AEW Royal Rampage Results & Review (July 26th, 2024)

On July 26th, 2024 AEW aired the 3rd annual Royal Rampage live in Nashville Tennessee inside the Bridgestone Arena.

AEW World Title #1 Contenders 18 Man Royal Rampage Match
Darby Allin vs. Brandon Cutler vs. Brian Cage vs. Brody King vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jay Lethal vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Kip Sabian vs. Komander vs. Kyle O’Reilly vs. Lio Rush vs. Matt Menard vs. Matt Taven vs. Mike Bennett vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Roderick Strong vs. The Butcher vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Orange Cassidy begins brawling with Brody King in one ring as Claudio Castagnoli & Komander go at it in the other one.

Cassidy & Komander walk the ropes to land arm drags on King & Castagnoli but King & Castagnoli intercept them and takes them out.

Tomohiro Ishii is next in the match as Castagnoli looks to dump Komander over the top rope and to the outside. Komander hangs on as King & Ishii exchange chops in the left ring.

Komander looks to eliminate Castagnoli with a hurricanrana but Castagnoli hangs on.

Brian Cage is the next entrant and he gets into the right ring.

Cage sends Castagnoli crashing into the middle rope and dials it up for a 619.

Komander looks to fly off the top to take down Cage but Cage catches him and sends him crashing into the mat with a Full Nelson Slam.

The Butcher is next up and he gets in the left ring. Butcher & King level Ishii and connect with a double elbow on him.

Matt Menard is the next entrant and leaves his spot on commentary to get into the right ring.

Menard fires off forearms on Castagnoli and rains down right hands on him in the corner.

He fires off more right hands on Cage but Komander clocks him from behind.

Roderick Strong is next up and he gets in the left ring.

Strong fires off stomps on King in the corner before Kip Sabian is the next entrant and gets in the right ring.

He hits a senton to Castagnoli in the corner then sends Komander crashing into the mat face first.

Brandon Cutler enters the left ring next but Ishii immediately clotheslines him out of the ring to eliminate him.

Trios Champion Nick Wayne is the next entrant in the right ring and he hits a hurricanrana and a flying back elbow to level Sabian as Cage eliminates Menard.

Kyle O’Reilly is next up in the left ring and he wastes no time firing off right hands on Strong.

He hits a knee to Strong’s midsection and exchanges forearms with The Butcher.

Jeff Jarrett is next in the right ring and he lands a right hand on Sabian.

After the break The Butcher is eliminated and several entrants in the left ring look to eliminate King but King hands on. Matt Taven is next in the left ring and he hits a pair of DDTs to Cassidy.

Wayne looks to land Wayne’s World on Komander in the right ring, but Komander avoids it and looks to fly from the apron then sends Komander crashing onto the floor to eliminate him.

Jay Lethal is next in the right ring and he wastes no time exchanging strikes with Wayne.

He lands a dropkick on him and looks to eliminate Wayne with Jarrett but Wayne fights out but Sabian manages to eliminate Wayne.

Lethal wears down Sabian with a Figure 4 Leg Lock as Jarrett fires off stomps on him.

Mike Bennett is the next entrant in the left ring and he goes after Cassidy before he sends him crashing into the mat and looks to land chops on Ishii but Ishii no sells them and fires off chops on Bennett.

The Beast Mortos is next in the right ring and he hits Castagnoli with a Samoan Drop.

Jarrett clocks Mortos from behind and takes him off his feet then Sabian looks to fly but Jarrett & Lethal go after him.

Lethal then sends him over the top rope and onto the floor to send him to the back.

Darby Allin is the next entrant and he slides into the left ring. He jumps King but King sends him crashing into the corner with a Death Valley Driver.

King sends Allin crashing into the barricades on the outside as Lethal & Jarrett double team on Mortos & Castagnoli in the right ring.

Lio Rush is the final entrant and he gets into the right ring as Allin & King brawl through the crowd.

