ROH Death Before Dishonor 2024 Results

Zero Hour was as follows:

**MXM Collection def. Spanish Announce Project
**Marina Shafir def. Angelica Risk
**The Infantry def. Griff Garrison & Anthony Henry
**Top Flight def. The Outrunners

You can check it out here:

As Zero Hour wraps up, we don’t waste any time, with an opening video package, and it’s right to the ring, for some lucha libre action!

MATCH 1 – Komander vs. The Beast Mortos
Despite their time in AAA, I’m not certain these two have ever met one-on-one. I remain shocked that Mortos can see and breathe effectively in that mask, but what do I know? Mortos is such a unique performer, with a blend of power, speed, balance, agility, and an absolutely engaging look. Komander hits the El Generico memorial diving through the ropes DDT in a great moment that popped the crowd. His rope walk into a springboard plancha got a huge reaction as well. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a springboard corkscrew poison rana. Mortos chucks Komander roughly 10 feet in the air in a pop up samoan drop. The first “Fight Forever” chant comes at a double down a little past the 11 minute mark. Mortos moves out of the way of the ropewalk shooting star press and hits a backdrop suplex into a piledriver for the win.
Beast Mortos pins Komander in with a scoop piledriver in 13:31.

Backstage, Melissa Santos is with MXM Collection, who defeated Spanish Announce Project on the Zero Hour. MXM calls out FTR for tomorrow night on Collision.

MATCH 2 – Kyle O’Reilly/Tomohiro Ishii vs. The Undisputed Kingdom(c) – ROH World Tag Team Titles
For the record, while partnering with the Stone Pitbull, Kyle calls himself the Ferocious Beagle, and has decided that they’ll be called Best In Show. At least, that’s what was decided on Twitter this afternoon. Not sure how much Ishii was consulted. As Ian points out, Ishii is a former ROH World TV Champion (defeating Roderick Strong to win that title), while O’Reilly is a former ROH World Champion (33 days), and a 3 time ROH World Tag Team Champion, with Bobby Fish. Ishii is also a former IWGP Tag Team Champion, with Toru Yano in the spring of 2017. Bennett opens up with Ishii with a strike exchange that gets everyone fired up, but unsurprisingly, Bennett loses. Everyone settles into their roles quickly. O’Reilly has a lot of experience against both of these guys, as reDRagon and The Kingdom met a number of times. O’Reilly goes for the rebound lariat, but Bennett catches him and holds him for a Taven plancha to the floor. Kingdom hits their slingshot/gamengiri/springboard elbow drop combination for a nearfall. Proton Pack gets a nearfall as O’Reilly kicks out, and Arlington is very behind him. O’Reilly tags out, and Ishii runs wild, but gets stopped with a spike piledriver, which HE NO SELLS (because he has no neck, you see) to a huge reaction. Kingdom hits the Spicolli Driver/Just The Tip for a nearfall on Ishii. Taven breaks up a kneebar with a frog splash on O’Reilly, and Ishii hits him with a jumping enzugiri for all four down. Ishii hits the avalanche brainbuster on Bennett, and they hit Chasing the Dragon, but Taven breaks it up. Bennett buys time claiming a knee injury, and Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher come out. Distraction, low blow, rollup, Kingdom retains.
The Undisputed Kingdom def. Kyle O’Reilly/Tomohiro Ishii (Bennett pins O’Reilly) with a low blow/small package in 19:42 to retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles.

MATCH 3 – Leyla Hirsch vs. Diamante – Texas Death Match
Rather than go to the ring, Leyla sets up shop on the entrance ramp. The two brawl with chairs, and less than 30 seconds in, Leyla is tossed off the stage through a table. Hirsch answers the 10 count. Back in the ring, Diamante hangs Hirsch in the tree of woe, and stacks up three chairs in front of her face, and hits a running low dropkick. And Hirsch is busted open. The thumbtacks make an appearance, and Hirsch cartwheels down off the top rope into a German suplex into the tacks. Hirsch pours a SECOND bag of tacks onto Diamante and goes for the moonsault, which MISSES into the first batch of tacks. Diamante comes back with a roll of duct tape. Diamante tapes one arm to the rope, hits a chair shot to the back, and pulls out the chancla. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. A second, WITH THUMBTACKS ON THE SOLE, which she grinds into Hirsch’s head. Diamante starts building a chair and barbed wire platform on the floor, and while that’s happening, Hirsch is able to get free of the duct tape. Diamante’s plan backfires as Hirsch hits a samoan drop from the apron to the floor through the barbed wire board! Diamante breaks the count at 9. Hirsch duct tapes Diamante to a table, and hits a moonsault off a ladder through the table! Hirsch beats the 10 count for the win!
Leyla Hirsch def. Diamante by standing 10 count with a moonsault off a ladder through a table in 15:41.

