NJPW G1 Climax Night 1 Review (July 20th, 2024)

On July 20th, 2024 NJPW aired the 1st Night of the 2024 G1 Climax tournament in Osaka Japan inside Edion Arena in front of 4,177 fans & can watch the show on NJPW World.

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg (0) vs. Ren Narita (0)

Ren Narita attacks Boltin Oleg before the bell before Oleg hit a shoulder tackle and he went for Kamikaze but Narita escaped and regrouped on the floor.

Narita hits a kick that sent Oleg from the apron to the floor before he hits a chair shot to the back and tied up Oleg’s arm in the guardrail.

In the ring Narita snaps Oleg’s left arm over his shoulder and remained focused on damaging the arm.

Narita went for a cross armbreaker but Oleg got feet on the ropes then hits a running knee to Oleg’s chest then a top rope knee strike to the sternum for a near fall and he went back to a cross armbreaker.

Oleg stood up and hit a F5 out of nowhere and he shook the feeling back into his arm then connects with Kamikaze for the win.

Winner: NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Bolin Oleg (2) (7:37)
Rate: 5

Block A Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Shota Umino (0) vs. Callum Newman (0)

Shota Umino & Callum Newman immediately traded forearm strikes at the bell then Umino bodyslams him stomach first and hit a basement dropkick. Newman applied a Boston Crab.

Umino hits a dropkick and he locks Newman in an STF before Newman hits a Stundog Millionaire and a running Penalty Kick for a near fall. Newman hits a kip up enzuigiri.

He leapt off the ropes but Umino caught him with a stunner and they were both down.

Umino hits a Tornado DDT and a side slam for a near fall then sets up for a Death Rider but Newman escaped. Umino drops him with a forearm strike. Newman hits a mid ring Spanish Fly for a near fall.

Newman hits a top rope double stomp and an OsCutter for the win.

Winner: Callum Newman (2) (9:46)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight Champion Henare (0) vs. El Phantasmo (0)

Henare immediately hit some forearm strikes before El Phantasmo hits a dive through the ropes.

ELP hit a Lionsault in the ring for a near fall then Henare hit a senton for a near fall then drops ELP with a clothesline. Phantasmo hits a clothesline of his own and they were both down.

Henare hits a jumping knee in the corner and a Berzerker Bomb for a near fall then they traded mid ring forearm strikes and ELP was wobbly. Henare hits a spin kick to the head and a running knee for a near fall.

ELP hit a dropkick for a near fall then an enzuigiri then hits a Burning Hammer and a springboard Thunder Kiss 86 for a near fall.

Henare hit a Samoan Drop then Rampage for a near fall then he hits a punch to the gut follow by Streets Of Rage to get the win.

Winner: NEVER Openweight Champion Henare (2) (9:26)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block A Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan (0) vs. Zack Sabre Jr (0)

Great O Khan immediately dumps Zack Sabre Jr over the ropes to the floor before ZSJ tied him in a front guillotine choke on the floor.

O Khan slams ZSJ back first into rows of chairs and they traded blows near the fans.

Both men got back into the ring before being counted out and O Khan grounded ZSJ.

ZSJ hits a basement dropkick to the back then we get some standing switches and ZSJ hits a modified northern lights suplex then O Khan hits an Angle Slam.

O Khan hits Mongolian Chops before ZSJ hits some European uppercuts then O Khan hit a punch to the jaw and a belly 2 belly suplex for a near fall.

ZSJ applied a Triangle Choke but O Khan turned it into a powerbomb to escape then ZSJ hits a Pele Kick to the left arm.

O Khan locks in Sheep Killer before ZSJ hits a DDT follow by a Zack Driver for the win.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr (2) (11:11)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Television Champion Jeff Cobb (0) vs. Hirooki Goto (0)

Hirooki Goto hits a plancha to the floor then in the ring Jeff Cobb hist a short arm clothesline.

He hit a standing moonsault for a near fall then Cobb hit a spin kick into the corner.

Goto hits a clothesline but Cobb stays on his feet before a 2nd clothesline drops Cobb.

Goto hit a bulldog for a near fall then hits a backbreaker over his knee for a near fall.

Cobb went for Tour Of The Islands but Goto escaped and got a roll up for a near fall then hits Tour Of The Islands for the win.

Winner: Television Champion Jeff Cobb (2) (7:24)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Sanada (0) vs. Jake Lee (0)

Match starts off with some standing switches and a feeling out process before Jake Lee hits a chokeslam for a near fall.

Sanada places Lee’s feet on the ropes and hits Magic Killer before he hits a top rope moonsault for a near fall then a Shining Wizard to the back of the head.

He got an O’Connor Roll for a near fall then Lee hits PFS to get the victory.

Winner: Jake Lee (2) (4:57)
Rate: 4

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Global Champion David Finlay (0) vs Yuya Uemura (0)

Yuya Uemura hits a deep arm drag and works the left arm then David Finlay shoved Uemura off the ring apron with Uemura’s back crashing against the guardrail.

