AEW Blood & Guts Review (July 24th, 2024)

On July 24th, 2024 AEW aired the 4th annual Blood & Guts live in Nashville Tennessee inside Bridgestone Arena.

-Kicking off this week’s Dynamite with Alex Marvez in the hotel parking lot trying to get a word with Will Ospreay about last week’s loss to MJF. Ospreay says he will say what’s on his mind once he gets to the arena just to find out that someone has flattened his car tired with a screwdriver. Ospreay takes Marvez’s truck and drives away as Marvez asks him if he’s ever driven in America before to which Ospreay says nope.

-We cut to the arena where cheerleaders introduce the new International Champion MJF to the ring with a cheer. MJF calls Will Ospreay a gutless coward for not hitting the Tiger Driver and says he couldn’t even beat Swerve Strickland. MJF then gives a word to Shane about his AEW World Title. MJF says he’s waiting for the right moment to pounce and Strickland should hope that it never comes. When the spotlight is on him, he shines while Ospreay melts and he beat him last week without breaking a damn sweat and calls it the easiest match of his life, doing it quickly and efficiently and wrestling analysts have called it the most dominant win of all time. MJF says retiring isn’t good enough for Ospreay and says he should take a long walk off a short pier but luckily for him, his grandma died recently so he can dig a grave next to hers but a football field away from her tombstone as she’s fat and needs all the room she could get. MJF says if Ospreay has something to say he would come out now but he won’t because he’s worthless. MJF talks about the workhorses that wore the International Title, call them a joke and says working hard is for the poor like all the fans here. He says he deserves a title to his superior bank account and upbringing and this title like Daniel Garcia, Ospreay and the white trash hicks is nothing more than garbage as he tosses it in a trash can that’s ringside.

-He continues that he deserves a title that symbolizes the best wrestler and country in the world and not the cesspool of a nation that is the United Kingdom and he reveals the American Title. He stops the USA chant and says it’s not representing nasty Nashville but the most magical place in the world in Planview, Long Island, New York. He holds the title up and gets USA confetti, music and the US Flag banner with his face instead of the stars. Ospreay runs into the ring as MJF runs away. Ospreay says at minute 59 MJF was breathing out his asshole and he knew he couldn’t beat him so he reached into his trunks went past his tiny little dick and pulled out the Diamond ring and cracked it over his skull and he would rather cheat than admit someone like Ospreay is on his level. Ospreay says he is here to say he had a meeting with Tony Khan & Christopher Daniels and he has his rematch at All In and calls it still the International Title and takes the old title from the garbage.

-Bryce Remsburg is in the back to do a coin flip but as he goes to see The Elite & we see that Christopher Daniels has been taken out by them. Matthew Jackson says they have their own coin and flip it revealing it’s The Elite and they will have the advantage tonight before asking where the whereabouts of Hangman Page are before revealing it was a double sided coin.

FTW Title FTW Rules Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki

Chris Jericho & Minoru Suzuki had a chop exchange for the 1st 5-6 mins of this match before Suzuki finally knocks Jericho down with a chop as we go into picture in picture.

After the break they are still chopping away before Jericho changes it up with a kick and knocks Suzuki down with a clothesline as Jericho’s chest is busted open.

They take it to the apron where Suzuki catches Jericho into an armbar before they fight on the commentary table as Taz screams to Jericho that he sucks.

Suzuki starts using a chair on Jericho’s back before grabbing another one from under the ring.

Suzuki places Jericho’s hand in a chair and smacks it with another chair.

Suzuki starts snapping Jericho’s fingers right in front of the fans before telling Jericho to chop him which he does with his injured hand which backfires.

Back inside Suzuki puts on an armbar while bending Jericho’s fingers.

Jericho breaks it up with an eye rake and hits a Codebreaker then a cover but Suzuki kicks out at one.

They run the ropes before Suzuki puts on the Sleeper and tries Gotch Style Piledriver but Jericho reverses it into the Walls Of Jericho.

Suzuki kicks his way off of it and puts on another Sleeper but Jericho escapes out of Gotch Style Piledriver with a low blow before hitting Judas Effect to get the win.