MATCH 4 – Lee Moriarty vs. Wheeler Yuta(c) – ROH Pure Title
Jerry Lynn, Paul Wight, and Christopher Daniels are in the house as judges in the event that the match goes to the time limit. Yuta has held the pure title over 500 days combined through his three reigns to date. Moriarty went the 10 minute time limit in a Proving Ground match on the July 4th ROH on Honor Club to earn this shot. In general, Yuta has had Moriarty’s number to date as well, but Moriarty believes this is his moment, and uploaded a video to social media about what the Pure title means to him. Moriarty uses the first rope break to escape a knee bar in just over a minute and a half. Yuta uses a rope break at about the 3:30 mark to escape the Border City Stretch. Moriarty baits Yuta into a closed fist, giving Yuta a warning, and while referee Mike Posey is dealing with it, Moriarty hits a closed fist of his own. Moriarty uses the second rope break at the 7 minute mark to escape an armbar. Despite the cheating a couple minutes ago, Arlington is behind Moriarty. Moriarty catches Yuta on the top rope and starts going for the joint manipulation which Yuta breaks up with a headbutt. But Moriarty hits a superplex for a double down just past 12 minutes. Moriarty uses another closed fist for a warning, but takes the opportunity to hit a straightjacket facebuster into the Border City Stretch. Yuta turns it into a pin com for two, but finds the ropes for his second rope break. One left for each man. Yuta uses his final rope break to escape a submission where Moriarty had both arms and a leg captured. Yuta catches Moriarty in Cattle Mutilation, and Moriarty has to use HIS last rope break. Moriarty just flat drops Yuta over the top rope back first to the apron. Yuta catches an arm bar, but Moriarty reverses to a roll-up in the ropes for the pin and the title!
Lee Moriarty pins Wheeler Yuta with a roll-up in the ropes in 19:56 to win the ROH Pure Title.

Post-match, Yuta doesn’t shake Moriarty’s hands, but instead, puts the belt on the man himself. And then shakes the hand.

MATCH 5 – Red Velvet vs. Billie Starkz(c) – ROH Women’s World TV Title
Lexy Nair is here for the special ring announcement, but her handheld doesn’t appear to be plugged into the soundboard. Velvet is 2-0 against Billie Starkz, but the last win was back in January of 2023. Billie has held the title for 113 days, and this is her first defense. Velvet takes it to her right away, but Billie gets back in control with a hair pull and counters a poison rana into an inverted Alabama slam into the buckle. Billie counters one of Velvet’s finishers into the hammerlock half nelson fishhook she’s been using on TV, but Velvet escapes. Billie catches Velvet in the ropes and turns it into a backbreaker.
Fantastic commentary moment: Billie (to Velvet): “I’m gonna kill you!” Ian Riccaboni: “No, no you’ll go to jail if you do that.”
Velvet hits one of her older finishers for a two count. The match goes to the apron, and Billie grabs a sleeper on the second rope, hanging her. Velvet counters into a stunner, and Billie goes to the neck injury like she did against Aminata. Velvet rolls into the ring while Doc Samson and Mike Posey check on Billie on the outside. Of course when she goes to attack, Velvet sees it coming, but Billie puts her down with an enzugiri anyway. As she celebrates, Velvet recovers, but plays possum. Billie goes up top and gets caught with a slam, and Velvet finishes her with her flipping cutter, the name of which escapes me now, to win the title.
Red Velvet pins Billie Starkz with a flipping cutter in 14:55 to become the NEW ROH Women’s World TV Champion.

MATCH 6 – Dark Order vs. Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs – ROH Six Man Title Eliminator Match
The winners take on Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett, and Matt Taven tomorrow night to crown new ROH Six Man Champions, because we’ve decided to un-unify the Unified Trios Titles. Dustin has the bullrope with him. Dark Order attacks before the bell. Dark Order leans into the heel stuff hard, with Alex Reynolds taking out everybody on the floor, spitting in Marshall’s cowboy hat, the whole nine yards. Dustin dodges an Uno charge on the outside, sending him into the stairs, then gets a hot tag and goes to town on the whole Dark Order, with a nice scoop powerslam on Uno. Dustin hits Crossroads on Reynolds but it gets two as Uno breaks it up. Silver sends Ross Von Erich into the crowd, and Uno dumps Marshall as well, leaving Rhodes alone, but he survives their combination. Reynolds sets up Rhodes for Shattered Dreams, but Rhodes counters into a destroyer. He goes for a Shattered Dreams of his own, but Silver breaks it up. Ross and Marshall hit dueling Iron Claws on Uno and Silver, and in the confusion, Rhodes hits Shattered Dreams on Reynolds and gets the pin.
Dustin Rhodes and The Von Erichs def. Dark Order (Dustin pins Reynolds) after Shattered Dreams in 14:22.

Post-match, Shibata comes out to raise the Von Erichs’ hands, after Ross and Marshall taught him the Iron Claw last week. Tremendous.

