NXT Review (July 23rd, 2024)

On July 23rd, 2024 WWE aired the 743rd episode of NXT live in Orlando Florida inside WWE Performance Center.

-Kicking off this week’s NXT with Trick Williams makes his way down to the ring. Just before he appears at ringside however Cedric Alexander asks Williams what he’s doing. Williams makes it clear to him that he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on Ethan Page and the NXT Title.

-Trick Williams says he hasn’t been the same since losing the NXT Title. He says he’s had many chats with people he trusts and tells Ethan Page he’ll stop at nothing to regain the title.

-Cedric Alexander’s music hits and he makes his way out. He says he didn’t want to do this in front of the world but he should take in his advice of telling him not to pursue the NXT Title. He says Williams is blinded by his passion.

-Ashante Thee Adonis’ music hits and he makes his way out. He tells Alexander that he told him Williams wouldn’t listen to him & Williams questions why Adonis is at ringside. Adonis says Williams dropped the ball and Williams becomes defensive. Alexander cites Williams’ behavior moments ago as an example of his emotions taking over and tells Adonis to go to the back so he can handle this.

-Alexander says he’s been trying to respect Williams but he’s mistaking his kindness for weakness. He challenges Williams to a match and Williams accepts. Adonis then continues to run his mouth about Williams & Williams clocks him. He sends Adonis crashing out of the ring and stares down Alexander.

-NXT Champion Ethan Page entered the Parking Lot and met with Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe & they made fun of Page getting visually pinned by Oro Mensah last week.

No Disqualification Match
Brooks Jansen vs. Josh Briggs

Josh Briggs then makes his way down to the ring before Brooks Jensen attacks him backstage and they brawl down to the ring.

Briggs sends Jensen crashing to the outside then sends his head bouncing off the barricade then dumps him over it and fires off right hands on him.

Jensen sends Briggs’ face bouncing off the ring bell but Briggs sends Jensen crashing into the ring post spine first and chokeslams him through the announce desk as we go to a break.

After the break Briggs sets up part of the announce desk in the corner before Jensen clotheslines Briggs into it then catapults him into it and grabs a kendo stick.

He cracks it across Briggs’ spine repeatedly but Briggs catches one of the shots and lands a forearm on Jensen.

Jensen gets Briggs on the ring steps which are in the center of the ring but Briggs escapes and clotheslines Jensen from behind.

He hits a back suplex to him on top of the ring steps before he & Jensen fire off strikes on one another.

Briggs & Jensen level one another with boots then each grab a kendo stick and hit each other with them.

Jensen grabs a chair and looks to hit Briggs with it, but Briggs sees him coming and clocks him then grabs the chair and debates using it to hit Jensen.

Shawn Spears appears at ringside and encourages Briggs to hit Jensen with the chair.

Briggs gets in his face opening the door for Jensen to hit Briggs with the chair from behind.

He hits him with the chair several more times then eyes Spears on the outside and hits a DDT to him on top of the chair to get the win.

Winner: Brooks Jansen

-We then head backstage to Nathan Frazer before Axiom walks in and looks to tell Frazer something but The Rascalz walk in. The Rascalz then challenge Frazer & Axiom to a 6 Man Tag Team Match and they accept. Axiom then reveals to Frazer he got himself a match on Speed and Frazer becomes insulted after the hard time Axiom gave him about competing on Speed.

-Karmen Petrovic, Lola Vice & Sol Ruca watched footage of Stephanie Vaquer and expressed interest in the Women’s Tag Team Titles but Meta 4 interrupted by saying they had first dibs at that match.

Eddy Thorpe vs. Lexis King

Both men waste no time going after one another before they fire off strikes on one another but Lexis King rains down right hands on Eddy Thorpe and follows it up with a backbreaker.

Thorpe hits a series of chops to King then lands a kick on his spine before Thorpe fires off strikes on King and hits a variation of a backbreaker then connects with a kick on his chest.

King lands a clothesline on the back of Thorpe’s neck then looks to land The Coronation. Thorpe responds with an Impaler DDT for the win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

-After the match King clocks Thorpe from behind and rains down right hands on him on the outside. He sends him crashing into the ring steps then sandwiches his hand between the ring steps and the ring post. He grabs his staff and uses it to hit Thorpe’s hand.

-Backstage Kelly Kincaid interviewed Trick Williams where he stated he would go through everyone to get another shot at regaining the NXT Title. Pete Dunne interrupted Williams and told him to just figure it out.

Oro Mensah vs. Ashante Thee Adonis

Oro Mensah hits a tope suicida to Ashante Thee Adonis on the outside as talks to Jackson & Lash Legend.

He dumps him back in the ring and the bell sounds & Mensah hits a boot to Adonis’ head then fires off a right hand and a chop on him. He sends him crashing into the middle rope then hits a suplex.

Adonis dumps Mensah onto the apron then dropkicks him to the outside.

