NJPW G1 Climax Night 4 Results & Review (July 25th, 2024)

On July 25th, 2024 NJPW aired the 4th Night of G1 Climax live in Kagawa Japan inside Sun Messe Kagawa in front of 1,219 fans & can watch the show on NJPW World.

Tag Team Match
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Toru Yano & Katsuya Murashima vs. Just 5 Guys (Taka Michinoku & Sanada)

Toru Yano & Katsuya Murashima attacks Just 5 Guys at the bell then Murashima hits a dropkick on Sanada. Yano did his comedy with a corner pad. Sanada tied Yano in a Paradise Lock.

Taka Michinoku hits a superkick on Murashima then locks in Just Face Lock for the submission win.

Winners By Submission: Just 5 Guys (6:30)
Rate: 5

6 Man Tag Team Match
United Empire (KOPW 2024 Champion Great O Khan, Francesco Akira & Callum Newman) vs. Tomoaki Honma, Shota Umino & Shoma Kato

Callum Newman & Shoma Kato starts this match before Newman hit a running boot on Tomoaki Honma.

Great O Khan & Shota Umino brawled into the crowd then back in the ring Umino hits a basement dropkick on Newman then a northern lights suplex on O Khan for a near fall.

He hits a dropkick on O Khan then Francesco Akira & Kato traded forearm strikes before Akira hits Fireball to get the win. 

Winners: United Empire (8:11)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
Bullet Club War Dogs (Strong Openweight Champion Gabe Kidd & Jake Lee) vs. TMDK (Zack Sabre Jr & Kosei Fujita)

Bullet Club War Dogs attacks TMDK from behind before the bell with Gabe Kidd beating up Kosei Fujita in the ring while Jake Lee & Zack Sabre Jr brawled on the floor. Lee whips ZSJ into the guardrail.

In the ring Fujita hits some chops that Lee no sold and Lee bodyslams him.

ZSJ finally got in and hit some European uppercuts on Lee before Fujita hits a German suplex on Kidd for a near fall.

Kidd hit a brainbuster for a near fall then hits a Piledriver for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club War Dogs (7:33)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
Los Ingobernables De Japon (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi) vs. House Of Torture (Dick Togo & Evil)

Evil teased opening against Tetsuya Naito but he tags out to Dick Togo before House Of Torture works over Naito early on. Takagi finally got the hot tag and he hit some chops and blows on Evil.

Togo chokes Takagi with his wire before Naito hits an enzuigiri on Togo before Takagi immediately hits Pumping Bomber on Togo for the win. 

Winners: Los Ingobernables De Japon (8:44)
Rate: 4

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg (2) vs. Hirooki Goto (0)

Match starts off with a feeling out process and standing reversals before Boltin Oleg knocks Hirooki Goto down with a shoulder tackle. Oleg applied a Boston Crab.

Goto drops him with a clothesline then a back suplex for a near fall then Oleg flips Goto in his arms then hits a gutwrench suplex. Goto hit a neckbreaker over his knee.

Oleg hit a dropkick and they were both down before Oleg hits a Vader Bomb for a near fall.

He went for Kamikaze but Goto escaped and locks in a sleeper but Oleg escaped and hits Cradle Shock for a near fall. Oleg again went for Kamikaze but Goto escaped and got a roll up for a near fall.

He hit a headbutt that drops Oleg then hits GTR for the win.

Winner: Hirooki Goto (2) (10:17)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Television Champion Jeff Cobb (2) vs. Ren Narita (2)

Ren Narita attacks Jeff Cobb from behind as Cobb walks to the ring & they brawled in the crowd and Narita tossed Cobb against the wall.

Cobb hits an overhead release belly 2 belly suplex with Narita landing on hard open chairs.

Cobb chopped Narita against the guardrail at ringside then Cobb got in the ring and the bell rang to officially begin. Cobb surfed on Narita’s back.

They brawled back to the floor and back into the crowd and Narita struck Cobb’s knee.

Cobb rolls back into the ring to avoid a count out but Narita kept him grounded and Cobb sold the pain in his knee. Nartia switched to twisting the left ankle and he cranked on it.

Cobb hit a leaping crossbody and they were both down before he hits a leaping shoulder tackle.

Cobb hit a standing moonsault for a near fall then Narita hits Guillotine and they were both down.

Narita went back to an anklelock and he grapevined the leg but Cobb reached the ropes. Cobb caught Narita and hits F5.

Narita pushed Cobb into the ref and hits a chop block to the back of the knee so Narita got his push up bar but Cobb blocks him from using it.

As the ref was confiscating the weapon Nartia hits a low blow then a knee strike to the sternum then Double Cross for the win.

Winner: Ren Narita (4) (12:03)
Rate: 5

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
El Phantasmo (0) vs. Yota Tsuji (2)

El Phantasmo & Yota Tsuji traded rollups early on and ELP got a near fall before they got up and traded chops. Phantasmo set up for a dive to the floor but Tsuji caught him with a kick.

