gets him back in the ring and lands a shoulder on his midsection.

He sends him crashing into the mat and goes for a pin but Femi kicks out.

Hudson then sits Femi on the top rope and joins him but Femi knocks him down.

Hudson then pulls down Femi with a reverse hurricanrana but Femi lands a back body drop on him.

Hudson looks to roll up Femi but Femi blocks him and delivers a chokeslam then goes for a pin but Hudson kicks out.

Femi & Hudson teeter on the ropes, and Hudson pulls Femi down with a sunset flip.

He goes for a pin but Femi kicks out then Femi hits a Blue Thunder Bomb to Hudson on top of the announce desk then gets him back in the ring and hits a powerbomb for the win.

Winner & Still North American Champion: Oba Femi (STILL CHAMPION!!!)

-After the match we head out to the parking lot and see Brooks Jensen & Josh Briggs still arguing about Jensen’s loss earlier tonight. As a means of proving himself Jensen challenges Briggs to a No Disqualification Match next week and gets into a car to close out this week’s NXT.

Next Week’s NXT

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

Oro Mensah vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

No Disqualification Match
Brooks Jansen vs. Josh Briggs

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