Winner & Still FTW Champion: Chris Jericho (13:57) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 6

-After the match Suzuki puts the Sleeper back on and hits Gotch Style Piledriver. Bryan Keith & Big Bill run into the ring and take out Suzuki before Katsuyori Shibata’s music hits as he shows up behind Bill & Keith and attacks them both. Shibata knocks Bill out of the ring before taking out Keith with the Kitchen Sink.

-Renee Paquette is in the back with the new CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale but before she can say anything, she gets distracted by Stokely Hathaway as Kris Statlander attacks her. Hathaway suggests an Eliminator Match for the CMLL Women’s Title for next week.

-We see footage from earlier today with Renee Paquette talking to Bryan Danielson & he revealed that Doc Samson told him that his neck is fixable right now and they hope it remains like that. Danielson said he was going to do his best and enjoy the moment and talked about how awesome Wembley Stadium is. Jeff Jarrett walks in and says he heard the entire conversation and says Danielson knows better than anyone that he was crushed for not winning the Owen Hart Foundation Cup. In hindsight, Danielson was the perfect guy to win it and he couldn’t have been more proud to raise his hand. Jarrett says Danielson is going to face a champion who is dialed in and knows exactly what to do. He tells Danielson he has to get ready physically and mentally and tells him to not make an excuse or have one leg out the door and if he’s going to go all in to freaking go all in and a lot of people believe in him and he’s on the very top of that list. Danielson tells Paquette he has a lot of work to do and leaves.

Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida

Britt Baker & Hikaru Shida take it to the corner right away where Baker is able to roll Shida into a Lockjaw attempt but she escapes it.

They take it to the outside and fight against the barricades with Shida getting the upper hand before putting Baker on the apron where she hits her with a knee lift as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Shida in the ring taunting Baker on the outside but she runs back in and hits a neckbreaker and a sling blade.

Baker takes her glove out but as she does her DMD taunt then gets attacked from behind by Shida.

They fight in the corner where Shida hits a German suplex before rolling Baker up into a submission as Baker keeps escaping.

Shida eventually puts on a front Guillotine before hitting a knee strike and goes to the top rope but misses.

Baker follows with a kick as they go back & forth with more offense before both fall down on their knees.

They start trading pin attempts until Baker attempts a Lockjaw but Shida gets her foot on the rope.

Shida goes to grab the Kendo stick but is conflicted and chooses not to as Baker takes advantage and hits a snapping Neckbreaker for two.

More back & forth until Shida hits Falcon Arrow but Baker reverses Katana attempt and puts on Lockjaw as Shida taps out.

Winner By Submission: Britt Baker (10:18)
Rate: 7

-After the match TBS Champion Mercedes Mone’ music hits & she comes out. Mone gets on the mic and calls that rather impressive before saying she knows Baker wants a title shot at All In. She knows everybody is waiting to hear her answer, and that answer is No. As Baker has her back turned, she gets attacked by the debuting Kamille. Kamille puts Baker in a Torture Rack before dropping her down as Mone joins Kamille in the ring.

-We go to Trios Champions The Patriarchy as Christian Cage says Nashville doesn’t deserve him so he’ll do this promo from the back. Cage mentions how they won the Trios Titles and Nick Wayne will enter the Royal Rampage for a chance at the AEW World Title before giving Wayne the floor to speak. Wayne stops short and notices Kip Sabian asking him why he’s been hanging out in the background of all his segments. Sabian says it’s nothing before Wayne says he knows Kip Sabian will be in the Royal Rampage and he’ll eliminate him before saying that nobody cares that Sabian’s father is dead.

PAC vs. Boulder

PAC starts by taking Boulder to the corner but Boulder comes right back and tries a moonsault which PAC gets out of the way of. PAC follows with a dropkick and a brainbuster to get the win.

Winner: PAC (1:48)
Rate: 1

-We go to Team AEW in the back as Swerve Strickland says the spirit of AEW is on the line tonight and he asks his teammates if they are ready to get violent so they will show The Elite what it’s all about. Strickland talks about leading them but Darby Allin tells him to shut up and says this isn’t about him but about taking out The Elite and they won’t see eye to eye tonight or any night. Swerve says after all this is said and done, if he wants to get violent with him they can. Max Caster then interjects and says he will get violent with Strickland & Allin also. Anthony Bowens says this isn’t about them but about eliminating AEW World Tag Team Champions Young Bucks. Mark Briscoe tells them all to simmer down and tells them tonight they put all this aside and they can’t let The Elite divide and conquer as tonight they stand united. Briscoe says they aren’t safe because the violent people are here.