Finlay repeatedly slams Uemura back first against the guardrail.

In the ring Finlay hit a release suplex with a cocky cover and he remained in control before Uemura hits a dropkick and a bulldog for a near fall.

Finlay hit a backbreaker over his knee before Uemua clotheslined Finlay to the floor then hits a plancha.

In the ring Uemura hits a back suplex then got a backslide for a near fall and a Crucifix for a near fall then a twisting uranage for a near fall.

Finlay hit a release powerbomb for a near fall then the Dominator for a near fall.

Uemura hits a German suplex for a near fall and he set up for Deadbolt Suplex but Finlay fought free.

They traded forearm strikes and Uemura hits a Pele Kick before Finlay hits a Buckle Bomb then a 2nd one.

Uemura got a hurricanrana out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Yuya Uemura (2) (16:23)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block A Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Strong Openweight Champion Gabe Kidd (0) vs. Evil (0)

Gabe Kidd hits a flip to the floor on Evil & Dick Togo as they approached the ring.

He drags Togo into the ring and hit a brainbuster on him then hits a moonsault to the floor on Evil and they brawled at ringside.

They got chairs and clanged them against each other as they now fought in the crowd.

Kidd charged at Evil but Evil threw a chair at his head before Evil puts a chair over Kidd’s head and struck it with another chair.

Evil enters the ring and the bell rang to begin before Kidd got back into the ring but Evil kept him grounded. Kidd backed Evil into a corner and hit a series of chops. Evil hits a suplex for a near fall.

Evil hits a rolling forearm and a clothesline before Kidd hits a back suplex for a near fall.

Evil went for a low blow but Kidd blocked it.

Kidd hit a brainbuster then a rebound lariat for a near fall then the ref got pushed to the floor.

Togo immediately hops in the ring and choked Kidd.

Evil hit a low blow uppercut then House Of Torture hits Magic Killer on Kidd then Evil hits Everything Is Evil for the win. 

Winner: Evil (2) (10:21)
Rate: 3

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Yota Tsuji (0) vs Konosuke Takeshita (0)

Match starts off with a lock up before Yota Tsuji hits a shoulder tackle for a near fall.

Konosuke Takeshita hit a flying clothesline then a flip dive to the floor then drops Tsuji throat first on the guardrail. In the ring Takeshita hits a 2nd rope flying senton.

Tsuji fired up and hit a flip dive to the floor on Takeshita then in the ring Tsuji hits a Lungblower to the gut and he locked in a Boston Crab. Takeshita fired back with a brainbuster and they were both down.

Takeshita hit a running knee to the sternum then a German suplex for a near fall.

They fought on the top rope before Tsuji hits a headbutt to the chest then a top rope Spanish Fly for a near fall before Takeshita avoided Gene Blaster and nailed a poisonrana.

Tsuji pops up and hits a superkick and a sit out powerbomb and they were both down.

They got up and traded forearm strikes and Tsuji collapsed before Tsuji hits another headbutt to the chest then a top rope Curb Stomp to the head for a near fall.

Tsuji went for Gene Blaster but Takeshita caught him with a knee.

Takeshita hit a Blue Thunder Bomb then Raging Fire for the win. 

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita (2) (17:16)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Non Title Block A Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito (0) vs. Shingo Takagi (0)

Shingo Takagi drops Tetsuya Naito with a shoulder tackle then hits a senton then clotheslined Naito to the floor. He whips Naito into the guardrail then into another one.

In the ring Takagi was in control and he hits a suplex and he switched to an STF.

They got up and began trading forearm strikes and Naito collapsed.

Naito flips Takagi with his knee hitting Takagi in the back of the neck before Naito hits a basement dropkick.

Naito hits a Rude Awakening for a near fall then Naito tied up the neck and shoulders on the mat but Takagi got his feet on the ropes then hits a DDT.

Takagi hits a sliding clothesline and a powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a near fall.

Naito hit an enzuigiri then Gloria for a near fall then Takagi hits a 2nd rope Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Takagi hits Pumping Bomber then Made In Japan for a near fall.

Naito hit a Destino out of nowhere and they were both down before Naito hits a Frankensteiner then a tornado DDT. Naito hit a rolling Koppo Kick.

Takagi hits a vertical powerbomb for a near fall then hits Last Of The Dragon for the win

Winner: Shingo Takagi (2) (23:14)
Rate: 7

Standings After Night 1

Block A

1st Place- Zack Sabre Jr, Callum Newman, Shingo Takagi, Jake Lee & Evil (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito, Strong Openweight Champion Gabe Kidd, KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan, Sanada & Shota Umino (0 Points) (0-1)

Block B

1st Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg, NEVER Openweight Champion Henare, Television Champion Jeff Cobb, Konosuke Takeshita & Yuya Umeura (2 Points) (1-0)

Last Place- Global Champion David Finlay, Ren Narita, Hirooki Goto, El Phantasmo & Yota Tsuji (0 Points) (0-1)

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