Rush lands an enzuigiri on Lethal then connects with a hurricanrana on Castagnoli as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Rush eliminates Mortos with a kick to his head.

Allin hits King with a chair on the outside as Ishii & Taven teeter on the ropes in the left ring.

Bennett eliminates Ishii but is them eliminated himself.

Matt Taven tosses Cassidy over the top and to the outside as O’Reilly dumps Taven out of the ring.

Strong tosses O’Reilly out of the left ring but Allin goes after him before Rush dumps Castagnoli over the top and onto the apron.

He lands a kick on his head but Castagnoli hangs on then Rush looks to land a 2nd kick but Castagnoli catches it.

He drags Rush over the top to join him on the apron and tosses him onto the floor as Strong is eliminated from the left ring.

Lethal looks to eliminate Castagnoli in the right ring but Castagnoli hangs on and drags Lethal over the top using his legs to eliminate him.

Allin & King both go over the top and onto the ring apron but Allin eliminates King to become the last man in the left ring.

In the right ring Jarrett clotheslines Cage and rains down right hands on him in the corner.

Hangman Page blindsides Jarrett and rains down right hands on him.

Cage then dumps Jarrett over the top rope and Page fires off more right hands on him on the outside as we go to a 3rd break.

After the 3rd break Cage & Castagnoli exchange right hands.

Cage drags Castagnoli over the top to join him on the apron but Castagnoli sends him crashing into the ring post. He lands a pop up uppercut and the Neutralizer to eliminate him.

Castagnoli dumps Allin into the left ring from the right one and hits The Swing to him on the outside sending him crashing into the ring steps on the last one.

He gets Allin back into the ring and hits a German suplex to him then looks to land a 2nd one.

Allin lands on his feet and looks to low bridge him out of the ring but Castagnoli lands on the apron and pulls Allin over the top to join him.

Allin bites Castagnoli’s hand and sends him crashing into the middle turnbuckle shoulder first then drapes Castagnoli over the top and hits Coffin Drop to eliminate him.

Winner & #1 Contender To The AEW World Title: Darby Allin (37:42)
Rate: 7

Kris Statlander vs. Leila Grey

Leila Grey fires off forearms on Kris Statlander before Statlander responds with a kick to her face and an F5 then follows it up with Friday Night Fever for the win.

Winner: Kris Statlander (0:54)

Lance Archer vs. Alejandro

Lance Archer then makes his way down to the ring with Alejandro on his shoulders then he gets in the ring and the bell sounds.

Archer then lands a spinebuster and a pair of chokeslams on Alejandro before landing Blackout for the win.

Winner: Lance Archer (1:08)
Rate: 1

Fatal 4 Way Tag Team Match
The Don Callis Family (Kyle Fletcher & Rush) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) vs. The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch)

Turbo Floyd tags in and wears down Vincent before Truth Magnum tags in and hits a double elbow drop with Floyd. Dutch becomes legal and runs over The Outrunners with a double shoulder tackle.

He then hits a leg drop before Isiah Kassidy tags in, but Dutch catches him with a Sidewalk Slam.

He fires off right hands on Magnum’s midsection then tags in Vincent & The Righteous repeatedly whip Magnum into the corner as we go to a break.

After the break Private Party double team on Vincent before Marq Quen flies over the top rope to take down Fletcher on the outside. Kassidy hits a backstabber to Dutch & Quen flies off the top to level him.

Kyle Fletcher clocks Floyd from behind back in the ring then fires off a series of chops on Magnum.

Rush tags in and fires off more chops on him with Fletcher then The Don Callis Family hits several chops to Floyd and double team on Magnum.

Rush teases landing Bull’s Horns on Magnum in the corner but opts to land a kick instead.

Fletcher tags in and lands a belly 2 back Tombstone on Magnum for the win.

Winners: The Don Callis Family (8:51)
Rate: 6

-After the match Rush grabs a cable and hits Floyd with it then uses it to choke him as Fletcher rains down right hands on him before they continue beating him down.

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