Mariah May vs. Kaitland Alexis

Mariah May hits a dropkick sending Kaitland Alexis into the corner where she continues to attack her before going to the top rope and hitting a missile dropkick.

May continues and hits May Day but doesn’t go for the cover.

Instead she puts Alexis in the corner and hits a hip attack followed by Storm Zero to get the win.

Winner: Mariah May (1:36)
Rate: 2

-After the match Women’s Champion Toni Storm’s music hits but May laughs as no one comes out. Toni Storm enters the ring in disguise and takes off her wig to reveal it’s her as they start brawling before referees and security run in to keep them apart. Storm gets on the mic and asks May if she’s prepared to die because she is.

-We see a Blood & Guts hype video narrated by Dean Malenko.

Blood & Guts Match
The Elite (AEW World Tag Team Champions Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson, Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & TNT Champion Jack Perry) & Hangman Page vs. Team AEW (AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland, Mark Briscoe, Anthony Bowens, Max Caster & Darby Allin)

TNT Champion Jack Perry comes out 1st for The Elite followed by Darby Allin for Team AEW.

Before Allin can even enter the ring Perry goes after him and powerbombs him into the cage.

They continue fighting on the outside where Perry sends Allin flying right into the crowd even striking a fan. They continue fighting through the crowd before Allin eventually clotheslines Perry back to ringside.

They finally enter the ring where Perry takes out Allin with a trash can before he starts choking him out with a rope. Perry puts the trash can wedged into the corner and sends Allin onto it with a lawn dart.

Perry gets really mad at the trash can for some reason and starts punching it before tossing it onto the cage door.

Out next is AEW World Tag Team Champion Nicholas Jackson & he comes out with a chair and a metal suitcase before joining in the attack on Allin hitting a guillotine leg drop.

Allin tries to fight them off but gets sent into a cage and gets wedged between the ring and cage as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Mark Briscoe come out to even it up for Team AEW and hit a clothesline to Perry as they go spinning into the other ring.

Briscoe goes and grabs a small ladder and puts it in the corner as Allin & Briscoe whip Nicholas into it.

Briscoe & Allin stay in control until AEW World Tag Team Champion Matthew Jackson comes out at #3 also with a metal suitcase.

They ended up putting Allin through it with a DDT as the case breaks a bit and Briscoe is seen bleeding from the forehead as he’s getting his face rubbed into the cage.

Matthew ends up hitting Allin with a buckle bomb onto Briscoe in the corner before hitting suplexes onto Allin before he goes crashing into the suitcase. The Elite stay in control attacking both Allin & Briscoe.

Next out for Team AEW is Anthony Bowens & he goes right after Nicholas before dodging a suitcase shot from Matthew and going after him and Perry by hitting a Fameasser.

Matthew tosses the suitcase right into Bowens face to stop his momentum.

Briscoe stops a springboard attempt from Nicholas with a Cutter as Allin hits a Scorpion Death Drop on Matthew before stomping on his back with a tack covered skateboard.

Bowens gets a literal pair of scissors and starts stabbing Perry’s forehead with it before sticking them in his mouth.

Out next for The Elite is Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada & he has a Rainmaker Drive sign with him that he uses to crack over Bowens & Briscoe’s head before taking out Allin with it.

Okada follows by hitting Briscoe with a Tombstone right on the sign followed by a low blow and dropkick to Briscoe with an assist from Nicholas who was holding up a chair as we go to a 2nd picture in picture.

After the 2nd break Max Caster enters with a microphone but instead of rapping, he uses it to attack The Elite, before moving on to using a chair.

Caster finds a barbe wired board under the ring that says Young Bucks on it as The Acclaimed try to suplex Okada onto it but get stopped by Young Bucks & Perry before they toss and body slam Bowens right onto it.

They stack another barbed wire board on top of him as Nicholas hits a senton onto Bowens as he was sandwiched in between.

Okada gets a handful of tacks and puts them into Caster’s mouth before Young Bucks pump up their sneakers and hit a double superkick.

