WWE Smackdown Results & Review (July 25th, 2024)

On July 26th, 2024 WWE aired the 1,301th episode of Smackdown inside Omaha, Nebraska inside CHI Health Center.

-Kicking off this week’s Smackdown with a video recapping The Bloodline’s attack on Kevin Owens following the main event of last week’s Smackdown.

-We then head over to Nick Aldis speaking with The Bloodline. Aldis points out Tanga Loa’s eye injury and cites it as the reason they need to withdraw from the Gauntlet Match later tonight. Tama Tonga & Solo Sikoa make it clear that they won’t be doing that and Sikoa says Jacob Fatu will be taking the spot of Loa.

LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar

Santos Escobar goes straight after LA Knight as he connects with a shoulder tackle but Knight responds with a pair of arm drags and wears Escobar down with a submission hold.

He fires off shoulders on his midsection in the corner and rains down right thanks on him but Escobar lands a kick on Knight’s chest and fires off a few chops on him.

Escobar then connects with a suplex on Knight and locks in a Sharpshooter but Knight quickly escapes by getting his hand on the bottom rope.

Escobar sends Knight crashing into the ropes and Lopez hits an open palm strike to Knight.

Escobar then dials it up for a 619 on Knight as we go to a break.

After the break Knight lands a neckbreaker on Escobar but Escobar responds with a tilt a whirl backbreaker.

He fires off right hands on Knight in the corner but Knight whips him into the corner and fires off stomps on Escobar.

He follows it up with a running knee and a DDT then goes for a pin but Escobar kicks out.

Lopez distracts Knight allowing Escobar to clock him. Knight connects with a powerslam on Escobar but Lopez hops up on the apron distracting the referee.

United States Champion Logan Paul appears and looks to clock Knight but Knight hits him with a clothesline. Knight walks into a kick from Escobar.

Escobar then sets up for Phantom Driver but Knight escapes and hits BFT for the win.

Winner: LA Knight

-After the match Knight & Paul begin brawling, but Escobar attacks Knight and helps Paul up. They fire off stomps on Knight before Paul ascends to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash to Knight.

-We then head backstage to Naomi & Byron Saxton and they talk about Blair Davenport’s attack on Naomi 2 weeks ago. Jade Cargill & Bianca BelAir walk in and give some encouraging words to Naomi. Cargill & BelAir then make their way down to the ring.

-Bianca BelAir says Women’s Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union promised to be at Smackdown with the Women’s Tag Team Titles but they don’t see them. The Unholy Union’s music then hits but they don’t appear. The Unholy Union then blindside Cargill & BelAir from behind and attack them but BelAir hits KOD to Isla Dawn on the apron and Cargill dumps Alba Fyre out of the ring and on top of Dawn.

WWE Tag Team Titles #1 Contenders 6 Team Gauntlet Match
Legado Del Fantasma (Humberto & Angel) vs. Good Brothers (Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince) vs. Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford) vs. The Bloodline (Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu) vs. Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin

Legado Del Fantasma vs. Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin

Legado Del Fantasma attacks Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews.

Humberto sends Crews crashing into the ring steps on the outside as Angel hits a hip attack to Corbin in the ring.

Corbin sends Angel crashing into the mat, but Berto tags in and Corbin is sent crashing out of the ring.

Humberto then hits a tope suicida to take down Corbin on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Corbin tosses Humberto into the corner spine first before Crews & Angel tag in and Crews hits a boot to the side of Angel’s head.

He follows it up with 3 German suplexes and a splash in the corner.

He ascends to the top rope and looks to fly, but Angel catches him with a jumping knee and a backbreaker then goes for a pin but Corbin breaks the fall.

Humberto clotheslines Corbin out of the ring but Corbin sends him crashing into the ring steps.

Angel sets up for Wing Clipper on Crews but Crews escapes.

Corbin then tags in and hits End Of Days to Angel to eliminate Legado Del Fantasma.

Winners: Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin

Street Profits vs. Apollo Crews & Baron Corbin

Montez Ford gets in the ring with Crews & Ford and Crews show off to one another and Crews lands a dropkick on Ford.

He looks to land a vertical suplex but Ford escapes and sends Crews crashing into the mat with a back suplex. Angelo Dawkins tags in and goes back & forth with Crews before Corbin & Ford tag in.

Ford hits a shoulder to Corbin’s midsection but Corbin sends Ford crashing to the outside with an open palm strike and flies with some help from Crews to take Street Profits out on the outside as we go to a 2nd break.

After the 2nd break Ford looks to land a double stomp on Corbin off the top rope.

Corbin moves out of the way and hits a clothesline off the top before Ford levels him with an enzuigiri.

Dawkins & Crews tag in and Dawkins looks to land a splash on Crews in the corner.

Crews avoids it but Dawkins sends Crews crashing into the mat.

Crews flies to level Dawkins on the outside as Ford flies to level Corbin.

Crews gets Dawkins back in the ring and looks to fly but Dawkins moves out of the way.

Ford tags in and Street Profits hits a sit out spinebuster/neckbreaker combination for the win.

Winners: Street Profits

Street Profits vs. Pretty Deadly

Kit Wilson repeatedly tries rolling up Dawkins but Dawkins kicks out and sends Wilson crashing into the mat. Ford tags in and Street Profits double team on Wilson.

Elton Prince makes the blind tag in and Ford looks to land a vertical suplex on Wilson.

Prince trips him then tags Wilson back in. Wilson fires off stomps and a right hand on Ford in the corner before Prince tags back in and fires off stomps on Ford’s midsection.

Wilson continues wearing down Ford and clocks Dawkins on the apron.

He fires off stomps on his thigh and wears down Ford’s leg. Prince and Dawkins tag in and Dawkins hits Prince.