Tsuji drops ELP face first on the ring apron.

Back in the ring Tsuji hit a Lungblower move to the ribs and he applied a leglock around ELP’s waist and was cutting off his breathing.

They got up and traded chops before ELP hit a dropkick then hits a Lionsault for a near fall.

ELP put Tsuji on his shoulders and did an airplane spin & drops Tsuji to the mat and got a near fall.

He dove through the ropes and crashed onto Tsuji on the floor.

Phantasmo then hit a springboard splash launching himself over the guardrail and onto Tsuji amongst the crowd and they were both down on the floor. They got back into the ring.

ELP sold pain in his knee before he missed a Lionsault. Tsuji hits a dragon screw and he slams Phantasmo’s knee onto the mat and he applied a modified Texas Cloverleaf.

ELP reached the ropes but was selling the pain in his knee then hits a kick right on the damaged left knee.

ELP peeled off his elbow pads and they traded forearm strikes before ELP hits an enzuigiri.

Tsuji hits Curb Stomp for a near fall then hits a 2nd Curb Stomp before ELP hit a tornado DDT.

Tsuji hits a powerbomb before ELP leapfrogged to avoid a Gene Blaster & hits CRII for a near fall.

ELP went for Thunder Kiss 86 but Tsuji got his knees up to block it & Phantasmo got an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: El Phantasmo (2) (18:12)
Rate: 7

Champion vs. Champion Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
NEVER Openweight Champion Henare (4) vs. Global Champion David Finlay (0)

Henare & David Finlay immediately traded forearm strikes before Finlay rolls to the floor and he spit on Henare’s NEVER Openweight Title then stomped on it.

Back in the ring, they traded more forearm strikes before they brawled to the floor with Finlay slamming Henare back first into the guardrail.

In the ring Finlay tied up Henare’s head and cranked back on it then hit an elbow drop on the lower back.

Finlay hits a backbreaker over his knee and he immediately put Henare in a Boston Crab.

Henare hit a Samoan Drop and they were both down then Henare hits a senton for a near fall but sold the pain in his back.

Henare hits a Berzerker Bomb for a near fall then a punch to the gut and Finlay was down on the mat clutching his stomach. He hits a clothesline and was fired up. Finlay caught Henare’s head and hit a DDT.

They got up and traded more forearm strikes before Finlay hits a discus clothesline for a near fall then a Dominator for a near fall.

Finlay hits a standing powerbomb with a jackknife cover for a near fall before Henare nailed a uranage then hits Rampage for a near fall.

Finlay got a roll up with a handful of tights for a near fall then connects with Overkill for the win.

Winner: Global Champion David Finlay (2) (16:05)
Rate: 7

Block B Match Of The 2024 G1 Climax
Yuya Uemura (4) vs. Konosuke Takeshita (4)

Konosuke Takeshita hits a leaping clothesline before Yuya Uemura clotheslined Takeshita to the floor then he went for a plancha but Takeshita caught him with a forearm strike.

Takeshita hits a brainbuster on the entrance ramp then back in the ring Takeshita was in charge and he kept Uemura grounded. They got up and traded chops.

Uemura hits a deep arm drag and a dropkick and they were both down.

Uemura hits a high back suplex for a near fall before Takeshita hit a top rope superplex and they were both down. Takeshita hit a flip dive to the floor.

Uemura struck Takeshita’s arm and Takeshita sold pain in his elbow.

Uemura hit a running dropkick on the damaged elbow as it was against the guardrail then back in the ring Uemura hit some chops.

He hit a crossbody and he applied a cross armbreaker on the damaged arm.

Takeshita hits a poisonrana before Uemura hits a German suplex before Takeshita hit a clothesline.

Uemura hits a dropkick and they were both down.

Takeshita hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall before Uemura hits a dragon suplex for a near fall.

Uemura missed a frog splash but he hit a Pele Kick and they were both down before Takeshita drops him with a forearm strike but was still selling pain in his left arm.

Uemura went back to a cross armbreaker but Takeshita reached the ropes.

Uemura hits a frog splash this time and got a near fall before Takeshita hit a wheelbarrow German suplex.

Uemura locked Takeshita’s arms & hits a headbutt then Deadbolt Suplex for the win.

Winner: Yuya Uemura (6) (23:11)
Rate: 8 (Recommend)

Block B Standings After Night 4

1st Place- Yuya Uemura (6 Points) (3-0)

2nd Place- NEVER Openweight Champion Henare, Konosuke Takeshita & Ren Narita (4 Points) (2-1)

Last Place- NEVER Openweight 6 Man Tag Team Champion Boltin Oleg, Television Champion Jeff Cobb, Global Champion David Finlay, El Phantasmo, Hirooki Goto & Yota Tsuji (2 Points) (1-2)

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