Hangman Page’s music hits as he’s the last entrant for The Elite but he doesn’t come out.

Team AEW takes control of the distraction of Page not coming out.

Bowens wraps barbed wired around his leg and hits Scissor Me Timbers on Matthew which seems to have hurt Bowens just as much.

We get the countdown as AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland comes out along with Prince Nana.

As Strickland is making his way down, he gets attacked from behind by Page with a chair.

Page handcuffs Strickland to the cage on the outside as Okada dropkicks Briscoe right through the barbed wired board.

Nana tries to stop Page but Page takes him out as Page takes the AEW World Title off of Strickland’s waist and says he doesn’t deserve it and it should have never been his before attacking the handcuffed Strickland with it.

Matthew starts screaming on the mic at Page and asks what the hell he is doing and says they had a deal and a deal is a deal.

Last time they suspended him he sat at him and if he doesn’t get his ass in the ring, they will fire him as Page enters the ring as Matthew locks the cage and officially start the match.

Page & Okada get into each other’s faces momentarily before everybody starts brawling going into a 3rd picture in picture.

After the 3rd break Strickland is still trying to take the handcuffs off as Jeff Jarrett makes his way down to the ring with a guitar. Brandon Cutler runs out and tries to send Jarrett to the back.

Billy Gunn shows up and punches Cutler then gets taken out with a guitar shot from Jarrett.

Jarrett & Gunn are able to get the handcuffs off of Strickland then help him along with Nana to cut through the cage as Swerve is finally able to enter the ring.

Strickland goes to town on everybody from The Elite, saving Page for last as they have a faceoff in opposing rings before finally going to blows in the middle.

Strickland blocks a Buckshot Lariat attempt, but as Page is trying to drive a barbed wired board onto Swerve’s face gets stopped by Allin.

Strickland goes to use a staple gun on Page but gets stopped by a low blow from Nicholas.

Matthew opens up one of those metal suitcases and reveals more staple guns in them.

The Elite start surrounding Strickland and all take turns stapling him with them but Strickland just laughs it all off. Strickland fights them off all off while stapling them throughout.

As Okada tries Rainmaker with a middle finger Strickland staples his finger.

Page takes out Okada by accident with a Buckshot Lariat as Strickland takes out Page going into commercial.

After the 4th break they mentioned that Swerve & Hangman had taken themselves out of the match.

We see 4 tables all stacked on the outside as Nicholas Jackson & Anthony Bowens are near the top of the cage before Bowens goes crashing down through them all.

Back inside Briscoe hits Jay Drillers on everyone before hitting a Froggy Bow to Matthew through a table as Allin climbs the cage and scales to the middle where he hits a Coffin Drop to Perry through another table.

Caster opens up the other metal suitcase that has a bunch of handcuffs as they cuff Perry onto the cage and start attacking him with a Kendo Stick as Briscoe tells him to quit.

Darby says if Perry isn’t going to quit, he’s going to get this party started and goes under the ring as Briscoe hits a chair shot to the head of Perry.

Darby enters the ring and seems to ask Bryce Remsburg possibly the whereabouts of what he was looking for. Eventually Allin finds the gasoline canister that he pours all over Perry.

Allin grabs the mic and tells Perry he is going to light his ass on fire if he doesn’t quit and also asks him to agree to a match at All In.

Perry spits toward Allin as Matthew pleads to Allin and says he has the TNT Title match at All In and tells Darby to stop. Allin tells Matthew to quit and he does to end this match.

Winners By Surrender: Team AEW (49:03)
Rate: 7

Friday’s Rampage

AEW World Title #1 Contenders 18 Man Royal Rampage Match
Darby Allin vs. Brandon Cutler vs. Brian Cage vs. Brody King vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jay Lethal vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Kip Sabian vs. Komander vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Lio Rush vs. Matt Menard vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Roderick Strong vs. The Butcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Kris Statlander vs. Leila Grey

Lance Archer vs. TBD

Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Match
The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Rush) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch)

Battle Of The Belts 11 Card (July 27th)

Non Title Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Taya Valkyrie (If Valkyrie wins she gets a Women’s Title Match)

Next Week’s Dynamite

Non Title Match
CMLL Women’s Champion Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander (If Statlander wins she gets a Women’s Title Match)

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