MATCH 7 – Johnny TV vs. Shane Taylor vs. Lee Johnson vs. Brian Cage vs. Lio Rush vs. Atlantis Jr.(c) – Survival of the Fittest Match for the ROH World TV Title
At the risk of editorializing here, I would have rather had this be something like Defy or Deny, if we were going to do a multi-man instead of just a straight Kyle Fletcher rematch. Also, why isn’t Fletcher involved here? He did challenge Atlantis Jr. right after their match in CMLL. Johnson is the only one in this match to have participated in Survival of the Fittest before. Shane Taylor meanwhile is the only challenger to have held a singles title in ROH. Any possible team-up between Johnny and Shane after last night’s ROH is gone quickly, as Johnny tries to throw a kick at Brian Cage, who catches and throws it into Shane Taylor. Cage and Taylor face off with a “Meat” chant from the crowd. Early on, we’re getting lots of pair offs, while the other four recover on the floor. Cage vs. Taylor, Atlantis vs. Rush, Johnson vs. Rush, TV vs. Johnson, etc. Dives from EVERYONE, including a tope con helo from Brian Cage. Taylor goes to hit the ropes, but Cage cuts him off, and gets a lariat for his trouble. The other four all gang up on Taylor, but he throws them off. After a springboard kick from Johnny TV and a frog splash from Lio Rush, Shane Taylor is first eliminated at 9:56. Lee Johnson dodges a frog splash and hits the Big Shot Drop to eliminate Lio Rush at 11:32. Cage and TV seem to make a deal as they beat down Lee Johnson and Atlantis Jr. Johnny goes up for a Rockerplex on Johnson that gets a LONG two. Third count hit the mat just after Johnson got the shoulder up. Cage pins Johnson at 15:05 to eliminate him after a powerbomb/springboard kick combo. The alliance falls apart as Johnny tries to roll up Cage, but only gets two. Atlantis goes up top, but Cage catches him and hits his deadlift superplex. He turns attention to Johnny and Taya climbs in to protect her man. Brandon checks on Atlantis, and Johnny hits a low blow. But Cage recovers, hits a spinning lariat and a Drill Claw to eliminate Johnny at 18:32. Cage goes for the Drill Claw on Atlantis who counters into a victory roll to retain the title!
Atlantis Jr. wins Survival of the Fittest (last eliminating Brian Cage) with a victory roll in 19:11 to retain the ROH World TV Title.

MATCH 8 – Queen Aminata vs. Athena(c) – ROH Women’s World Title
Special entrance for Athena, with a monologue from Lexy Nair (who will also be serving as ring announcer here). Aminata goes for the headbutt early, but Athena dodges. Athena takes control with a suplex on the outside, but back in the ring, Aminata takes back over. Athena gets a two off the running forearm she’s used to win matches in the past. Athena dodges a top rope double stomp and hits a leg capture suplex into the corner. They exchange strikes, and Athena rolls through a PK into a single leg crab. Some great counter wrestling leads to Athena capturing a crossface until Aminata is able to reach the ropes. Athena hits a tombstone on the stairs on the floor, and only gets two with a folding press. Aminata fires up, hits a double underhook piledriver, but Billie Starkz runs down, with Velvet hot on her heels. In the ensuing melee, Athena gets the microphone from Lexy on the outside, and decks Aminata, setting up the O-Face to finish.
Athena pins Queen Aminata with the O-Face in 20:15 to retain the ROH Women’s World Title.

MATCH 9 – Roderick Strong vs. Mark Briscoe(c) – ROH World Title
Roderick is a former ROH Triple Crown winner (Tag Team, TV, World Champion), but Mark beat Roderick in his second-to-last ROH match at Best in the World 2016. That match was predicated on the idea that even though Roddy looked at the Briscoes as brothers outside the ring, he always treated Mark like the little brother who wasn’t on he or Jay’s level. If Roderick wins tonight, he will become the seventh person to be a multi-time ROH World Champion, joining Adam Cole (3), Jay Lethal, Rush, Austin Aries, Jay Briscoe, and Claudio Castagnoli (all with 2). They brawl into the crowd, with Mark flipping off the barricade to take out Strong. Mark goes for Froggy Bow early, but Strong gets knees up. Mark takes back over, and hits the Cactus Elbow on the outside. Roddy hits a backbreaker on the apron and things go outside, where Strong takes over with a series of strikes, and sends Mark into the post, busting him open. “Sometimes, Briscoes have to see blood to know they’re in a real fight.” –Caprice Coleman. Roderick is able to lock in the Strong Hold, but Mark makes the ropes. Strong hits the Jay Driller but Mark kicks out at one. Mark is absolutely covered in blood at this point. Mark is impervious to the strikes as Arlington helpfully informs Strong that he, in fact, f-d up. Mark fires back and hits the ratcheting neckbreaker, in another tribute to Jay. Roderick fights back with a gut buster on the turnbuckle and an avalanche Angle slam for two. Mark is about to go for the Jay Driller, but Taven interferes. Briscoe disposes of him, but gets caught by a belt shot from Bennett for two. Gibson Driver/Sick Kick combo also gets two. Now O’Reilly and Ishii out to run off the Kingdom. Froggy Bow connects for Mark to retain.
Mark Briscoe pins Roderick Strong with Froggy Bow in 19:31 to retain the ROH World Title.

Mark celebrates with Kyle O’Reilly and Ishii in the ring, as Ian Riccaboni wishes HAPPY WRESTLING EVERYONE!

Total Show Length (not including Zero Hour): 3:46:18
Total Match Length: 2:37:04 (69.4%)
Average Match Time: 17:27