They get back in the ring and Adonis hits a boot to the side of Mensah’s head then connects with a Bronco Buster style dropkick then hits a bodyslam and a pair of elbow drops.

Mensah then rolls up Adonis, but Adonis kicks out then Mensah charges at Adonis in the corner but Adonis sees him coming and delivers a back elbow.

He ascends to the top rope but Mensah trips him and pushes him off.

He lands a single legged dropkick from the apron then hits a springboard moonsault.

Adonis hits a flapjack to Mensah in the corner then follows it up with a spinebuster and goes for a pin.

Mensah kicks out and hits a rolling forearm to Adonis’ spine then follows it up with a roundhouse kick in the corner for the win.

Winner: Oro Mensah

-After the match Mensah grabs a mic and puts NXT Champion Ethan Page on notice.

-We then head backstage and see Wren Sinclair preparing for her match as No Quarter Catch Crew & The D’Angelo Family stand by. Charlie Dempsey shows Tony D’Angelo a note from Wren Sinclair reminding NQCC that she knows what they did to Damon Kemp. D’Angelo advises Dempsey to give Sinclair what she wants which is a spot in No Quarter Catch Crew.

Wren Sinclair vs. Carlee Bright

Wren Sinclair & Carlee Bright take turns locking one another in submission holds.

Sinclair locks in a modified Bow & Arrow on Bright but Bright escapes and lands a dropkick.

She follows it up with a dropkick but Sinclair connects with a shoulder tackle and a bulldog.

She goes for a pin but Bright kicks out then Bright lands a back elbow and a dropkick off the top rope.

She goes for a pin but Charlie Dempsey gets Sinclair’s foot on the bottom rope to break the fall.

Grey gets in Dempsey’s face and hits a suplex to Myles Borne.

Bright looks to take advantage and rolls up Sinclair but Sinclair kicks out then she rolls up Bright as Dempsey holds her in place for the win.

Winner: Wren Sinclair

-We then head backstage and see Hank Walker & Tank Ledger talking about The Great American Bash.

-Axiom & Nathan Frazer argued about Axiom’s involvement in Speed but they were interrupted by Je Von Evans & he said he was down to team with them against The Rascalz. Axiom & Frazer accepted the offer.

-After Ridge Holland gifted new Chase U t shirts to Andre Chase, Duke Hudson & Riley Osbourne then they watched Thea Hail’s backstage interview.

-Kelly Kincaid interviewed Thea Hail & she reflected on her past year since she last challenged for the Women’s Title. She said Holland had helped bring her true self and had helped her improve as a person and she had her eyes lasered on finally winning the title.

Trick Williams vs. Cedric Alexander

Match starts off with a lock up before Cedric Alexander shoves Trick Williams but Williams clocks Alexander. Alexander hits a mat return to Williams then wears him down with an arm submission.

Williams runs over Alexander with an inverted shoulder block then hits a chop to him in the corner.

Alexander returns the favor but Williams fires off more chops of his own.

Williams hits a dropkick to Alexander but Alexander responds with a springboard enzuigiri and a spear to Williams on the apron then sends him crashing onto the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Williams & Alexander exchange strikes with one another.

They level one another before Williams hits a pop up right hand and a flapjack to Alexander then connects with a kick but Alexander responds with a Michinoku Driver.

Williams lands a pair of leg lariats but Alexander hits an enzuigiri from the apron.

Williams then hits a chokeslam and looks to land Trick Shot but Alexander sees him coming and hits a twisting neckbreaker.

He looks to lock in a Cross Armbreaker but Williams escapes and hits Trick Shot for the win.

Winner: Trick Williams

-After the match Williams shows his respect for Alexander. He hugs him and celebrates his win with the NXT Universe. Pete Dunne attacks Williams from behind on the ramp and hits a dropkick to his head then stomps on the side of his neck and stands tall over him.

-Ethan Page met with Stevie Turner & Robert Stone and told them he wanted Oro Mensah dealt with.

-Women’s North American Champion Kelani Jordan met with 2 Performance Center Recruits regarding a video posted by Tatum Paxley saying she was starting to get weirded out by her. After that an injured Ashante Adonis was carried by

Tag Team Match
Meta 4 (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend) vs. Karmen Petrovic & Sol Ruca

Jakara Jackson lands a dropkick on Karmen Petrovic before Sol Ruca tags in and hits a moonsault to Jackson but Jackson responds with a inverted facebuster and tags in Lash Legend.

Ruca goes after Legend but Legend catches her and looks to land a powerbomb.

Ruca escapes with a hurricanrana then lands a facebuster on Legend from the apron and tags in Petrovic.

Petrovic double teams on Legend with Ruca & Ruca tags in before Legend catches Ruca with a pump kick then tags in Jackson.

Jackson hits a hip attack to Ruca in the corner then connects with a Sling Blade and tags in Legend.