He hits a splash and an enzuigiri to him in the corner and goes for a pin but Prince kicks out.

Wilson then tags in and hits a DDT to Dawkins.

He goes for a pin but Dawkins kicks out before Prince tags back in and Pretty Deadly double team on Dawkins. Ford tags in and Dawkins gets Prince in an electric chair position.

Ford flies off the top rope to take down Prince then pins him to eliminate Pretty Deadly.

Winners: Street Profits

Street Profits vs. Good Brothers

After the 3rd break Karl Anderson whips Ford into the corner and tags in Luke Gallows.

Gallows hits Ford with a clothesline then follows it up with a bodyslam and tags Anderson back in.

Anderson pins Ford but Ford kicks out so Anderson lands a bodyslam on Ford then tags Gallows back in.

Gallows levels Ford with a suplex then rains down Hammer and Anvil Elbows on him and wears him down with a chin lock.

Gallows looks to send Ford crashing into the mat, but Ford escapes and hits Gallows.

Anderson tags in and Ford dumps both him and Gallows out of the ring.

Dawkins tags in and flies over the top to take out Good Brothers on the outside.

He dumps Anderson back in the ring and runs the ropes but Anderson catches him with a spinebuster and goes for a pin. Dawkins kicks out and Gallows tags in.

Gallows looks to send Dawkins crashing into the mat but Dawkins escapes and rolls up Gallows to eliminate Good Brothers.

Winners: Street Profits

Street Profits vs. The Bloodline

After the 4th break Tama Tonga fires off stomps on Dawkins in the corner then Jacob Fatu tags in and hits a headbutt to Dawkins.

Fatu sends Dawkins crashing into the top turnbuckle face first before Tonga tags in and Solo Sikoa rakes Dawkins’ head as Tonga distracts the referee.

Fatu tags in and Sikoa takes another shot at Dawkins as the referee is distracted by Fatu.

Dawkins sends Fatu crashing into the corner then tags in Ford as Tonga tags in on his side.

Ford hits Tonga with a pair of clotheslines then hits a spinebuster and clocks Fatu on the apron.

Tonga hits a double ax handle to Ford’s spine but Ford ascends to the top rope and hits a crossbody.

Ford & Tonga teeter on the ropes and Tonga hits a superplex to Ford then goes for a pin but Dawkins breaks the fall.

Tonga pulls Dawkins out of the ring and beats him down with Fatu but Ford flies over the top to level everyone on the outside. He gets back in the ring with Tonga and looks to land From The Heavens.

Tonga avoids it and tags in Fatu then sends Ford crashing into the mat and lands a superkick before connecting with a Samoan Drop and a moonsault off the top rope for the win.

Winners & #1 Contenders To The WWE Tag Team Titles: The Bloodline

-After the break A Town Down Under slide in the ring and complain about Terence Crawford getting involved in the confrontation they had with Cody Rhodes last week. They call him down to the ring and Crawford makes his way out. Waller tells Crawford that he disrespected him & Theory last week for giving Cody Rhodes a chair then demands to hear an apology from Crawford for that and thinking he belongs in the ring with A Town Down Under. Waller tells Crawford Theory will knock him out but Crawford clocks Theory. Waller slides out of the ring as Crawford celebrates with the Omaha crowd.

-We then head over to a video of Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes reflecting on becoming Undisputed WWE Champion as well as his SummerSlam title match against Solo Sikoa at SummerSlam and what’s happened between him and The Bloodline.

-After the break we head over to the men’s locker room and see a verbal confrontation between Speed Champion Andrade & Carmelo Hayes. 

-Michin then makes her way down to the ring but Miss Money In The Bank Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax blindside her on the ramp. Jax sends Michin crashing into the ring steps but Women’s Champion Bayley runs down to the ring with a kendo stick in hand to even the odds and checks on Michin. 

Tag Team Match
Women’s Champion Bayley & Michin vs. Miss Money In The Bank Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax

Bayley rains down right hands on Tiffany Stratton before Stratton responds with a shoulder tackle on Bayley but Bayley hits a kick to her calf before landing a pair of clotheslines.

Stratton fires off boots on Bayley in the corner then lands a forearm on her.

Bayley responds with one of her own from the apron then sends Stratton’s face bouncing off the middle rope and looks to tag in Michin.

Jax pulls Michin off the ring apron and hits a Samoan Drop to her as Stratton lands a double stomp on Bayley as we go to a break.

After the break Stratton hits a hip attack to Bayley in the corner and whips her into the adjacent corner.

Jax tags in and double teams on Bayley with Stratton then Jax sends Bayley crashing into the corner spine first and steps on her back. Stratton tags back in and lands a splash on Bayley in the corner.

She wears Bayley down with a submission hold then hits a spinebuster.

Jax tags in and hits an elbow drop to Bayley before Stratton tags back in and fires off a couple stomps on Bayley.

She whips Bayley into the corner and looks to land a handspring back elbow but Bayley intercepts Stratton and hits a German suplex to her. Jax tags back in and keeps Bayley from tagging out to Michin.

Bayley sends Jax crashing into the ring post shoulder first but Stratton makes the blind tag in.

Michin tags in and hits a tornado DDT to Stratton before Jax tags in and charges at Michin but Michin moves out of the way and hits a running knee to the side of Jax’s head.

Bayley becomes legal and ascends to the top, then delivers an elbow drop and goes for a pin but Stratton breaks the fall. Michin sends Stratton crashing out of the ring, but Jax looks to plant her.

Bayley helps Michin out but Stratton hits her with her Women’s Money In The Bank briefcase while the referee is distracted. Jax then hits An Nia Lator to Bayley for the win.

Winners: Miss Money In The Bank Tiffany Stratton & Nia Jax

-We get a promo from Solo Sikoa to close out Smackdown.

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