The Undertaker: I Was Thinking About Puppies Getting Ran Over When Godfather Tried To Get Me To Break Character

The Undertaker did everything in his power not to crack a smile.

Throughout his time as the Phenom, the Undertaker has dealt with many wrestlers and stars in the ring who have tried to get the Deadman to break character and crack a smile or laugh. This, however, has not worked and the Undertaker spoke about it with one of the men who tried, the Godfather.

Undertaker: You got me. You got me.

Godfather: I say if anybody else would have did that to him, they might have gotten fired.
Undertaker: Yeah, well, yeah.

Godfather: They know he loves me so they’re not going to fire me. He had no (idea).
Undertaker: You talk about being nervous all day. Normally, if I see my name on the page, and I’m working with [Charles], I say, ‘Oh, this is going to be cake. Now, he’s the Godfather. I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to work my character. I’m thinking my boy is going to be alright and is going to take care of me. Instead, this is what he does to me.

(How did you not break?)
Undertaker: I had indentions inside of my lip from biting it. I was thinking about run over puppies and everything I could think of not to crack. I’m thinking, ‘This son of a bitch. This motherfucker.’
Godfather: If you listen real close. When I said, ‘I know you like hoes.’ Paul Bearer goes, ‘Ohhh yes.’ He had no idea what I was going to say. I could tell by my eyes that I might have been a little medicated. I was just having fun. I was trying to get him to crack though.

(Was is something you thought about all day?)
Godfather: No. I do things off the cuff. I don’t know how it happened. It wasn’t something I was thinking about all day. I think it was leading into something with Kane. They put me in a lot of situations like that just to put you on TV and not try to hurt you too bad.

(What was going through your head?)
Undertaker: I’m cussing him like a dog inside my head.

(What happened in the locker room after?)
Undertaker: Then it’s just like it is now. ‘Why do you have to do me like that? Nobody talks to the Undertaker like that. Why do you have to bring up hoes to the Undertaker?’ He’s laughing like he’s laughing right now. That’s exactly how he was in the locker room. He was so proud of himself.

Godfather: Did the office say anything about it?
Undertaker: Vince loved it. Anything that was close to getting me to crack, he was all over it.

Ran over puppies and anything depressing would go through the mind of the Undertaker just so he didn’t break character, that’s one way to make sure you can always do your job.

h/t to Fightful for the transcription.

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