Ruca rocks Legend with a superkick before Petrovic tags in and lands a kick of her own.

Ruca & Petrovic then land a double superkick on Legend & Petrovic pins her.

Legend kicks out and Jackson gets in the ring then Petrovic hits a Tornado DDT to Legend using Jackson as a launch pad and pins Legend but Jackson breaks the fall.

Ruca hits Jackson on the outside with a moonsault off the apron but Legend sends Petrovic crashing into the mat for the win.

Winners: Meta 4

-After the match Legend grabs a mic and challenges The Unholy Union to a Women’s Tag Team Match at The Great American Bash next week.

-After Trick Williams told Shawn Michaels he wanted to beat Pete Dunne’s ass then Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez confronted Shawn Michaels and complained about Thea Hail having a sit down interview and not her.

-After the break we get a video package of TNA’s Joe Hendry.

-Gallus were interviewed backstage where Joe Coffey challenged Joe Hendry to a match next week but Mark Coffey said that may not be likely because he had learned Joe Coffey would be hosting a concert next week. Gallus threw a tantrum after that.

-NXT Champion Ethan Page then gets inside the ring with a referee. Page insists that Oro Mensah pinning him last week and counting to three himself last week doesn’t count because it wasn’t official. He insists that he’s not bothered by the incident then asks the referee if him or any of his colleagues counted to three when Mensah pinned him. The referee says it was never official to the delight of Page. Mensah then blindsides Page and rolls him up as the referee makes the 3 count.

-No Quarter Catch Crew & The D’Angelo Family met backstage where Heritage Cup Champion Tony D’Angelo revealed he would defend the Heritage Cup Title against Tavion Heights next week.

6 Man Tag Team Match
NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom & Je Von Evans vs. The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Trey Miguel & Wes Lee)

Axiom & Trey Miguel lock up before Miguel hits a low hurricanrana to Axiom but Axiom responds with a dropkick and tags in Nathan Frazer. Frazer runs the ropes and hits a kick to Miguel’s face.

Miguel trips Frazer and lands a kick on his head before The Rascalz triple team on Frazer.

Je Von Evans & Wes Lee tag in and go back & forth before Evans connects with a hurricanrana and a dropkick on Lee then rocks him with a forearm.

Lee lands one of his own and they continue to exchange them.

Zachary Wentz tags in and beats down Evans in the corner as Miguel & Lee brawl with Frazer & Axiom.

Evans flies to take out everyone out and Wentz follows it up with a moonsault as we go to a break.

After the break Frazer tags in and flies off the ropes to level Wentz then hits a standing Shooting Star Press then tags in Axiom.

Axiom charges at Wentz but Wentz hits Axiom with a boot then Frazer tags back then immediately tags out to Evans.

Evans, Frazer & Axiom hits a triple superkick to Wentz & Evans locks in a submission on him to wear him down. Frazer tags in and flies off the ropes but Wentz intercepts him with a knee and tags in Lee.

Evans tags in and Lee levels him then hits a drop toe hold and a dropkick to Evans’ spine then hits a back elbow and an enzuigiri on him in the corner.

Miguel tags in and double teams on Axiom with Lee then he drives Evans into the mat before Frazer tags in. Miguel lands a dropkick on Frazer’s spine, then tags in Lee.

The Rascalz triple team on Frazer but Frazer rocks Lee with a kick then Evans & Miguel tag in and Evans hits a cutter off the middle rope to Miguel. He follows it up with a dropkick and tags in Frazer.

Frazer immediately tags out to Axiom & Axiom hits a Spanish Fly to Miguel off the top rope.

Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash and Axiom pins Miguel but Lee and Wentz send Evans & Frazer crashing into them to break the fall.

Miguel sends Axiom crashing into the middle turnbuckle and tags in Lee.

Lee catapults Axiom into a kick from Miguel, and the pair double team on him then Wentz tags in and they hit Hot Fire Flame to get the win.

Winners: The Rascalz (Recommend)

-After the match The Rascalz shake hands with Evans, Axiom & Frazer.

-We then head over to Ava’s office where Ethan Page demands a match against Oro Mensah. Ava asks Page what changed and Page says he’s had enough of Mensah blindsiding him. He offers to put the NXT Title on the line against Mensah if that’s what it’ll take to get a match with him and Ava agrees to draft up a contract for a title match between them. She announces that they will sign the contract next week at Night 1 of The Great American Bash and says the title match will take place at Night 2 of the event. A satisfied Page walks off to close out this week’s NXT.

The Great American Bash Card

Night 1 (July 30th)

Women’s Title Match
Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Thea Hail

Women’s Tag Team Titles Match
The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn) (c) vs. Meta 4 (Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend)

Heritage Cup Title Match
Tony D’Angelo (c) vs. Tavion Heights

Night 2 (August 6th)

NXT Title Match
Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah

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